People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 864 Princess And Prince, Yakumo Zi: Who Can Stand This? (Please Subscribe~)

If it wasn't because she really saw the garden, Yakumo Zi might have really thought that someone was going to kidnap her. Looking at the beautiful garden outside, it was like in a fairy tale. Some will have a few beautiful roses.

Walking on the road and slowly passing by a flower pond, Yakumo Zi nodded and said softly: "Youxiang should like this garden very much...the area is not big, but the atmosphere is very good..."

Yakumo Zi can be regarded as relaxed. After all, there is a castle behind her, and she is sitting in the carriage. In such a garden, Yakumo Zi also feels a strong fairy tale atmosphere.

"Oh....It's such a headache, it seems like I've been really teased...I'm sorry for Youxiang...but who can stand it...we can't help it... ..."

"Huh? Why did you stop the car?"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the person driving the car and said softly: "Miss, I have arrived at the place, and I will invite you next time."

When Zi Yakumo was about to ask, she saw Bai Yu in the same dress coming out from the hedge. Zi Yakumo's heart skipped a beat because she was really handsome.

Bai Yu came over and smiled, stretched out his hand in a gentlemanly manner and said, "I'm here to pick you up..."

Yakumo Zi's heart beat faster in an instant, who can resist this, Yakumo Zi put her hands on Bai Yu's hands with her head empty Holding Yakumo Zi with only one hand, Yakumo Zi said softly when she landed: "What theme is this?"

"It can't be changed..."

"We didn't want to change, just

"You'll know soon..."

Bai Yu let go of one hand, held Yakumo Zi's hand with the other, and walked forward. Yakumo Zi was also used to being held by Bai Yu, so she followed silently, and Bai Yu grabbed her hand Holding the skirt in one hand, after walking into the hedge, there are two turns and you will arrive at a pavilion with a fairy-tale atmosphere.

Bai Yu let Yakumo Zi take a seat before sitting across from her. When Yakumo Zi was looking around, she heard Bai Yu smiled and said, "You really look like a princess, Princess Zi?"

Yakumo Zi blushed and said softly, "So you are Bai Yu Knight?"

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "I don't want to be a knight."

When she said this, Yakumo Zi felt a little uneasy and resentful for no reason, she squinted her eyes and said, "Why? Being a knight wronged you?"

"No, because in fairy tales, the one who saves the princess is the knight, and the one who marries the princess is the prince, so no normal person wants to be a knight."

Yakumo Zi blushed and said angrily: "So you want to be a prince and then marry a princess?"

"What do you think I am?"

"We think...why did we tell you?"

Bai Yu shook his head with a smile and said, "The meal is ready...."

As soon as Bai Yu finished speaking, he saw a few attendants pushing the dining car over. Yakumo Zi thought that the food was not good, but when he saw the food, he was stunned for a moment. It looked good. .

After the service staff introduced the dishes, they poured a glass of red wine for each of them before putting the red wine on the shelf, bowed before pushing the dining car away.

"Unexpected... eh? This is..."

Before Yakumo Zi finished speaking, several people with musical instruments walked in, nodded to Bai Yu and Yakumo Zi, and then started playing on their own.

Yakumo Zi has never heard what kind of song it is, but it feels soft and tactful, Yakumo Zi rested her chin on the back of her hand and said softly: "Unexpectedly, it's really good.

Bai Yu smiled and said warmly: "I just asked and found out that the food of this restaurant is a theme restaurant recognized by WGO. Who do you think is the person who recognized it?"


"No, it was determined by Ann, Rantabi and a second-rank executive named Esol. Rantabi is about service, Esol is about sanitation and layout, and the taste is mainly about Ann.

Yakumo Zi nodded suddenly and said: "In that case, this dish should be quite good."

"Try it and you will know that this is still French food. Although it is mixed with other dishes and it is not so formal, the main body is still French food. French food pays the most attention to atmosphere. This place perfectly matches the atmosphere of French food."

Yakumo Zi nodded and was about to eat when she saw an extra scallop on her plate. Yakumo Zi smiled and said, "Do you want to use this trick to gain favorability and become a prince?"

Bai Yu smiled and said: "French fried scallops are not bad, if you can be promoted to a prince, you can eat all of this plate."

0 looking for flowers...‥

Yakumo Zi blushed and rolled her eyes, but she still smiled and said: "Why didn't you see that your purpose is so clear before? We can't solve it with a plate of scallops."

Bai Yu tilted his head and smiled and said, "Can I add foie gras?"

"Pfft... why didn't I feel that you still have such an unscrupulous side before?"

"Life is for enjoyment. If conditions permit, I naturally want to make life my servant instead of me serving life."

Yakumo Zi thought for a while and said, "It makes sense, um... this scallop is so delicious! Would you cook it?"


"Huh? Really?"



Yakumo Zi said angrily: "The prince is not like you!"

"What does the prince look like?"

"Hmm... at least you have to know how to make French fried scallops."

"Then I will do it."

Yakumo Zi was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't hold back a laugh and said with a smile: "Your conditions can't be that simple, you have a lot to do."

"for example?"

"For example... For example, the prince wants to give his own chicken stewed in red wine to the princess.

Bai Yu looked at the chicken stewed in red wine on the table, then smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm no longer a prince.

"Huh?! No! We want to eat too!"

Bai Yu smiled, picked up a piece of red wine stewed chicken with a knife and fork, put it on Yakumozi's plate, and said warmly, "What a troublesome princess."

"We don't bother!"

With a helpless smile, Bai Yu picked up the red wine glass and said warmly: "Cheers...."

Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment, picked up the red wine glass and smiled and said warmly: "The current performance is not bad...Cheers...."

The music is still playing, and a man and a woman in the hedge are still having lunch, but the atmosphere always seems a bit too intimate, but as the cause of this atmosphere, whether these two people know such things, I am afraid only They both know.


What is certain is...

The two of them laughed so naturally....

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