People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 987 Lucifer, Who Successfully Poached The Wall, Gu Lei Fia Is Very Embarrassed (Please Subsc

Gu Lei Fia was stunned. So Lucifer wanted to poach someone? But Gu Lei Fia didn't immediately agree or refuse immediately.

Lucifer chose a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet on the side and poured a glass, then continued to sit on the bed and look at Gu Lei Fia. The suit, beauty, and red wine were all very pleasing to the eye. It would be even better if the slippers could be replaced with boots.

Lucifer is not in a hurry, because it is absolutely impossible for Gu Lei Fia to work for Lucifer in that world... No, it is to serve Lucifer in that world.

Gulei Fia was stunned for a while before softly saying: "Queen Lucifer, Lucifer's family"

Lucifer waved his hand and said: "What do I want so many people to do, as long as there are undead servants under my command, what kind of family is not a family, I just ask if you are willing to jump to my side alone."

"I alone...don't need the loyalty of the Luciferges family?"

Lucifer took a sip of red wine and said, "You can also see that I have my own family, why do you think I need so many families?"


"Besides, do you think it is convenient for so many of you to come?"

Gu Lei Fia also thinks it makes sense. Let's not say whether the Lucifergues family can approve it, even if they really come, what kind of work? Bodyguards? Lucifer and the others go out and follow behind? Not to mention Lucifer The Gus family is loyal to Lucifer, the ancestor of their own world.

But Gu Lei Fia herself is a little moved, and she is also Lucifer. This is not the son of the devil, but the real Lucifer, and a more powerful Lucifer. She is not a traitor, right?

But Gulei Fia thought of her younger brother and her father whose life and death are unknown, a tangle flashed in Gulei Fia's eyes, if she was loyal to Lucifer, what should they do?

"Queen Lucifer, father now 々々"

Lucifer waved his hand and said: "If you want to see your father at that time, you can just go. Asachel will definitely come over soon. You can ask him to check whether the war in the underworld is over. When it is over, you can go back and see." All right."

"Then Queen Lucifer..."

"Huh? I really want to go, I'm very interested in the artifacts in your world, and Yuko is also very interested, but I can't go through Asachel without connecting to the world.

"Connect to...the world?"

Gu Lei Fia was a little surprised. What kind of power is this? After Lucifer told Gu Lei Fia, Gu Lei Fia also said with a bright eye: "Queen Lucifer, as long as you connect to the world, can you go to our world?"

"That's right, what do you want to say?"

"Queen Lucifer, if you connect to the world, you can go to our world..."

Lucifer tilted his head and said, "Let me guess, do you want to bring your brother back? Or do you want to kill Rizevim? If you want me to go to war, forget it." To be honest, I prefer reformist.

Gu Lei Fia sighed and said: "I don't want you, Queen Lucifer, to go to war, and I'm getting more and more disappointed with the Demon King faction during this time, if the underworld falls into the hands of these sons of Hades, there will definitely be another three-way war gone."

"Besides, most of the devil's sons have no strength and no foresight. They just want to continue to launch a three-way war. The underworld can't afford it. So I am more inclined to the reformist, but I don't want to defect to the reformist."

Lucifer nodded and said, "So I'm just recruiting you instead of your family, what were you trying to say before?"

"I want to say... If the war ends, if it is the reformers... No, the reformers will definitely win, because there is a high probability that Rizevim will escape. If Euclid is okay, I will I hope Queen Lucifer can help you find Euclid."

"That's it? And are you sure Rizevim will run?"

Gule Fia nodded and said: "Rezevim is not interested in fighting. He regards this war as a drama performance. Although he does not participate in the war, he is still an arrogant guy. He will never let the reformists surround him. Yes, if there is no accident, he will leave the underworld at the end of the war..."

"Huh? Because the drama is over?"

Lucifer thought for a moment and said, "That makes sense, but did you just think of it before or did you just think of it?"

Gu Lei Fia sighed and said: "I just thought about it, because today's physical strength and magic power have recovered a lot, and the spirit has also relaxed a lot, so I thought about it again.

Lucifer nodded and said, "Well, Gulei Fia, let me ask you a question."


"Use your own most authentic thoughts, do you want to live here or go back to your underworld life?"

"I like it better here."

Gu Lei Fia didn't even think about it and just said except the answer, Lucifer smiled and said: "So, ask again, is Gu Lei Fia going to join me?"

"I would like to..."

Lucifer smiled and said: "Very good! You don't need to call me a lord, queen or anything like that, just call me boss like Metis and the others, and if it doesn't suit you, call me the same as Cerberus and the others The name is the same, and Bai Yu, you can just call him Bai Yu directly, instead of Mr. Bai Yu.

"This... isn't this a little rude?"

Gu Lei Fia was really surprised. She directly called Lucifer by name, and called Lucifer's husband's name. This is unthinkable in the underworld. In the underworld (the king's) world, she directly called Rizevim's name. , Rizevim will never be lenient.

Lucifer waved his hand and said: "You are my people now, that is my family, you don't need to be so special, you will make Claki and the others feel a little uncomfortable, you will know after living for a long time, look at Mengmeng now Just know."

"My family?"

Everyone in Gulei Fia was stunned. Is this something a demon king can say? But this feeling made Gulei Fia feel like she made the right move.

"That old... old... uh..."

Gu Lei Fia still can’t say the word “boss” and always feels like a worker, Lucifer said with a smile: “I know you can’t say it easily, just call Lucifer


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