People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 926 Astonishing Insight, Jarvan Iv's Surprise (Please Subscribe~)

Lucifer turned his head and took a look, and saw an elegant and beautiful woman walking towards her. It was Fiona, the unparalleled sword princess of the Laurent family.

At this time, Fiona was calm, confident, noble, and elegant. She didn't seem to be here for a duel, but rather for a walk. Fiona also saw Lucifer standing by the side as soon as she entered the door.

But according to the rules of the duel, before the duel begins, the two parties are not allowed to meet in private. Firstly, it is impossible to stop the duel at the beginning, and secondly, it is to prevent private verbal attacks and the like.

Fiona took a deep look at Lucifer before walking towards the other side. She knew very well that this person was today's opponent, the teacher of Laxana who could defeat her without weapons.

Fiona watched Lucifer play with her mind and only had one thought, that is, Lucifer seemed extraordinarily relaxed at this time, but she didn't see any flaws just because of this relaxation.

Fiona's blood boiled a little, because Fiona hadn't encountered such a strong opponent for a long time. If it was Galen, she would be full of flaws.

But Galen is different from others, this guy is completely a 02 you hit him at his flaws, chasing and hitting him is useless, Galen is completely an iron man, as long as he doesn't die, he will never fall down, so steely Consciousness, beast-like attack style, ferocious combat style, tenacious will.

These are enough to grind a person to death in a duel. Among all the humans in Demacia, the one Fiona probably doesn't want to duel is Galen, she's too aggrieved. (Note, it's human.....

Lucifer glanced at Fiona who was leaving, glanced at Lacus and said doubtfully: "Lacus, is this girl really only about twenty years old?"

"Eh? That's right... What's the matter? I don't want to admit it... But Fiona is indeed a little older than me... I used to always like to chase after her... .”

Lucifer smiled and said, "Oh? That's still interesting...."

"Mr. Lucifer! I am no longer the follower I used to be!"

Lucifer said angrily: "I didn't see it, I'm not talking about this matter..."

Lacus was also a little embarrassed for a moment, as if she was still the same now, from clinging to Fiona to clinging to Lucifer and the others, just like a child who didn't grow up.

Lux asked suspiciously: "Mr. Lucifer, what are you talking about?"

Lucifer said softly: "This girl... If such insight is a talent, then she is really an incredible girl."

Lucifer deliberately showed some small flaws just now, but she clearly felt that her flaws had been discovered. Lucifer was quite surprised that a human being can really have such insight and observation.

"Aunt Tiana, Lacus, Mrs. Lucifer, sorry, I have other things to do."

After Galen finished speaking, he thought about walking away, and Lacus said suspiciously: "Auntie, did you go to the Light Shield family over there?"

"Yes, Galen is the power of Demacia, the most valiant warrior in Demacia, he needs to guard the Light Shield family on such occasions, even the Light Shield family has good strength."

Lucifer squinted his eyes and said softly: "The Light Shield not bad because it is a royal family?"

Tiana froze for a moment, then said softly: "Dominance and combat power are not necessarily on the same level, but Mrs. Lucifer, your curiosity is a very normal thing.

Lucifer just smiled. Does she really think that she is the Queen of Hell for nothing? It can be seen that Demacia is not dominated by the royal family of the Light Shield family. It is true that this country is very strange behind the scenes...

"Galen, you came so early?"

"Yes, Lacus must come so early, mainly because her teacher is really impatient.

At this time, Galen didn't know when he came to a handsome man wearing a golden battle armor. This man was the current prince of Demacia, heir of the Lightshield family, Jarvan IV.

Jarvan IV looked at Lucifer who was beside Lacus, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He was beautiful, noble, with the majesty of a superior, lazy temperament, and a perfect figure. These are not things that normal men can resist. Understand.

"Is there a lady in Demacia?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard of it. She and her husband are traveling chefs and don't belong to any country."

Hearing that Lucifer has a husband, Jarvan IV was also envious. It is really lucky to marry such a beauty, but Jarvan IV is not a prince who bullies men and women in legendary novels. He just feels that When it comes to being amazed and envious, after all everyone wants his wife to be beautiful.

"Is that so...wait, Galen! What are you talking about? The two of them are cooks? This! Your Widowguard family gave the honor to a cook? And it's for the lady. Her husband didn't show up the meaning of?"

Galen sighed and said: "Actually, I also think it's outrageous, but may not believe it, I tried her strength today, and the result is that I don't even know what happened. It was on my neck, and that sword belonged to Lady Tiana."

Jarvan IV was taken aback and said in disbelief: "What a terrifying speed, but this doesn't kill you, so you can be sure that it's not an enemy, but she must give up something else if she has speed, her strength should be. ..."

"No... To be honest, I feel that my strength is far inferior to hers, and I can't even move her sword."

"What?! The speed is so terrifying, and the strength is far superior to yours. I am very glad that this is not an enemy. The teacher Lux is looking for may play a vital role in Demacia. Galen, definitely To make good friends with their husband and wife."

"I am very aware of this, and one thing I am very aware of is that Lacus and I, as well as Lord Tiana, have said that Mrs. Lucifer's husband, a Mr. Bai Yu, seems to have a gentle personality and treats her well. very good and

"That's good news, so... what are you going to say? And what?"

"And Mr. Bai Yu's strength is even stronger...."


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