People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 81 Jinx's Meal Expenses (Please Subscribe~)

Jinx looked at Cerberus acting like a baby in Bai Yu's arms, felt a little uncomfortable for no reason, and felt a little blocked, and finally said: "Bai Yu, who is this?

Before Bai Yu could speak, Cerberus said directly: "Cerberus! Master's family! Who are you? Master's friend? You look great!"

Jinx was taken aback, folded her arms and said, "This bastard cook and I...bad cook are not friends! He even stole my gun!"

Cerberus looked up at Bai Yu and whispered, "Master, master! Is this the same Tsundere as Lucifer...."

Hearing this, Bai Yu smiled and said, "Yes~ Jinx is indeed a little bit Tsundere, but she's also quite cute, isn't she? Generally speaking, Tsundere girls are pretty cute, just look at Lucifer."

Cerberus nodded and jumped down from Bai Yu's arms, "Zero Tuhao" and said, "Eh? So your name is Jinx! It seems like a very meaningful name!"

"Jinx means Jinx!"

"Oh! What a cool statement! So the meaning of Cerberus is Cerberus!"

"Hey! I like the way you talk! Is your name Cerberus?"


Looking at Cerberus and Jinx Bai Yu who are in perfect harmony, he smiled and shook his head. In a sense, the characters of these two people are really similar, but Cerberus will not destroy, at least by his side It was quite honest.

Lucifer may have stayed up late at night, or maybe too many things happened yesterday, so she has no intention of getting up until now, and is still sleeping soundly in her room covered with a quilt.

Bai Yu looked at the fully lit sky and said to Jinx: "I didn't expect you and Cerberus to be so compatible. It seems that you have a lot to talk about."

"Of course! Cerberus is my friend! Funniest friend ever!"

With Cerberus's cuteness and lively character and Jinx's quirky personality, it is not unreasonable for them to be in harmony with each other. To be precise, such a personality can be in harmony with anyone

Unless it's an iceberg, but even if it's really an iceberg, they won't do anything to hurt people like them. After all, such enthusiasm and cuteness are friendly to the naked eye.

"Oh! It's dawn! Looks like it's time for me to go back!"

Cerberus still looked at Jinx with some reluctance. It was the first time Jinx was looked at like this, but the feeling was not bad.

Bai Yu took out all of Jinx's weapons from under the counter and handed them back to Jinx, and said with a smile, "Are these friends or partners now?"

Because of the chat with Cerberus, Jinx has completely returned to her old lunatic appearance, and after the weapon, she made a shooting gesture to Bai Yu and said: "I can be sure that the fish bone is still my best partner! But friends are a cool thing!"

"You/I like cool stuff!"

Bai Yu and Jinx said it almost at the same time, Jinx was taken aback and then said: "How do you know I'm going to say this? Do you like it too?"

"No one will hate it, because cool is a good word. As for why you know you want to say this, it's because you understand it very well. The premise is to observe carefully."

Jinx said angrily: "You really should get a doctor's license and become a psychiatrist!"

"Well! I'll consider your suggestion."

"Hey! Wait! Are you serious?! No no no! You won't have all these delicious foods if you do that!"

"Just kidding~ What am I doing as a doctor, go back quickly, you still have follow-up matters to deal with."

Jinx nodded, and then said to the reluctant Cerberus: "Cerberus! I'll go first! See you later!"


As Jinx said, she walked towards the door of the store with her machine gun in her hand. Looking at the soft white light in front of her, Jinx was a little distracted, and then smiled like a little devil as if she suddenly thought of something.

"Hey! Bad cook!"


"I haven't paid for the meal yet~"

Looking at Jinx's expression, Bai Yu felt a little wrong, but he still smiled and said: "The experiences you talked about tonight are enough, and the gold coin from Milaj is enough to cover your meal expenses."

Jinx said with a smile: "No! I'm not a person who eats a king's meal! I'll give you this for the meal fee!"

As Jinx said, she took out a fruit-sized object from behind her and threw it over, then laughed and said, "See you later! Bai Yu!"

After saying that, Jinx ran directly into the light, and the corner of Bai Yu's mouth twitched when he saw the flying thing clearly, because it was a grenade with a head that looked like a shark... The head didn't look like a live The same as opening and closing there..

Cerberus didn't know what it was, and thought it was the meal bill Jinx had sent over, he reached out to pick it up. Before Bai Yu could open his mouth, Cerberus caught it firmly.

Cerberus held the grenade that was still biting something in both hands and said suspiciously: "Master, master, master! What is Jinx's meal fee? It's still moving."

The corner of Bai Yu's mouth twitched, and when he was about to take it over and throw it out, the mouth on the grenade suddenly stopped moving, and the next moment the Fire Chewer grenade exploded...

But after the grenade exploded, it didn't do any damage at all. Instead, it exploded a lot of paint. The range was not too big or small. It just happened to paint the faces and bodies of Cerberus and Bai Yu with colorful paints. .

Cerberus blinked, then wiped his face, turned his head to look at Bai Yu, and couldn't help laughing, Bai Yu pinched Cerberus' face angrily and said: "Don't LOL, you too."

Cerberus moved his ears and said with a smile: "But...Master! This is so fun! So interesting! Next time I see Jinx, I should ask her to give me two!"

Bai Yu looked at Cerberus and said with a smile: "Well, it's really fun. It seems that I'm going to take a shower now. I might have to wait for breakfast, is that okay?"


"You two... what are you doing?"

Just when the two decided to go back to their room to wash off the paint, 1.2 saw the well-dressed Lucifer yawning and walking down. Seeing the two of them like this, Lucifer froze for a while, and she woke up a little later. Why did she feel Missing a world?

At the same time, on the other side, in an old but clean room, Jinx was lying on her own bed, covering her mouth and twitching. Finally, she couldn't help laughing out loud, rolling on the bed laughing.

But she didn't keep laughing because of her prank all the time, she stopped smiling quickly, wiped away the tears from laughing and then stretched her waist and said: "Where should the next blow be... Sure enough, the chef is more comfortable..."

"But...Piltover guys! The brand new Jinx is back! Hahahahaha!"

ps: I'm about to start working

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