Chapter 123

"Task name: Jujube tree sign in."

"Task requirements: find the date tree that has not been seen for a long time, pick the dates on it, and taste the good taste of the long-lost date."

"Task Status: Not Completed."

"Task Reward: Unknown."

"Note: Jujubes are delicious and hard to pick. Try it and you will know that the pot is made of iron."

Looking at the task interface on the virtual light screen, and then at the jujube tree growing on the edge of the stone cliff, Liu Ping's pursed his lips. He was very impressed by the extremely poor households receiving the government's condolences.

The benefits of changing tricks are not necessarily money. Most of them will be various things, food, drink and clothing, and more have development potential.

Rice, purified water, cotton coat, bedding, induction cooker, fertilizer, chicken and piglets...

I heard that these things are within the scope of condolences and diversification of life, it is only a matter of giving away to the mother-in-law.

It's envious of the dead, but it's true for nothing.

However, very poor households are not something ordinary people can do. Anyway, even when Liu Pingan’s family was the hardest, they didn’t comment on it, but the neighbor Wang Congming’s family had been working for several years, and Zhang Meifang was proud of it.

Of course, it's not anymore. It's a complete escape from poverty and a well-off society. It is said that the poor households are gone, not to mention the extremely poor households.

Now Liu Pingan feels that he is like a fabled extremely poor household. The little ones who go to the countryside to help the poor are given benefits. Most of the announcements are very simple, basically they can be done with hands, and the task rewards are similar to free gifts.

This is a bit embarrassing, because the current system has already manifested as a small, and a small image, a vivid woman.

It made him look like an old white face who eats soft rice.

Signing in for jujube trees is very simple now, looking for trees, picking fruits, eating jujubes, and finishing.

Liu Pingan has stayed on this mountain for two years. Of course he knows where the jujube trees are, and he also knows that it’s time to eat jujubes. He originally planned to pick some and taste them. He happened to be a snack for Sister Jiang, but he was very considerate. Gave the task.

It's good to have something to confuse, at least it can be a distraction, so that two people get along with each other less awkwardly.

The jujube tree is on the edge of the mango orchard, half way down the sky, and there is a rock cliff below it, which is a bit high.

Liu Pingan is naturally not afraid, actually is not good now. Vajra is not bad and not afraid of falling. It's just that he didn't plan to go to the tree at all.

He brought a long-handled hook, made of branches, with a long cloth strap tied to the end of his hand.

That's something for mango bagging. The fruit that hangs high is out of reach. Just use this hook to hook the branch and pull it down, step on the cloth with your foot to temporarily fix it, so that you can free your hands and make bagging easier.

In addition to bagging, it is also very convenient for picking Chinese pepper and jujube, saving you the trouble of climbing up and down.

The jujube tree has thorns. It is sharp and pointed like an embroidery needle. It is a bead of blood when you poke it. If you really have to toss it up and down, it may be a bloody end.

How about it is that the jujube is delicious and the fruit is hard to pick.

Of course, it might be more efficient to take a bamboo pole and crackle for a while, but there is a stone cliff below. He doesn't want to go around the jujube in a big circle, and the things that are knocked out always feel that they don't taste right.

Sister Jiang, who had been to this mountain, had been prepared for a long time. She wore a pair of flat shoes, but she didn’t even go unsteady. She carried a small plastic basket to join in the fun, and carefully picked up the dates. It looked decent and didn’t show up. So-so messy, pricked his hands and yelled and screamed.

Jujube is a finger-sized rice jujube. It is also called golden jujube because of the slender golden texture on the epidermis. It is not known whether it is a good variety, a good soil quality or a good climate, and a good taste. It is very suitable for eating and playing.

Because there were too many knots, he quickly picked two baskets. Liu Pingan picked up one and put it in his mouth, and he heard a crisp click. The sweetness was still the familiar taste.

The small jujubes don’t have much flesh, and only a small jujube core is left in one or two bites. Liu Ping’an exhaled and saw the jujube core lash out, and a jujube on the tree actually responded. fall.

"Jujube nails? Your descendant?"

Sister Jiang was taken aback. She also ate a date with great interest, and spit out the date nucleus with a whirr. Unfortunately, it was just spit out, but there was no sound of breaking through the air, and nothing was hitting.

Just click and fall to the ground, it's over.

"Sister Jiang actually knows Qiu Qianchi. It's rare. I thought you didn't read novels or TV."

Liu Pingan was smiling, but he was a little flustered.

He could see the vomiting just now. The jujube nucleus from the lasing not only knocked down a date, but also cast off and flew directly into the sky.

As for the dropped date, if you can look for it, you will find that it is actually only half of it, because when it was hit by the date core, it broke into two pieces.

Not to mention, it really has the taste of Qiu Qianchi's descendants, it is no longer a plain jujube kernel, but a sharp and weird date kernel nail.

If it is really sprayed on people, I am afraid there will be no good results, right?

This strengthening of physical fitness is a bit shocking, just like eating good things in a novel so that your skill soars.

Plus the speculation of Fudi Dongtian, plus the statement of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures...

This good life flow, Luo Li's awkward daily life system, how can it develop in the direction of martial arts or even fantasy?

Coupled with Xiaoxiao's statement about the dream bubble of the dimensional barrier...

I went straight to the heavens, so what, the heavens that started from farming as a farmer?

"Master Jin's name is so big, even if I really don't read novels or TV, I have basically heard of the characters in his works, and Qiu Qianchi is no exception."

Sister Jiang smiled, picked up a date and put it in her mouth. After eating the pulp, she tried to spit out the date pits, but it could only be a simple spitting out of the date pits. There is really no way that Liu Pingan sprayed the date pits into dates. The ability of nuclear nails.

"'Husband, husband, you can count as a husband within ten feet.' This should be Qiu Qianchi's famous saying, right?"

"It's pretty good, I think it's true."

"What do you think?"

The words came abruptly but smoothly, Liu Ping'an sneered, and was busy eating jujube without answering.

I really can't answer it, this question seems to be super-class, right?

I'm just a tour guide, and I'm still a temporary guest appearance. Don't embarrass me.

Liu Pingan was a little tired, and quickly clicked on the virtual and real clouds to be shocked.

There is an extra picture inside, which is the reward for the completion of the Jujube tree sign-in task.

In the picture, it is a jujube tree full of golden jujubes.

The corresponding task of the character interface is already completed, and the description of the task reward is as simple and clear as before.

"Task reward: a fruitful golden jujube (not received)."

There is also a note that is suspected to be complaining about Xiaoxiao.

"Note: It is said that jujubes produce precious children. Would you like to try this jujube more? Maybe there will be a big surprise!"

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