"Tsk tsk tsk... I never thought that the contents of the diary would expose me, and I could be reincarnated as an angel in the future!"

Dulio Gesualdo, who was far away at the church headquarters, looked at the contents of the diary displayed on his mobile phone and said in surprise.

However, with Dulio Gesualdo's usual frivolous appearance, it didn't seem that he was too surprised by this incident. It was far from the surprise of discovering a delicious meal. After all, his own personality was like this.

"Since guys like you can be reincarnated as angels in the future, I should be no worse."

A beautiful and plump woman wearing a white nun's outfit said.

Her name is Griselda Quata. She is an exorcist in the church and ranks among the top five female exorcists. If Kasugano Yuu were here, he would definitely agree with her words, because in the future Griselda Quata did become a six-winged human reincarnated angel, the Queen of Gabriel, with the title Q, known as the Queen of Hearts.


[July 21, 2015, Sunny]

[Finally, the rain stopped and the sky cleared up……]

[The continuous heavy rain is really annoying. It is better to have a sunny day. The autumn weather is clear and refreshing. Even the previous depressed mood becomes brighter as the rain stops.]

[……After having a delicious breakfast with my aunt and Qiong, my aunt went straight to work. Her words before leaving made Qiong feel depressed, because the leave of absence I had applied for was due. Next month, not only Qiong had to go back to school, but I also had to play house with those little kids. It was really a headache.……]


[We'll talk about this later. Anyway, I won't go to school obediently. It would be a waste of time for me... Now the important thing is to improve my strength.……]

[……I continue to practice [Upper Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Array],[Middle Dark Magic: Black Shadow Technique],[[Medium Dark Magic: Mirror of Bliss] I have a feeling that I will be able to fully master these three perfect magics in a few days, and the previous situation will not happen again, at least in terms of control.……]

[However, at this moment, Yuno Yari transformed into a human form and appeared in front of me... Although Lavinia and I have told Yuno Yari many times to dress properly, Yuno Yari still does what he wants and doesn't listen to any advice... Of course, for me, it is a great benefit.……]

[Ahem...Under my coercion, Yu No Yari still put on her clothes obediently. Of course, for me, it was a bit regrettable.……]



Hualian High-end Apartment——

"You, you pervert, you really don't feel the slightest bit of shame for taking advantage of others!"

Kuroyukihime is no longer able to feel jealous now, because she finds that as the contents of the diary are constantly published and exposed, Yuu is letting his nature go more and more. He was a little reserved before, but now he is completely outspoken in the diary. No matter how jealous she is, she won't be enough even if she is drowned.

Who made her have her true heart stolen by this hypocritical pervert since she was a child? It's too late to regret now, not to mention that she has no regrets at all. She just hates herself if she didn't go abroad with her mother at the beginning.

Maybe - everything is different now.

Kuroyukihime thought with a gloomy face.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. Sometimes all destinies and endings are predetermined.



[At this time, Yu No Ya Ri seemed to think of Xiao Xing. After all, Xiao Xing was her lifesaver. For Yu No Ya Ri now, I just adopted her temporarily, but this"temporary" may not end. Although Xiao Xing did not express this intention, I could still feel it from the very beginning when I saw Yu No Ya Ri in the hospital.……]


[……However, speaking of it, Amano Masahiro has been in the hospital for so many days, and he only remembered his savior Xiao Xing now... This is indeed"ungrateful"... Although, if things develop according to the normal trajectory in the future, like the fifth royal authority, Green King Bishui, Amano Masahiro, who survived the Kagudu crater incident, will not have any problems.……]

[Until the first king, the Silver King Adolf·K·Weisman's appearance... but now Xiaoxing and I have intercepted him.……]


[Immediately, Yuno Yari refuted my accusation of"ungratefulness" in front of me. According to Yuno Yari, it was not that she had forgotten Xiaoxing, but she was afraid to think too much. It was because she stayed with me for the past few days that Xiaoxing came out of the terrifying shadow... This statement was really beyond my expectation. I didn't expect Yuno Yari to be so afraid of Xiaoxing. Of course, I also understand that Xiaoxing is not as harmless as she seems on the surface.……]

[……Perhaps because of the Kagudu crater incident, Amano Yari's original personality and memory seemed to have been formatted, so she sometimes behaved very naturally. Because of this, she was very sensitive to the changes in the emotions and mentalities of the people around her.……]

[Speaking of Xiao Xing, this is the first time I haven't seen her for such a long time since I met her. When I went to Kanagawa Prefecture before, it was only three or four days apart.……]


[However, I vaguely understood in my heart that Xiao Xing seemed to be waiting for something... or waiting for me to discover something so that we could have some kind of showdown... Although there was no basis for this speculation, this thought and speculation had always been on my mind.……]

[And, that day is coming soon……]



Before, those involved were confused, while bystanders could see things more clearly!

Now, with the appearance of Yu No Yahi, even ordinary people understand that the owner of the diary has doubts about the"fake" Xiao Xing in her heart, and the"fake" Xiao Xing obviously deliberately directed the owner of the diary's attention to it.

She herself is very clear about this situation.

Tsk tsk tsk...

Seeing this, many ordinary people smacked their lips. Children nowadays are so scheming.

Obviously, the owner of the diary and the"fake" Xiao Xing are about the same age, about ten years old. The owner of the diary is creepy in his caution and calculation, and the"fake" Xiao Xing leads one set after another, and it is impossible to tell what he is calculating in his heart.

In this situation.

Even some adults will be calculated to death by them, just like when the owner of the diary used the Kaguto crater incident in Kanagawa Prefecture to kill Mephisto Philosopher. It is completely worthy of the simplicity and innocence of children.


Hualian High-end Apartment——

"I will know immediately, what on earth did you do behind my back using my identity?!"

Kuroyukihime's expression became extremely serious, looking at the contents of the diary displayed on her mobile phone. She had been waiting for this moment for a very long time.

She wanted to see.

Six years ago, when she was not in Neon and not by Yu's side...

what happened that made Yu use [Miracle Magic: Blue King Order] to block the existence of herself, Qiong, and her aunt, and this shield has not been unlocked so far...

and - what Kuroyukihime is most worried about is that Yu, the pervert, is as slow as a piece of wood when it comes to the people around him.

She is really afraid that in the end, Yu still won't find out that her sister Shirayuki is a fake and completely regards her as herself.

At that time, she really doesn't know what to do.

I just hope that this situation will never happen.



[……By the afternoon, Lavinia, who had been monitoring the movements of the wizards of the Gray Wizard Association, also returned.]

[Through her narration, the wizards of the Gray Wizard Association have already had the idea of temporarily returning to the magic world. They want to report the current situation to the directors of the Gray Wizard Association and let them make a decision... In the last few days, it seems that it is time for Lavinia to return to the Gray Wizard Association.]

[All the preparations made in advance have been completed. The magicians of the Gray Magician Association will definitely not notice any clues.……]

[……As for how to deal with it when returning to the Gray Magicians Guild, it depends on Lavinia's own acting skills.……]

[However, before that, I asked Lavinia to first use the [Higher Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Array] that I created through the [Magic Creation Codex]],[Middle Dark Magic: Black Shadow Technique],[Mid-level Dark Magic: Mirror of Bliss],[Middle-level wind magic: Six-pointed goggles],[Lower-level dark magic: Silent Night Barrier],[Lower Dark Magic: Dark Eclipse]……Learn all these perfect magics……]

[Although the Gray Magicians Association should not lack perfect magic, no one knows whether they will do something about it. The perfect magic I created can at least increase Lavinia's strength to a certain extent.……]



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