People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 965 Outrageous Asachel, Suzeks' Sigh (Please Subscribe~)

While Soraka was chatting with Carlma, in an unknown small hut on the other side, a black-haired girl wearing a green mask was holding a handful of kunai and casually tossing it.

The tattoo on the back of the girl made her look a bit heroic. The girl looked at their hut with indifferent eyes and said softly: "The eight spies... these bugs are really pervasive..."

The girl disappeared in place as she spoke, and there was a handful of kunai on the tree trunk she was leaning on before. It didn't take long before she heard screams. The girl reappeared from the gate of the hut.

Holding a cross sickle in her hand, she swung it casually, the blood on the sickle fell to the ground, the girl went to the tree and took Kunai away, and then said softly: "That feeling before.

What kind of existence is here in Ionia..."

"Master Carl Ma's summoning..."One Thirty Zero"...what the hell happened..."

Even though she said so, the girl still left, still throwing kunai casually, not afraid of getting stuck in her hands, just after the girl left, a one-eyed man held a crystal and said in horror: "We were thrown away by the one who broke away." The Assassins of the Balance Sect Issue Two"

Before the man finished speaking, he fell to the ground, and there was an extra kunai at the back of his head, but he didn't see where the girl was.

Caitlin and Wei were also sitting on the hospital bed with calm expressions on their faces. Caitlin's slightly red lips were still not completely faded. Caitlin said softly: "Wei, we need a vacation now..."

"I know what you mean... but where do you go if you apply for a long vacation? The store?"

"I think it's okay..."

Wei Yi was stunned and said angrily: "What about your parents? Can they let you go out when you come home from a long vacation?"

Caitlin was also taken aback, and after struggling for a long time, she rolled her eyes and said, "I seem to know how to go out...and I definitely went out without any mistakes..."1


"Remember who we saw yesterday?"

Wei froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Demacia!"

Caitlin also nodded, for some reason, Caitlin has become a lot smarter since she was temporarily suspended, and she doesn't know what's going on, but it feels like life is more interesting.

While everyone here was planning their own affairs, in a villa on the other side, Asachel, who had been slobbered by frogs before, was eating beef jerky and drinking whiskey.

"Phew! Are bullfrogs so delicious? Sure enough, you should enjoy your life...By the way, bullfrogs seem to be quite easy to buy. I forgot to ask where I should go to catch 3...."

Just as Asachel finished speaking, he saw a black-haired man who was Baiqiu, and Asachel smiled and said, "Yo! Baiqiu, it's just in time, do you want something to eat?

The corner of Baiqiu's eyes twitched before he shook his head and said in a deep voice, "No need, Governor Asachel, what did you do last night? I came to report that I didn't see you."

"Huh? Last night? I went out for dinner last night. What information do you have?"

Baiqiu was stunned and didn't say anything, because if it was someone else, it would never be possible, because after all, he is the boss of a powerful force, and it doesn't make sense to think about guards who are not in his territory at night and go out to eat.

But if this person is Asachel, then it seems normal. It is reasonable for Asachel to say that he ran to some mountain on a whim last night to play in the wilderness.

Baiqiu said in a deep voice: "The exact information I got is that the female demon Gulei of the underworld, Fia Luciferges..."

"Defected, right?"

"Yes! And..."

"And he was hunted down, right?"

"Yes! By..."

"I was chased for a long time, and finally disappeared strangely, right?"

Baiqiu was taken aback, as expected of the Governor of the Fallen Angels, even Tian Tian Xianyu knew more comprehensively than himself, it seemed that the gap between the two wings was not a little bit.

Baiqiu quickly said: "That's right, Gu Lei Fia Luciferges has been defecting for a while. According to the calculation of strength, she should have no physical strength and magic power to support her, but she suddenly disappeared strangely."

Asachel nodded and said casually: "I know, I saw her yesterday."

"Hmm...․Hmm?! Governor Asachel! You..."

"That's right, she is indeed in a coma with no physical strength and magic power left, and now she is in an interesting place, which is the restaurant I went to before."

"The restaurant is..."

Asachel took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "You can't go, generally speaking, Gule Fia Luciferges...she probably won't appear in the underworld, but if you wish It would be interesting if it appeared

"Huh? Governor Azazel, you..."

"Baiqiu, don't always be so serious, by the way, go and do something."


"Look up somewhere that sells bullfrogs."


Azazel didn't say anything more. After a long time, Azachel suddenly thought of something and smiled. If Gu Lei Fia escaped in the underworld, then the reformist...

Just as Asachel thought, in the Underworld at this time, a young man with red mid-length hair wearing a suit of armor led a group of demons towards the valley where Gule Fia was hunted down.

"Lord Suzeks!"

Seeing the demon flying back from the front, Suzeks was stunned for a moment and then said in a deep voice: "How is it? Have you found the battlefield or Miss Gu Lei Fia?"

The demon shook his head and said: "The battlefield of the battle has been found, and a few scattered high-level demons from the old demon king faction who are walking back have been solved."

"Already going back? Did you find Miss Gu Lei Fia?"

"No, we watched for a while along the road, and the interval between battles is very dense. Master Gulei Fia probably doesn't have time to recover and rest, maybe

Suzeks breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sure enough, it's still too late...It's a pity..."

The other demons are also a bit lost at 5.7, because if Gu Lei Fia goes to the Reformist, it will definitely play a decisive role in this war.

Suzeks was also a little emotional, turned his head and said: "Leave the five highest-level demons and ten upper-level demons to continue searching. If you can't find them, they should be fallen."

"Yes!" xn

Suzeks looked at the valley and thought of the glamorous and beautiful figure he had confronted before. He really has some admiration for him. If he can win over the reformers, he might have a good career and love. But now It seems that there is no chance.

"Go and search, and evacuate immediately if you encounter a disparity in combat strength! Don't love to fight!"


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