People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 957 Asachel's Thoughts, Lucifer's Resentment (Please Subscribe~)

Asachel didn't say anything, he just found a seat and sat down, his lazy appearance didn't look like a fallen angel's governor at all, but like an unemployed unscrupulous uncle.

Bai Yu took Gu Lei Fia upstairs and found a new room, and then said softly: "Lu Xi, if it's just a trauma, I will leave the medicine to you, and let her recover slowly with her physical strength and magic power." Rest and recover."

Lucifer nodded and said, "I see, but if there is magic, she will recover faster.

"She needs more rest."

Lucifer sighed and said, "Okay, you go down first, I'll apply some medicine to her."

"Well, it's been hard work.

Lucifer smiled and waved his hand. After Bai Yu left, Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I really can say something that makes people happy, but... why do I feel a bit like Sakuya?"

As Lucifer said, he ran back to Bai Yu's room and took the medicine box. Gu Lei Fia is still very strong, so she didn't suffer any injuries, basically she was scratched by gravel or the magic ball It's just rubbed a little bit.

After dealing with it, Lucifer didn't take the medicine box away, but put it aside, stood up, turned off the light and closed the door, then turned and left, without turning his head to look at Gu Lei Fia the whole time

However, after Lucifer and Bai Yu left, Gu Lei Fia breathed a sigh of relief. Although she passed out, she had the power second only to the Demon King, and she still had some perception of the outside world.

If there is any malice, Gu Lei Fia will also wake up. She asked if it was human beings because she was sure that she was not in the underworld, and secondly, if there was malice, human beings are not hers at all. opponent.

Fortunately, Gu Lei Fia didn't feel any evil thoughts, and the last bit of consciousness completely fell asleep, she knew that she should be really safe.

After Lucifer walked down and nodded to Bai Yu, Yuko Ichihara asked doubtfully, "Is it so fast?"

Lucifer waved his hand and said: "It's just some skin trauma. I cleaned it up with medical wipes and applied some medicine. Bai Yu didn't ask me to give her a little magic power, saying that what she needs now is rest.

Ichihara Yuko nodded and said, "Well, that's true. I didn't suffer any injuries, and my physical strength and magic power can be recovered slowly during the rest."

Lucifer sighed and turned his head to look at Asachel and asked doubtfully, "What is the origin of that Gu Lei Fia?"

Asachel was about to open his mouth when he thought of something and smiled and said: "I am a fallen angel, our fallen angels and demons are from two camps, and the underworld is in full swing, so I don't know much about it. "

Lucifer squinted his eyes for a long time before smiling and said, "You seem to want something to happen?"

"Don't, don't, I'm just an idle fishing uncle, Queen Lucifer, you worry too much, besides what happens, it doesn't do me any good, does it?"

"That's true...but you, the governor of the fallen angels, can you introduce yourself like this without fishing every day..."

Fiona and the others were stunned. After the monster, did another fallen angel come? It's still the boss of the fallen angel, so I can't tell it at all. Hey!

Bai Yu said warmly: "Look at you, you don't plan to use the ingredients you bring, what do you want to eat?"

Asachel became excited when he talked about eating, and said with a smile: "Actually, Governor, I have been studying that black fish before, and now I don't really want to eat black fish.

Grass carp has not been studied much. "

"So you want to eat grass carp dishes?"

"No, I wanted to catch loaches before, but I saw someone eating bullfrogs, so I was very interested. I don't know how to catch that thing, and the ones bought outside may not be as good as yours, so I just coming."

Yayi Yonglin frowned and said, "Bulfrog? Is that kind of thing really edible?"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "You can eat it, in fact, it is very good for women to eat it.

Bayi Yonglin became excited when she heard this, and said quickly: "What's the benefit?"

Riven smiled and said, "I know! Normally, what Bai Yu would say is basically cosmetic!"

Everyone was taken aback, Bai Yu nodded and said: "It is true that it can beautify the skin, but the bullfrog not only has these effects, it can also promote digestion, clear away heat and detoxify, protect blood vessels, and replenish vitality, but it is afraid of the cold and has diarrhea. , people with a cough and the like can’t eat it.”

Bayi Yonglin's eyes twitched and said: "Is this thing so powerful...but is it delicious?"

This problem is the key, the appearance is already beautiful enough, but this does not prevent it from being more beautiful, if it is delicious food, they will naturally not miss it, if it is too unpalatable, then it is unnecessary.

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "I think you should change the way of asking, for example, ask how delicious a bullfrog can be.


Bai Yu said with a smile: "The bullfrog is delicious, and the meat quality is not bad. You can eat spicy food, right?"

"That must be true. What do you eat and drink with bullfrogs?"


"Sounds good, just add more ice!"

Bai Yu nodded and went to the kitchen. Asachel was also looking forward to it. He hadn't eaten bullfrog yet, but if even Bai Yu said it was delicious, there must be nothing to say.

Before Asachel had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Lucifer casually say: "What is the war in the underworld like?"

"(Nuo's Zhao) Gulei Fia Luciferges should have defected, otherwise he wouldn't have been hunted down like this and he hasn't helped yet. It seems that the Demon King faction can't hold on anymore. What I know is the originator of our world Lucifer's son, Lezevim Levian Lucifer, has absolutely no intention of going to war, and the other sons of the devil certainly won't last long either."

"So what is that Rizevim going to do?"

"I don't know, no one knows what he thinks, but he definitely doesn't want to fight. It seems that the reformists may win in the end and push four new demon kings to the top.

. "go

The corner of Lucifer's mouth twitched and said, "Has Lucifer become a title?"

"It's more reasonable to say the surname."

"I really want to beat up that Lucifer..."

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