Chapter 9 Strong Rejection! Realistic Rias! (Please vote for the ninth update!)

"When it's time to let you go, I'll let you go. There's no rush." Rias shook her head slightly and said

"Compared to this, why don't you come to my side? It's a pity for a talent like you to stay with the fallen angels."

Then, Lias stretched out her hand to Bai Yu and offered an olive branch.

"Are you trying to take me in as your dependent?" Bai Yu was slightly startled, and then his eyes became subtle.

He didn't expect that Lias would actually take a fancy to him and directly invite him.

"Of course." Rias nodded, smiling, and said slowly."I think that if someone like you becomes my knight, it will definitely stimulate your potential to the greatest extent. This will be good for all of us, isn't it?"

""For you, it is true." Bai Yu looked at Li Yasi and said calmly."For me, it is not true. I don't need to become a devil to stimulate my potential. I have enough confidence to become stronger. Also, I don't have the habit of being a slave to others."

"......"After these words came out, Liya frowned slightly and fell silent. Then, her eyes became sharper and she said in a deep voice."My dependents are not slaves, but my family. I will not allow you to insult my family."

""Perhaps, it seems so to you, but the essence of followers is servants, isn't it?"

Bai Yu looked at Rias deeply and said slowly.

In the original work, Rias said more than once that those who dared to attack my servants were really ignorant.

In other words, Rias may have the idea of treating Himejima Akeno and others as family members, but in essence she still treats them as her servants.

Even in the ordinary daily world, there are differences in respect and inferiority, not to mention the strict hierarchy of the demon clan. Rias's concept is contradictory.

No matter how she argues, the essence of followers is servants and slaves. Maybe the master can call you sisters and brothers when he is in a good mood, but when he is in a bad mood, the situation is different.

Moreover, it depends on whether the superior demon has a good personality. The good kind.

However, he would not say such words.

Because once he said it, there would be no way to end it peacefully tonight, and it would probably anger Rias.

And now he does not have the strength to fight against Rias.

After all, things like the Simulated Star Creation Map cannot be exposed easily, and the Void Star Taisui may be very useful against gods, but it is not very effective against demons like Rias.

Not to mention, he is too weak now and cannot easily use a powerful weapon like the Simulated Star Creation Map.

In the original work, Izayoi Sakamaki only used it when the amount was in five or even four digits.

Of course, because it is a system reward, he can use it if he wants, but the price he pays is still high.

"......"At this moment, Rias was speechless because of Bai Yu's words and fell into silence.

She could not refute the conclusion that the essence of a follower is a servant.

Himejima Akeno, Tajo Koneko, and Kiba Yuto did not have any resistance. The three of them saw this very clearly and respected Rias very much.

However, the three of them did not expect that Bai Yu was so rational and looked at things so thoroughly.

"Are you really not coming to my place?" Rias sighed, but couldn't help asking

"Although it is not my intention to work for the fallen angels, I will not serve others as a servant."

Bai Yu said calmly.

Then, Bai Yu held the lightsaber, pointed the tip of the sword slightly at Rias, and spoke again:"Rias Gremory, I have no intention of fighting with you, but if you want to eliminate me here, then be prepared to be bitten off a piece of meat by me before I die."

"Ala, don't show that expression, even though you rejected the minister, he is not such a bloodthirsty person."Junejima said with a smile

"Bai Yu, don't do this."Tacheng Kitten also said silently.

When the two said this, they also meant to remind Liya not to act rashly because of anger, and not to speak nonsense.

Otherwise, there would be no hope.

"Well, in that case, forget it."Lias was silent for a while, and finally sighed and said with regret on her face

"However, since you did that to Koneko-chan yesterday, I will give you a choice today. Fight with Yuto. If you can last three minutes, I will let you go."

After a pause, Rias regained the aura of a superior demon, took a deep look at Bai Yu, and said slowly

"Minister, what do you mean by"I was subjected to such a thing"?..."Tacheng Kitten couldn't help but complain.

However, thinking of Bai Yu's words that it was all a teasing to her in the end, Tacheng Kitten was speechless for a moment. It seemed that she was really taken advantage of yesterday.

""Ala, Minister, is this really okay?" Himejima Akeno looked at Rias in surprise. She didn't expect Rias to say such a thing.

"minister..."Kiba Yuto was also very confused.

Because, if he did this, although he could thoroughly understand Bai Yu's background, it would probably anger Bai Yu, and then there would be no hope.

"How is it?" Rias didn't pay attention to the questions from Himejima Akeno and Kiba Yuto, but stared at Bai Yu and spoke slowly.

"That's it." Bai Yu frowned, his face slightly cold.

Yesterday, he felt what the kitten felt.

Yesterday, his challenge angered the kitten in Tacheng.

Now, it's his turn. Should we say it's karma?

This feeling of being manipulated by others is really unpleasant. He wants to become stronger, to the point where he can completely control the fate of himself and others.

At this moment, Bai Yu's eyes condensed slightly.

That is, when Lias and others���A sign-in appeared above his head.

Yuto Kiba·Green sign-in, sign-in condition: Fight with Yuto Kiba for three minutes.

Rias·Gremory, red sign-in.

condition: Defeat.

Akeno Himejima·Red sign-in: Tell her, I'm a sadist, do you want to spend a wonderful night with the whip together?

Looking at these three sign-ins, Bai Yu's eyelids twitched violently.

Refreshing the three sign-ins is naturally something to be happy about. Yuto Kiba and Rias' sign-in levels are green and red, and the conditions are normal.

But what's the matter with the third one, this red sign-in task is too frivolous.

Although this seems to be the easiest one to complete, if you don't do it well, it will be fatal. He doesn't want to be electrocuted by Akeno Himejima.

"Yuto, go ahead."At this time, Rias looked at Kiba Yuto, signaled him with her eyes, and said

"I understand."Kiba Yuto nodded helplessly and stood up.

Doing this would definitely make Bai Yu feel bad.

Of course, he could understand the minister's approach.

Since Bai Yu probably had no hope of becoming a dependent, even if he didn't kill this potential enemy, he had to find out his background.

In this way, if there was a life-and-death fight in the future, he would be safer.

It was very realistic, but this was what Minister Rias did.

(ps: A new book, please collect it, give me a reward, give me flowers, give me votes, please support me, please...

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