People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 868 Yuyuko's Expectation, Reimu's Life Improvement (Please Subscribe~)

Albedo looked at Ichihara Yuko with some doubts, in her opinion, since these women are all the same as herself, she is not unacceptable, but the so-called big sister of the so-called main palace is very important.

Ichihara Yuko smiled and said, "Why is there a big sister?"

"Yes... but... if there is a quarrel or the management of certain things..."

Ichihara Yuko waved her hand and said softly: "Life is about being noisy, you saw it this morning, right? How does it feel to be noisy?"

Although Albedo didn't want to admit it, she still sighed and said, "Although I don't want to admit it...but I don't hate it...I feel good?"

"That's right, quarreling is impossible, a noisy day is over, life, how to enjoy and how to live."

Albedo really hadn't thought about it that way, and after thinking for a while, she said in doubt: "Then what about the management?"

"Management? It's not that children who just started school have their own ideas, why should they manage it? Besides...if you saw Xiaoqiong?"

"I see."

"Will everyone take care of her mistakes together?" 973 Albedo was taken aback for a moment and then realized that it seemed to be the case. Yuko Ichihara smiled and said: "So, if there is a problem, everyone will talk about it." , Big mistakes will not be made, small mistakes will be dealt with together, but if someone makes our family unhappy...

Ichihara Yuko squinted her eyes as she said that. Do you really think that the witch in this dimension of Ichihara Yuko has never killed anyone? For Ichihara Yuko who has given up everything and regained everything, better everything, Lovers, family, family is her bottom line.

After being silent for a while, Albedo said softly: "Is there anything else I need to buy?"

"Just go shopping, just go shopping, if you see what you want to buy, you can buy it, and you don't need money.

What is different from this side is that Gensokyo on the other side also had an earthquake at this time, because Marisa went to pass on the news again, and the news to be passed on was naturally related to the restaurant in Otherworld and the direct connection.

It may not be so easy to believe if it is usually, but Reimu and the others all said that, and even Modara Okina, Yakumo Zi and Yayi Eirin are all in this golden

But it's too big.

At this time, a girl wearing a hat was sitting in Reimu's room with a fan (acag) and said softly, "Reimu, is this really a joint decision between you two?"

"Well, and I, Marisa, Zi, Lan, and Youxiang are all regular visitors, so you can go and see it if you have a chance."

"What do you mean by opportunity?"

"At the next banquet."

"I hope I can rest that day, but are you guys really sure that there is no harm?"

"So you, the King of Hades, are really suitable to be a grandma. You are already the fourth person to ask today. If there is any harm, let me not say. Do you think Zi will connect? What does Gensokyo mean to her? You know."

Siji Yingji sighed and said: "Okay, you're right, I'll take the time to check it out, but how do I get there? Barrier?"

"I can tell you, but you can't go, because only those who have been there can take people there or go again, that is, find a door at night, think about the appearance of the store, open the door and go to the store. "

Siji Yingji said in disbelief: "This... this is a little too mysterious.

"Not only... tell you one thing..."


"Okina, that relatively reliable guy, is no match for Store Manager Bai Yu at all. She can't even open the door behind Store Manager Bai Yu, and the attack can't hurt Store Manager Bai Yu at all."


After Lingmeng said something like the queen of hell, Shiji Yingji became more interested, and said that she would tell her in advance of the next banquet and left.

After Siji Yingji left, Lingmeng looked at the slightly dim night and said softly: "So... am I giving a make-up class?"

Reimu looked at the corner of the room slightly as he said that, there were a lot of tea, wine, fruit and so on, and they were said to be souvenirs, but in fact they just wanted to earn more information, let Reimu not forget next time inform them.

Although Lingmeng really wanted to say that you would tell you if you didn't send anything, but Lingmeng probably struggled for a long time, and it might take a few tenths of a second to finally accept everything.

"Hmm...does that count as life-enhancing?"

Reimu shook his head and was about to speak when he saw the side door opened again. Reimu said softly while drinking tea, "Huh? Who is it again?"

"Yo... good afternoon, Ganoderma..."

Hearing this voice, Lingmeng froze for a moment and panicked in his heart. After struggling for a while, he said calmly: "Yuyuko, Soul come you two are here?"

Yuyuko said with a smile: "Ah, Reimu, don't be so divided. As for me, I just heard Youmeng tell me that Zi and you are missing. I was very worried. When I came out today, I heard Marisa What about the restaurant in Otherworld..."

After Lingmeng sighed, Yuyuko said with a serious face: "Reimu..."


"Is it really delicious?"

"Um... well, it's delicious that can make Okina and Eirin lose their composure."

Yuyuko leaned over and said seriously: "Reimu, I feel that this time I didn't bring me a lot of sense of ritual, so next time I should be brought, what do you think?"

"Understood... I will take you to the next banquet."

"Huh? Why can't you go tonight?"

"Tonight...because Zi has special circumstances.

Youyouzi was taken aback before reacting abruptly and said: "That's right! Why didn't Zi come back? I've been looking for it for a long time! Instead, I saw Lan, who seemed to be very nervous and ran away without saying anything. What's the matter?"

Lingmeng said softly: "To put it simply......Zi dated."

"Oh.....Huh?! What?! Violet went on a date?!"

Reimu said softly: "Well, Zi and store manager Bai Yu have already decided to go on a date, and now they have been dating for a day, and if you want to do something unrealistic in the store, store manager Bai Yu himself is Invincible, even Okina is no match."

"Heh... Youmu... Does Saigyuyou have a lot of empty branches?"

"Uh... yes, Yuyuko-sama...

"Ah...that's really good...Reimu...tell Zi for me...I'll wait for her to come back...I'm really looking forward to her talking to me Speaking of her date..." (Yakumo Zi: Dangerous!)

PS: The appointment of the next chapter is over

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