“...... From the 130 trillion cells of the human body, the body energy ingested one by one, plus the spiritual energy that has been exercised through many cultivations and accumulated experience..."

"The combination of the two is Chakra."

Yukako tells six children who come from the village of Yushinu about the origin of Chakra's power.

After saying this, Yukako stretched out her hand, in order to let them see more intuitively, a blue chakra appeared in her hand, and guided these six to perceive Chakra, so that they could also do this.

"Underground Emperor" Joker Doflamingo, sitting quietly in the last row at the moment, listening to all this.

Looking at the children stretching out one by one and exclaiming, it seems that all of them have successfully achieved the kind of step that "Yukako" said.

Doflamingo also stretched out his hand, but don't talk about Chakra, his body is empty, what "physical energy" and "spiritual energy" when listening ...

Brain: "It's all over~"

Hand: "You will Nima!" "

Doflamingo, there is no way to condense Chakra like those children.

What she can't achieve looks like a scam, but Yukako, who wears the "Rain Ninja Village Forehead", can use her so-called Chakra to cast all kinds of powers that Doflamingo has never seen before!

Those powers completely aroused Doflamingo's curiosity and opened the door to a new world, allowing him to stay in the rain ninja village and not leave.

Came 230, that's it!

Doflamingo's eyes lit up under his glasses.

After all six children from the Yunin Village were able to release Chakra, Yukako began to talk about more things.

Yukako: "After successfully refining Chakra, Chakra still has seven changes of nature!" Fire, wind, thunder, earth, water..."

Saying that, Yukako stretched out her hand, showing the change in the nature of Chakra just like she had just shown them.

"Chakra has changed its nature, and after it has been sealed, it can be used by releasing ninjutsu."

In order to show them clearly, Yukako slowly sealed her hands and carefully sealed them one by one.

This sealed attitude, the most serious "dry persimmon ghost mackerel" in the ninja world looked at it and called the insider!


After the seal was sealed, Yukako's hand began to beat and flicker high-intensity electricity, and at the same time made a sound like "a thousand birds chirping", and the eyes could be stabbed if you stare at the thunder and lightning for a long time.

"This is Lei Dun Chakra, ninjutsu name: Chidori."

Immediately after that, Yukako ends Chidori and starts the seal again.


After the change in nature, Chakra gathered in his throat, and a huge fireball was spit out.

"This is Fire Chakra, ninjutsu name: Hao Fireball no Jutsu."


Next to Yukako, a hurricane appeared, and the aftermath of the hurricane like a blade hurt on her face.


"This is Wind Escape Chakra, ninjutsu name: Wind Escape Great Breakthrough."


A hideous water dragon appeared out of thin air from the ground and surged towards the sea on the side.


"This is Shui Dun Chakra, ninjutsu name: Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"


Controlling the amount of Chakra, a small earthen wall appears, along with the "dog's head" that Komiya told Yukako that Kakashi loves to carve.


"This is Tudun Chakra, ninjutsu name: 土聁土Flow Wall!"


All of Wudun's ninjutsu were demonstrated by Yukako herself.

Not to mention the six children, even Doflamingo, who was sitting in the last row with a small stool, they were all stunned!

Wind, thunder, water, fire, earth...

These powers are not without in the pirate world, many Devil Fruit abilities can be used, and the power is even more terrifying, but...

Five completely unrelated forces that can appear in the same person!

This is something unheard of!

"Is this the power of Chakra..." Doflamingo looked at Li Aling, and his mouth became a little dry.

Yukako continued, "God-sama said that there is something called chakra test paper, which can detect the different attributes of chakra that each of us is suitable for, and know which 'nature' of chakra is suitable for us, so that we can better use ninjutsu..."

Doflamingo also quickly wrote these down in the small notebook in his mind, and then raised his hand and asked.

"What about the remaining two Chakra attributes?"

It was said before that Chakra's attributes have "seven", but Yukako only said five kinds of "wind, thunder, water, fire and earth", and the rest...

"The remaining two attributes are yin and yang..."

Yukako explained to Doflamingo, and then his eyes revealed a look of adoration that was so rich that he couldn't dissipate, and his gaze moved to the place where "Kami" lived in the village of Yunin.

"It is the embodiment of life force and spiritual (bide) power, and only Lord God can use the power of freedom!"

Retracting her gaze, Yukako continued excitedly.

"If you can master the power of yin and yang, you can touch the realm of life and death! Create all things! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Doflamingo was aroused by Yukako's short sentence, evoking the blood of a long absence!

It turns out that the power of Gugong Yi comes from here!

Take control of life and death... Isn't this more burning than Boruto?!

This was followed by a basin of cold water from Kako poured on Doflamingo's head.

"Of course, don't think too much about fighting, we can't keep up with the footsteps of Lord God in this life..."

After fighting these "moe new", Yukako continued to tell, and the next thing she said was about the "fusion" of multiple attribute Chakra.

"By combining wind and water, you can create ice."

In Kako's hands, an ice flower was created.

Splendid ice crystals are more delicate than the ice created by pheasants!

Yukako didn't care about crushing this beautiful ice flower, he hadn't told God-sama that he mastered this, and it must be more beautiful to show God-sama than this!

"This is what Lord God said about the Blood Succession Limit, and I have just mastered the power."

"By the way, there is also the combination of wind and water to create "Mu Duan"..."

This is not the end of it, Yukako then shattered the ice flower in her hand, and a tree began to grow from under the ground!

Living trees!

"I'm only here to grasp it, Bing Dun and Mu Duan."

"The more different Chakras combined, more strange powers will be born, and this power will become the Blood Succession Limit..."

"Of course, above the blood succession limit, if the three attributes Chakra are fused together, the blood succession snare will be born..."


Yukako doesn't care if they understand it or not, and also successfully researched the project she plans to conquer next, and Miyadai's mind is able to break everything down into a "blood snare" of molecules!

Finally, Yukako looked at the place where the god was, and the look of worship in her eyes was about to overflow.

"If it is a person in the ancient palace, these powers are the most basic..."

"We must not let Lord God down, everyone lifts my spirits! Train quickly! "

"Lord God is going to give you strength in a week, how can you withstand Lord God's gift with your current strength?!"

Yukako suddenly seemed to be a different person, afraid that their actions would disappoint Lord God, and frantically urged the other children.


Yukako didn't know that at this moment, Furumiyaichi was watching this scene through the eyes of reincarnation, and the expression of the person ...

It's silly.


"Really... Got the Blood Succession Limit out of it?! "

Yukako doesn't seem to know how terrifying it is for her to almost casually realize "Ice Duan" and "Mu Duan" through fusing Chakra!

That's what the "Forbidden Master" second-generation Hokage has never done in his entire life!

"Blood Succession Limit" is almost an ability that can only be inherited in the ninja world!

Except for a few geniuses, such as Onoki who inherited the "dust escape" from Master Wu, no one in Komiyichi's memory is the ability acquired through learning!

And created by Xiangzi, it is still "Mu Dun Blood Succession Limit"!

The first Hokage pacified the ninja world's Mudun!

Furumiya Yi's whole person is stupid, and placing Yukako in Yu Shinobi Village really delayed the child "being a Hokage" ah...

In Yukako's eyes, she seems to be "omnipotent" self...

But you can't even "rub a ball", it's inexplicable ...

"Dihua" up.

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