People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 947 Chaotic Runeterra, Sona Of The Night Visit (Seeking Subscription~)

Just as Lucifer was complaining, in a certain jungle in Ixtar on the other side, a lioness walked up to a triggered trap and sniffed it.

After smelling it for a while, he raised his head, and then slowly turned into a bronze-skinned, black-haired beautiful girl, squatting on the ground with a spear in her hand, looked at the trap, and then frowned and said: "Is that the white-haired woman from before?"

"This is a trap that can hurt even large beasts. Who is that woman..."

After thinking for a while, the girl suddenly raised her head to look in one direction, and said with a gloomy expression: "There is something to do with these damned flesh-toothed beasts!"

As he spoke, he turned into an American lion and quickly ran towards the source of the sound. If Lucifer saw it, he would definitely recognize it as the lioness at a glance!

Not only here, but also in Noxus on the other side, a red-haired girl playing with a dagger is looking at the bright moonlight and is a little lost. Too many things have happened recently, her status is not as noble as before, but still Not bad, and Noxus respects martial arts, she is enough star to still be respected.

Katerina said softly while playing with the dagger: "The powerful force... in the end... did you accidentally discover someone...but it shouldn't be the enemy...

"let's go."

When Katerina was thinking about it, she heard a cold voice behind her. She didn't know how the man appeared. Katerina said coldly, "Where is the target?"

On the outskirts of the city, a quick battle... Another corpse in the gutter..."

Katerina didn't say anything and the two quickly disappeared in place. Obviously, those who died at the hands of these two tonight would not be very happy...

Just as Katerina and Tyrone set off, in a secret room on the other side, a beautiful woman with pale skin narrowed her eyes and said, "When will Noxus attract such a monster as a guest... Did that guy Swain do it...Looks like he needs to check it out..~~"

The woman disappeared in place as she spoke, but Lucifer didn't know it, because he wandered around for a while, and as a result, the dark corners of Noxus had a lot of thoughts.

On the other side of Ionia, in a large hall, a bronze-skinned black-haired beauty said hesitantly: "Master Shen, you also felt it today."

"Incredibly powerful, I'm not sure if it's going to affect the balance."

"Will that one be good or evil?"

"Good and evil are balanced and opposite, just for Ionia, who may be good..."

Carl Ma sighed and said, "Well, I get it, I hope that guest is kind, to be honest, I feel a bit of a god."

Shen didn't speak, and after a long time, he said in a deep voice: "If it's a god, then it won't affect the balance..."

Carlma froze for a moment, nodded and said nothing, after Shen left, Carlma said in a deep voice: "The power of the gods... I hope it is a god that will not involve the mortal world...

While everyone was worried about whether a god had come, a girl with nine white fox tails in the jungle on the other side was also sleeping peacefully. Except when she felt the presence of Lucifer, she All fell asleep so peacefully.

Compared with this discussion or other things here, on the other side of the icy Freljord, a white-haired beauty in a hall clenched her fist and said coldly: "Who is that woman?! Trundle !"

"You'd better calm down, Lissandra, you should know why you were beaten."

"Cunning troll....your nose doesn't tell you where she is?!"

"She? Disappeared in this area very quickly, it should be teleportation magic!"

Lissandra nodded for a long time before saying in a deep voice: "That's it, I have to think about it..."

Trundle left without saying anything, holding the icicle in his hand, Lissandra clenched his fist and said coldly: "Sly troll..."

Almost all places are calculating each other, and Demacia on the other side is the same, but it's not so much calculating each other, it's better to say that they are all thinking about their own things

In the Laurent family at this time, Fiona was practicing swordsmanship like this. She had never failed since she was a child, but what she didn't expect was that the only time she lost was to be so embarrassing.

This was the first time she questioned her hard work and swordsmanship. Although Fiona lost today, everyone could tell that her opponent was simply too strong, and she couldn't blame Fiona for losing.

After a long time, Fiona breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "Lucifer...where did such a powerful warrior emerge...Are you really going to find that Laxana?"

The reason why Fiona practiced the sword was not because she was frustrated, but this failure made her more tenacious. The reason why she practiced the sword was that she was wondering whether she should ask Lux for clarification.

Lux on the other side didn't have any ideas, that is, she was asked various questions during the meal. After returning to the room, Lux sighed and said, "It's so troublesome...but it's nothing.. ..”

After thinking for a while, Lux also felt that it was impossible for Fiona to come to her in person, after all, she was the patriarch of the Laurent family, but it was already so late, and it was impossible for her to say that she left through the main entrance and went to find Fio. Na.

She is innocent but she (Le Wang Zhao) is not stupid, she is already like this, if she walks through the main entrance and says she is going to find Fiona, it is impossible, if she does not say to find Fiona, she will definitely be followed, because Lux knew they all wanted to talk to Lucifer.

After thinking for a while, Lux decided to go to Fiona in the daytime tomorrow, which would have a high success rate. While she was talking, she heard a few knocks on the door.

"Huh? When will my aunt and brother knock on the door so gently?"

"Aunt? Brother?"

After yelling twice, Lux didn't respond, and after thinking about it, she scratched her head and said, "Who is it!"

Lux still didn't receive a response, and after thinking for a while, she walked over and opened the door. When she opened the door, Lax was stunned, and said in disbelief: "Sona?!

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