People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 875 Let This Flower Never Wither, Very Sweet And Delicious (Please Subscribe~)

Yayi Yonglin looked at Yakumo Zi like a guard against thieves. After all, Yakumo Zi likes to make troubles, she has to take good care of her little cabbage.

Bayi Yonglin said softly: "Is there anything that even you can't do?"

"There are so many things we can't do! We don't need to move bricks anywhere!"

Penglai Shan Huiye frowned and said: "I always feel that something is very abnormal, what is it, mysterious.

Yakumo Zi glanced behind her without a trace, and then suddenly covered her stomach and stopped talking. Yakumo Lan said quickly: "Master Zi! What's wrong with you?"

"We... our stomach hurts!"

"Eh?! Master Zi, do you also have a stomachache?! This... what should I do!"

"We just want to go to the bathroom...Kaguya..."Two Sixty"."

The corners of Penglai Shanhuiye's eyes twitched, good guy, Yakumo Orange couldn't believe it when he said this, Penglaishan Huiye sighed and said: "Okay...Yonglin, it just so happens that you have also studied it for a day The medicine is gone, let's go wash your hands together."

"Alright princess."

Looking at the three people who left, Lingmeng said: "Huh? Is it my illusion? I always feel like I often talk in the bathroom.

Hearing this, the corners of Lucifer and Ichihara Yuko’s mouths twitched. It’s true. The main reason is that Erina and the others couldn’t let go of the chat during this time. Nakiri Mana and the others went upstairs to deal with it after eating. Go to work.

Basically, they won’t go downstairs once they go upstairs, unless they get drinks and snacks. If they work a lot, they will be busy until midnight.

So they usually go to the bathroom to tease them when they talk about anything, because it feels strange to send messages on the mobile phone face to face, and some things can't be explained clearly.

In the bathroom at this moment, Bayi Yonglin froze for a moment and said, "Eh? people...."

Yakumo Zi smiled and said: "The sink in my store is not bad."

"Your shop?"

Penglai Shan Huiye narrowed his eyes and said: " can't be the boss lady.

Yayi Eirin also had a look of disbelief, they all knew Yakumo Zi and Bai Yu went on a date, but they didn’t expect Yakumo Zi to be chased after just one date, it’s so useless!

Yakumo Zi also said with some embarrassment: "You don't know what happened... Generally speaking... we resisted, but we didn't resist, and we were chased."

Bayi Yonglin made a rare complaint and said: "You are really easy to chase..."

Yakumo Zi blushed and said angrily: "Eirin! If you experience such a date once, you won't be able to stand it!"

"Why should I go on a date?" (This one..... technically called a flag)

Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment, then waved her hand and said: "Generally speaking, it's not easy for us to chase, it's just going with the flow, it's too far away, Kaguya, we need your help with something."

"What are you talking about?"

Yakumo Zi drew a gap, took out a ring made of roses and said seriously: "Let this ring, this flower never wither.

Penglai Shan Huiye was stunned for a moment and said, "Can this be a problem?"

"For us, this is a very important thing."

Bayi Yonglin asked suspiciously: "Is this ring made of some special plant?"

"No, it's just an ordinary rose."

Penglai Shan Huiye smiled and said: "If you say that, I suddenly want to know why you did this, you shouldn't mind talking about it.

Yakumo Zi struggled for a while before saying softly: "This is what Bai Yu made for us...."

"Huh?! Manager Bai Yu made you a ring out of roses?! The meaning of the ring is not..."

Yakumo Zi silently put it on the middle finger of her left hand, and Yayi Yonglin also said in surprise: "I really can't imagine...but why is it made of roses?"

Yakumo Zi silently said everything about today, and then said softly: "So...Eirin, we really can't stand it..."

Yayi Yonglin didn't say anything this time. Indeed, if this set can withstand a little wavering, then it can only be said that she doesn't like the man, Yakumo Zi, right? It's not obvious that she has a good impression from the beginning of..

Horai Shan Huiye said softly: "I know the matter, if it's just a ring, it's very simple, it can't even be called a matter, but if I remember correctly, Miss Yuko and Miss Yuno can both control time, Yuno Miss is the god of time and space, why don't you look for them?"

After being silent for a long time, Yakumo Zi said softly: "Because.... the feeling of envy is uncomfortable, we know very well..."

This sentence stunned Yayi Yonglin and Penglai Shanhuiye for a moment, Penglai Shanhuiye just turned around and turned on the tap to wash his hands silently, Yayi Yonglin was the same, Yakumo Zi just stood there without saying a word .

After a long time, Kaguya Penglai turned off the faucet, turned around and waved his hand, Zi Yakumo said softly: "Thank you."

"It's not a problem, Yonglin, let's go."

"Eirin, what do you want to eat? Hagfish?"

"I don't know, but hagfish are roasted?"

"Not necessarily. Is it okay to stew soup? Let me ask the manager, but Yonglin, I want to eat some food with a slightly stronger taste. It's okay to have a meal once in a while."

"Okay...but it can't be too strong.


Listening to the two people walking and talking until they left, Yakumo Zi sighed silently and said: "Why is our love so difficult...."

2.3 Yakumo Zi looked down at the ring as she spoke, then threw the ring into the gap and smiled and said: "But the result is also very good..."

After talking, he walked out, Yakumo Lan hurriedly went over to ask all kinds of questions, Yakumo Zi just smiled and said: "It's okay, Lan, isn't Eirin still there?"

Bayi Yonglin smiled slightly and said softly: "Zi is fine, she just ate too much.

"Huh?! Really?"

Penglai Shan Huiye also smiled and said: "That's right, I ate too much, especially sweets..."

Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Well...but it's very sweet and delicious."

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