People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 842: Flandre Discovers An Abnormality, Ibaraki Hana Fan (Please Subscribe~)

At this moment in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, a blond girl walked to the main hall silently, after looking at it, she scratched her head and said, "Eh? Where's my lord sister?"

"Eh? Second Miss? Why did you come out?"

"Meiling? I should ask you, okay, why did you come here?"

A red-haired Onee-san walked in, his figure was so hard to look away, Hong Meiling coughed lightly and said, "Actually... I'm here to find Sakuya, But I searched around and didn't see her."

"Eh?! Sakuya is gone too?! It's so strange...Meiling, did you go..."

"I've also visited Master Paqiuli, but I didn't see her, but Master Paqiuli is here. Second Miss, what's the matter? Do you have anything to do?"

Flandre tilted her head and thought for a while before softly saying, " sister is gone too."

"Eh?! The eldest lady is gone too?! I thought the eldest lady hadn't woken up just now..."

Flandre thought for a while and said, "Could it be that she went to Reimu's side?"

"Hakurei's priestess? No...I haven't heard of a banquet. If there was one, the crow tengu would have advertised it already."

"That's right... Where did my sister go with Sakuya? It's so strange...Meiling, what do you want to do with Sakuya?"

Hong Meiling smiled and said: "It's nothing serious, but Marisa hasn't come for a long time, I just asked Master Paqiuli by the way, Master Paqiuli also said the same, so I just want to ask if I can Can't eat early."

"Um... As expected of you... I suddenly remembered that Marisa hadn't been here for a long time... Um... Eh? Gensokyo seems to be very peaceful recently... ..”

"Um...Second don't want to cause a change, do you...don't! You will be punished by the eldest lady and Sakuya "!"

Flandre was stunned for a moment and said angrily: "What kind of mutation...I don't know how...and am I just that bad?!"

Hong Meiling sneered and said: "Ahaha... Isn't this caused by the change of Hongwu before? If something happens again, if the eldest lady and Sakuya are not around, it will be a crisis!"

"It's true to say that... But I won't cause any changes. I came here for Marisa, because she hasn't come for many days, so I want to ask my sister. It's best to go out and find Look."

"Eh? Second Miss, you really have a very good relationship with that black and white magician."

"It's okay... Where did my sister go? I'd better go to Hakurei Shrine, Mei Ling, are you going?"

"Uh... I don't need to..."

Flandre didn't force anything, she turned around and flew out, Hong Meiling sighed and said, "Should I won't cause any changes, right? Dead"

Flandre on the other side also rushed to the shrine very quickly, but she was stunned as soon as she entered the shrine. There was still no one there. Flandre scratched her head and said in doubt: "Eh? Something's wrong, my sis and Saki Forget it at night, why isn't even Reimu here?"

"No matter how you say this time, you should be here..."

Flandre walked out after thinking about it, but immediately found a room with a light on, Flandre rushed over directly, opened the door and was stunned before she could speak.

There was still no one there, Flandre was stunned for a moment, then walked in silently, looked at the empty room and said suspiciously: "Eh? Something is wrong... There is really no one... um ?what is this?"

Flandre leaned over to look at a small yellow petal on the table, Jasmine Banduolu poked it, and then she thought frantically for a long time before she waved her hands and said, "It's a sunflower! That flower field tyrant also coming?"

"Well...the tea is not finished yet, the teapot is still a little warm, and it will be cold soon...the teacup is bright, so these people were still there just now. Sniff huh? It seems to be my sister The smell of adults and Sakuya..."

Flandre was stunned for a moment when she smelled Remilia and Izaya Sakuya, and after a long time she suddenly said: "It turns out that my sis and Sakuya are really here to have a banquet! Don't take me! No! Yeah...whose banquet is for drinking tea and eating oranges..."

"This is... Yakumoran's fox? Marisa is also there... and... eh?! It seems that the princess from Eternal Pavilion is also there... What is it about? What's up?!"

After thinking about it for a while, Flandre finally flew out. It was night, and she could be said to be at ease, but after flying, she saw a red man with a sickle coming out of the izakaya. girl with hair.

"`"Hey! That Reaper over there!"

"Huh? You are... oh! That vampire in the Scarlet Devil Mansion is called Flandre?"

"Well! It's me! Have you seen my sister and Sakuya?"

"No, I was drinking with Youmu just now... Youmu probably doesn't know, what happened? Is there a change? Then go find Reimu."

Flandre shook her head and said: "It's not a sudden change, I just suddenly found that my sister and Sakuya disappeared. I thought it was going to Reimu's side, but after I went, Reimu disappeared."

Onozuka Komachi was taken aback and quickly said, "Eh?! Reimu isn't here at this hour?! Is there anything else (good king's)?"

"Hmm....I also smelled the flower field tyrant, saw the petals of sunflowers on the table, and smelled the fox that is Yakumo blue, besides...uh. ...It seems that Horai-san Kaguya is also there...Oh! And Marisa!"

"Eh?! These people got together?! Where there is Mt. Horai Kaguya, there must be Master Eirin... Lord Yakumo Lan and Zi should be there too... Wow! What is all this... .Ah! It's time! I have to go back quickly! Flandre! I recommend you to find Master Ibaraki Hanaou!"

Seeing Komachi running away with a scythe in his hand, Flandre thought for a while and said, "Master Ibaraki Hana Sen? Oh... I seem to have an impression... Let's take a look."

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