People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 241 Jiuxin Haitang Family

As for the 100,000-year-old Titan ape soul bone, Shi Quan kept it for himself, because the soul ring and the soul bone of the same soul beast are absorbed by the same person, so that the effect can be maximized. Shi Quan has not absorbed it for the time being. He was debating whether to fuse and strengthen the Titan Ape soul bone and the Azure Bull Python soul bone.

When everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Jiuxin Begonia family.

"Elder of the clan, another Jiuxin Haitang martial spirit has awakened in the family! The clan leader convened all the clan elders for discussion."

A figure hurriedly ran into a magnificently decorated palace.

"What?!" An old man with all white hair suddenly stood up with excitement in his eyes, "Has something happened to Ye Lingling?"

"Hahaha, okay." The old man laughed excitedly and stood up, "Such uncontrollable factors have already died long ago!"

When the old man came to the family meeting hall, he quickly noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"What's wrong with the clan leader?" The old man asked in confusion.

"Third elder, please take a seat first." The patriarch of the Jiuxin Haitang family motioned for the old man to take a seat.

The old man who was called the third elder also sat down. After a while, another old man came to the meeting hall. The patriarch of the Jiuxin Haitang family in the middle spoke.

"Presumably all the elders already know that the members of the family have reawakened the Jiuxin Haitang martial spirit, right?"

All the elders in the hall nodded slightly.

"The Nine-Star Begonia Martial Spirit is special. I don't need to say more. Ye Liangren is protected by the family and nothing unexpected happened. Now that he has awakened the Nine-Star Begonia Martial Spirit again, there is only one possibility, and that is the family. Something unexpected happened to Ye Lingling outside." The patriarch's eyes fell on the third elder.

The third elder said calmly: "Isn't this just what you want? Those who are not under the control of the family will die as well."

"This junior who has newly awakened Jiuxing Haitang, don't know which lineage he is from yet?" The third elder glanced at the other four people present.

"The junior who has newly awakened the Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Spirit is named Ye Fu, and he is from the lineage of the Great Elder." The clan leader said lightly, but his gaze on the third elder did not shift at all, but he said in a concentrated voice: "Third Elder, How did you learn that Ye Lingling was dead?"

The third elder was stunned for a moment and said: "Only two Jiuxin Begonia can appear at the same time. A new Nine Heart Begonia successor appears in the family. Ye Liangren is fine. Doesn't this mean that Ye Lingling is dead?"

The clan leader made a shocking statement: "But I received news that Ye Lingling has returned to Tiandou City!"


The expressions of everyone present changed.

The third elder even exclaimed, "Impossible! How is this possible!"

"Have you forgotten the legend of the Nine-Hearted Begonia?" The patriarch's voice was low.

"Did Shi Quan help Ye Lingling find a way to evolve his martial soul?" The faces of everyone present turned very ugly.

"Then Shi Quan's own martial soul has evolved and mutated, and he can also develop magical techniques such as the Zhoutian Cultivation Method to help Ye Lingling's martial soul evolve and break through the limitations of the martial soul. It is impossible!"

"Then what should we do now? Behind Ye Lingling is Dugu Bo, a titled Douluo, and she knows that her parents and elders were executed by her family!"

"Ye Lingling should have been executed directly in the first place. If the third child hadn't stopped him, how could such an incident have happened?"

The third elder slammed the table, stood up angrily, pointed at everyone and cursed: "Why did Ye Lingling know these things at the beginning? Do you think I don't know? If some of you hadn't told her about this, she would have How can you hate your family?"

"Furthermore, sending her to the Tiandou Royal Academy was decided upon by you and the Tiandou Empire! The family also benefited from the empire, and I didn't agree at the time! Now that something has happened, you want to throw the blame on me! No! possible!"

"Okay." The patriarch in the middle glanced at the scolding third elder with an ugly look, "Third brother, why don't you sit down quickly? I came to you this time not to listen to your quarrel, but to find a way to solve it. About this!"

