People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 995 Lucifer's Shadow, Blame Me For Having Too Long Legs (Please Subscribe~)

Nakiri Mana looked at the hot coconut milk on the table, rubbed his hands and said, "I didn't expect it to be cold outside, but it was quite cold outside when I entered the room."

Bai Yu said warmly, "Drink quickly and go back to sleep."


Nakiri Mana held the cup of coconut milk in both hands, breathed a sigh of relief and said softly, "It's so warm and comfortable in the palm of your hand, eh? Why does this coconut milk have a strange color?"

"It's been slightly processed, and I personally don't think it tastes good if I just drink coconut milk..."

"Is that so?! It smells so good! This a cookie!"

"Well, as expected of God's Tongue, it seems to be quite controllable."

Nakiri Mana froze for a moment, then took another sip and said: "I can control it, and I won't leave!"

Lucifer said angrily: "I know you won't leave, so drink quickly, and go back to sleep after drinking.

"Oh...but Lucy, you, Yuko, and Gu Lei Fia, don't you all sleep? I just knew you didn't sleep so late."

Lucifer's eyes twitched and he said, "I'll go back to sleep in a while, and so will Yuko and Gulei Fia, so you don't have to worry about the three of us. By the way, why are you up so late?"

"Watching a disaster movie, I feel bored at the beginning, but interesting in the middle, and I'm sure of my thoughts when I see the end.

Yakumo Zi said suspiciously: "What do you think? Is it a movie that wants to be promoted before suppressing?"

"No, no, I feel that my thoughts are right. It really is a boring movie! A disaster movie either has a good ending or a bad ending. This is the first time I have seen such an ending."

"What ending?"

Nakiri Mana sighed and said: "What kind of ending can it be? The disaster disappears, people are gone, and the evolution starts again. The most important thing is that I see that the title is the first one...." 1

Everyone had weird expressions on their faces, Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "It sounds boring... okay, don't hold this cup, it will get cold after a while."


After Nakiri Mana finished drinking in one gulp, he breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his mouth with a tissue before turning his head to look at Bai Yu. Bai Yu asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Nakiri Mana narrowed his eyes, and after a long time, he tilted his head and said: "Bai Yu, you and I will go and look at the ingredients in a while, many of which are unfamiliar to Klaqi and the others.

"Okay, but where are you going?"

"I don't know. Let's wait until WGO finds a suitable source. Now WGO not only has rare ingredients, but also advances towards civilians and evaluation ingredients. The market seems to be huge."


Nakiri Mana smiled and said: "Then I will go back to rest, good night!"

Lucifer looked at the one who left and tilted his head and said: "Although it feels reasonable, but for some reason, it always feels like Mana is going on a date with Bai Yu."

"I think so...."

Gu Lei Fia said with some doubts: "Did you go to see the ingredients for a date?"

Lucifer nodded and said: "It makes sense, but it's not without precedent. There are often people who say they want to go on a date somewhere, but they suddenly change that day. There are still many such things, right, Zi."

The corner of Yakumo Zi's mouth twitched and said in embarrassment: "Our date is going well!"

"Yeah, but it's completely different from what you expected at the beginning."

"Uh...that's true...but there's not much difference..."

"Don't worry about it, just look at the photos, you were all stupid when you were proposed in the last set of actions, okay?

Yakumo Zi blushed and said in a low voice, "Who can stand up to this...We tried our best..."

Kazami Yuka said softly: "You are right in what you said, but you seem to have overlooked something."

"Huh? Youxiang, what did we overlook?"

"You don't seem to have resisted at all"

Yakumo Zi blushed and coughed lightly, "We resisted! We definitely resisted! Bai Yu! Do you think we resisted?"

Bai Yu thought about it seriously and said, "You mean resisting on that matter?"

"Uh...just...that's...we're just resisting!"

Everyone rolled their eyes, this answer is the best answer, Yakumo Zi didn't know what she was resisting, Yakumo Zi didn't speak, just sat on the side drinking black tea 0..

Yakumo Lan has been living a very comfortable life recently. If there is anything to do, Bai Yu will move out. Yakumo Zi will not dare to say anything. Orange also has good friends and a growth environment. Blue is still having a good time.

Bai Yu looked at Lucifer suspiciously and said, "Are you still going to WGO for half a day tomorrow?"

"Huh? Depends on the situation, take Gu Lei Fia shopping tomorrow, do you want to go together?"

"Okay, but Lucy, is your tail put away again?"

Fiona and the others were all curious. Does Lucifer still have a tail? Lucifer blushed and patted the table and shouted, "Don't even think about it! I won't let the tail out! Don't even think about it!"

"Huh? It still feels cute..."

Lucifer snorted and said, "It's useless to praise me! I won't let my tail out!"

Gu Lei Fia said softly: "It seems that Lucifer, your tail has a mind of its own?"

"Uh... I didn't notice..."

Lacus directly leaned over and said with a smile: "Mr. Lucifer, that... 4.6 I think the tail..."

"Huh? Practice your magic!"


Yuko Ichihara thought for a while and said, "Tail? I seem to know why Lucy you are so afraid to let your tail out..."

"Huh? Really? How do you know? You have a tail too?"

Ichihara Yuko shook her head and said with resentment: "It's just my hair is too long and my legs are too long..."

Lucifer was stunned for a moment, then sighed and patted Ichihara Yuko on the shoulder and said, "Yuko, we are really good sisters..."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" xn

"It's okay..." x2

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