People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 938 Yuko Who Thinks Long-Term, Those Things About Cigarettes (Please Subscribe~)

Yuko Ichihara is completely stupid now, she only has one thought now, it's over, that damned black-eyed boy is going to cheat me when he is about to die!

"Bai Yu, I've wanted to call it that for a long time. I'll give you the future of Miss Yuko and Miss Yuko. I believe you will take good care of her. Miss Yuko still feels very insecure, although she He's a guy who likes to smoke a cigarette for fun..."

"By the way, her bong can be said to be an exquisite handicraft, so Miss Yuko still attaches great importance to art."

Ichihara Yuko carefully stared at these two passages for a long time before suddenly noticing that there is another sentence below. .

"PS: Although I haven't seen Yuzi's bong, I don't think I have much chance to see it. After all, Yuzi doesn't have much time to entertain herself now. Also, from the pair of blue butterfly slippers, it can be seen that the direction of artistic cells is a bit strange."

If it was normal, Yuko Ichihara would definitely shout: "You complain about my slippers again! Be careful I put my feet in your mouth! It's too much!"

But now, Yuko Ichihara just swallowed her saliva, she now knows that her black history may not be all in this note, Bai Yu has read it, the function of that pen is to delete and add some 707 !

Bai Yu looked at Yuko Ichihara, who looked dumbfounded with the notebook and said with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Ichihara Yuko trembled all over, then dropped the note, turned her head and hugged Bai Yu and whispered: "Bai Yu... What if I say this is fake?"

"That's fake."

Ichihara Yuko was stunned for a moment before whispering: "I was wrong..."


Ichihara Yuko gritted her teeth and then raised her head and said, "I didn't hide it on purpose...I quit smoking...I...I was wrong...."

Ichihara Yuko is really panicking, this is considered to have pierced the window paper, Ichihara Yuko is really panicking now, this may be the secret she least wants Bai Yu to know.

"Why do you have to apologize?"

Ichihara Yuko thought it was Bai Yu telling her to be more sincere, so Ichihara Yuko hugged Bai Yu and said: "I was really wrong...I quit smoking, please don't be angry, okay?

Bai Yu sighed and said, "Do I seem to be such an easily angry person?"

"You're just angry! I....I really quit (acba) smoking! Bai Yu...."

Ichihara Yuko's mind is full of one thought now, that is, Bai Yu is very concerned about this matter, but he just doesn't say clearly, Ichihara Yuko is very afraid that Bai Yu will not like her because of this matter.

I can't blame her for thinking too much, there is nothing to do, in the eyes of Ichihara Yuko, Bai Yu just doesn't like her women smoking. Soruin Ziyin is a classic example, she is very strict, she is only a lady's cigarette , I just smoked the gun.

Seeing Yuko Ichihara who was about to cry, Bai Yu sighed and said, "Do you know why I don't let Ziyin smoke?"

"Because you don't like your woman smoking..."

"Although there are some reasons for this, the main reason is not this."

"Huh? What's that?"

"Because Ziyin is an ordinary human being, if she smokes, it will cause great damage to her body, just like the Dellada that Lucifer said, no matter how she smokes, it will not affect her health, so Ziyin needs to be managed well."

Ichihara Yuko tentatively said: "So... I'm not a normal human... I'm a witch with magic power... Is that why you didn't expose me?"

Bai Yu smiled and nodded, Ichihara Yuko said with a sigh of relief: "You scared me to death! I thought you were angry and didn't like me anymore...."

"Why do you have such an idea?"

Yuko Ichihara thought for a while and buried her head in Bai Yu's arms without saying a word, and then said in a muffled voice after a long time: "No matter what you think, I will quit smoking slowly...

"Huh? Is quitting smoking so easy?"

"I can! I have to quit smoking for future consideration!"

Bai Yu was stunned and said in confusion: "Huh? Why? You're not..."

"Although I am a witch, and you are still my first love, you are also my last lover, my only lover. Although I have no previous love experience, I know it..."

"what do you know?"

"It's just...don't smoke if you want children..."

Bai Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing alone, Ichihara Yuko blushed and said in a low voice: "I'm serious... I now have my own life, my own family, and my own lover , The Witch of the Dimension is over, Yuko Ichihara is just an ordinary woman..."

"Enough of you! Stop laughing! I'm serious!"

Bai Yu looked at Yuko Ichihara, whose face was flushed but still serious, and said with a smile: "It seems that you still don't know everything..."


"If you're trying to get can't drink too much..."


Ichihara Yuko felt that she was stupid for a moment. It is acceptable not to smoke, but not to drink. She is a big drinker! Isn't this killing her?!

Ichihara Yuko looked at Bai Yu's playful expression, struggled for a while, and then gritted her teeth and shouted: "I...drink as little as possible! I drink juice! Isn't there champagne without alcohol?!"

After Bai Yu looked at it, he shook his head with a smile and said, "It really saves money...."

"Huh! Ah! That's right... What time is it now! Should I get up! Otherwise, I'll be finished when Lu Xi and the others come back!"

"It's almost five o'clock..."

"Huh?! Wake up! Hiss..."

Ichihara Yuko huddled into a ball again, Bai Yu shook her head with a smile, Ichihara Yuko only gave Bai Yu a look before whispering: "Give me my couple clothes..."

"Still wearing it?"

"Of course! Even though the date is gone, I must wear my couple clothes! You can change into them too!"

Bai Yu sighed and said, "This dress is really troublesome to wear...."

"Don't feel troublesome! Hiss..."


"I'm fine! What is this little pain?! Hiss..."

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