People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 838 The Short-Suffering Girls, Yakumo Zi's Answer (Seeking Subscription~)

Reimu's answer made Yai Yonglin nod, whether it was the previous Shiranui or Ichihara Yuko, they gave Yai Yonglin a good sense, and even the old bone is a good talker.

She naturally knew that Suzuki Satoru was only friendly because of Bai Yu, but the focus now was on this matter, which also made Bai Yiyonglin fall into deep thought.

Penglaishan Kaguya looked at Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Lan and said softly: "What you two say... Zi, you don't need to say it."

"Eh?! Why don't we say it! We have been preparing for a long time!"

Izayo Sakuya said softly: "Because you are going on a date with the store manager Bai Yu, so in order to avoid suspicion, you don't need to say it, I'm not sure if it has any emotional color.

Everyone nodded, and Yakumo Zi blushed and said angrily: "Speak for yourself, our attitude is okay!"

"Yes!" xn

"We tend to connect the world!"


Everyone looked like that, Yakumo Zi blushed and shouted: "It's not because of Mr. Store Manager! We have no personal relationship! We have really thought about it!"

Madara Okina said softly: "In this case... I will give you a chance, you can talk about your consideration."

After thinking about it for a while, Yakumo Zi said softly: "This matter.

We saw many heartwarming things. "

"It's okay to pretend, but... that feeling is like the essence of warmth, you can feel it here too... there is a magical power

Madara Okina said softly: "Yes, there is a sense of peace of mind, and... a warm feeling, even if it is noisy, you will not feel bored."

Everyone nodded, Yakumo Zi said softly: "We have met too many people here, and heard too many experiences, tragic, great, touching, and warm, but after all, no one deviates from a common a feeling of."

"What does it feel like?"

Yakumo Zi's eyes were a little deep and said: "The tranquility of the human heart... This is the best power to heal and infect others... There are too many things here... Friendship, love, family affection, etc. Feelings, future, past, present such redemption and waiting.

"The perfect combination of quiet and lively, there is a feeling of relaxation, which is a kind of spiritual (aceb) relaxation, just like what the store manager said...everyone who comes here is fate, And the guests brought by fate will pass by the busiest street on this night and walk into this dark and quiet street..."

"They are all people with interesting stories, and that's why he chose to open a restaurant, or a night restaurant...but what he listens to is not stories...he hears the feelings that these people have nowhere to say..."

Yakumo Zi said softly: "So... the purpose of the store manager is like this... We still remember the dream of the store manager... The dream of the store manager is probably to hear more things , so that many tragedies can finally have a happy ending..."

Ichihara Yuko also threw an enchantment on their side, all the things they talked about, Ichihara Yuko and Bai Yu couldn't hear them, Yayi Yonglin looked at Nakayu with some surprise and said: "This dream

When Yakumolan was about to speak, he saw the door light up, and just turned his head when he saw Tsunade in a casual coat walking in, and there was a little girl standing beside Tsunade

Jiuxinna looked at everything here with her mouth open in disbelief, Bai Yu raised her head and said in a warm voice, "This is Jiuxinna, right? It's really cute."

Kushina tentatively said after seeing Bai Yu: "Bai Yu big brother?"

"If you call Tsunade your older sister, then that's the right name."

Tsunade smiled and said: "It seems that it's not too early for you, Kushina is very curious about this place, so I took her to see it.

Lucifer said playfully, "Just to see?"

Tsunade coughed lightly and said, "That's right... I brought Kushina here, but can't I come to see Bai Yu? Isn't this my home too?"

Yuko Ichihara nodded and said, "It's well-founded and convincing. Don't just stand around and sit down."

After Tsunade brought Kushina over, Kushina was obviously very reserved. The people in front of her were so beautiful. After the introduction, Kushina knew who they were.

Kushina didn't care about that and looked at Lin Long secretly, just as Tsunade said, Lin Long has red hair, is very beautiful, has a good figure, and has a good temperament

Little Lin Long said with a bold smile: "Looking at me like that, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Kushina whispered, "Sister Rindou...your hair..."

"Huh? Is there something dirty? No... What's wrong?"

Tsunade sighed and said, "Didn't Kushina go to school, but there are always people in school who call her nicknames like blood red pepper, tomato, etc. Every time Kushina is so angry, she even cried."

"Sister Tsunade! I'm not crying out of anger anymore! I....I'm just... Anyway, I'm not crying out in anger!"

Little Lin Long raised his eyebrows boldly and said: How did this nickname come about?"

Kushina whispered, "Because of my hair...and my face turns red when I'm angry..."

Little Lin Long gritted his teeth and shouted: "What's wrong with the red hair?! Eat rice from his house?! What's wrong? I think the red hair looks good! Next time someone calls Jiu Xin Nai, beat him up! Sisters who have an accident I'll solve it for you! Is it reasonable?! Which family's brat!"

Ichihara Yuko also squinted her eyes and said: "Red hair...just like Kirarari's lipstick, most people can't handle it, but Kushina is very cute, it would be strange to change it to another color. "

Kushina said excitedly: "Really?! I..."

Lucifer waved his hand and said: "Otherwise, Gendan would have dyed his hair long ago. It's the first time I saw him like this. Just beat him up and it's over. If you're afraid that someone will come over... I'll prepare a little magic for you at that time." .”

"Thank you sister Lucifer!"

"Small matter, but why don't you talk, Bai Yu?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "I wonder if I will let Kushina and Gendan learn to take care of themselves at that time, Kushina has a good background, is quite cute, and has a personality similar to Gendan, it should be is that OK?"

"OK[Leave it to me!"

"Eh? Take care?"

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