"Hmph!" The third elder snorted before sitting down.

"Behind Ye Lingling is Shi Quan. Shi Quan is now a prominent figure in the empire. Behind him is not only the Tiandou Empire, but also Dugu Bo, a titled Douluo. What else can we do? We can only seek peace and show our goodwill." The fourth elder At this moment he spoke.

"Seek peace? Fourth child, you were involved in a lot of things back then, and you just want to ask for peace. What if Ye Lingling turns against you and refuses to recognize him?"

"Then what do you want to do? Ye Lingling was already boyfriend and girlfriend with Shi Quan when they were in the academy. Now the relationship is probably even closer. If you attack Ye Lingling, aren't you afraid of Shi Quan's revenge?"

"Although our dignified Jiuxin Haitang family is not a top family, it is not something that anyone can bully. Are we afraid of a junior like him?"

"You're not afraid, then why don't you go and have fun with Dugu Bo? Dugu Bo even gave his granddaughter to Shi Quan. If you attack Shi Quan, Dugu Bo is afraid that he will explode."

"Furthermore, Shi Quan has successively created the new extreme soul ring theory, and then created the Zhoutian Cultivation Method. The empire's emphasis on him is probably no less than that of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect of the upper three sects. The empire must do its best. If the person you win over is offended, it will definitely be a fatal blow to the entire family. "

"If we indulge Ye Lingling's growth, what will happen if she attacks us one day in the future? Are you going to put your hope in a person like Ye Lingling who is full of hatred for the family? Instead of boiling a frog in warm water. It’s better to die slowly than to fight!”

"Third, what do you think?" The patriarch in the middle spoke again, and everyone's eyes fell on the third elder beside him.

Because Ye Lingling was a member of his three elders' lineage, Ye Lingling who was most familiar with them was naturally one of them.

"When Ye Lingling learned that her parents were harmed by the family, she changed into a different person. She was full of disgust for the entire family. Especially after you asked her to leave the family and go to Tiandou Royal Academy, she almost never returned to the family. From this, you can You can see Ye Lingling’s attitude towards the family.”

The third elder was silent for a while and then said: "I think what the second elder said makes sense. If we allow her growth, Ye Lingling will become a big trouble in the future. We have to take precautions before it happens and find a way to get rid of it. But Shi Quan and we You can't offend him to death. Shi Quan's influence in the empire is too great, and his own talent is extremely amazing. If Shi Quan is offended to death because of Ye Lingling, our family may not be able to bear it if Shi Quan takes revenge in the future. ”

"So the key point now is to find a way to get rid of the threat of Ye Lingling without offending Shi Quan too much." The clan leader's calm voice came, and he also told everyone the final result, just how to do it, and what to do. Everyone needs to discuss it together.

"Perhaps we can borrow the power of the Qibao Glazed Sect." The fourth elder of Zhuhe said at this time.

"Oh? What do you say?" The patriarch's eyes lit up.

"As one of the top three sects of the Qibao Glazed Sect, the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit has the reputation of being the best auxiliary martial spirit in the world. The auxiliary effect of the Jiuxin Haitang Martial Spirit is actually not weaker than that of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda, just because of its Due to its own shortcomings and limited quantity, Jiuxin Haitang's martial spirit had no hope of rising. However, the appearance of Ye Lingling changed Jiu Xin Haitang's situation, thus threatening the Qibao Glazed Sect's position as the best assistant in the world. , I think the Qibao Glazed Sect will definitely not let this threat exist."

"But the problem is that Shi Quan has a very good relationship with the prince Xue Qinghe, and Xue Qinghe is the disciple of Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect. I'm afraid the Qibao Glazed Sect will not help us."

"It's hard to say. I heard that Sword Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect once went to Tiandou Royal Academy to beat Shi Quan once. Ning Fengzhi also asked his daughter Ning Rongrong to follow Shi Quan, but it only took two years. Ning Rongrong and Shi Quan broke up on bad terms. Maybe the relationship between Qibao Glazed Sect and Shi Quan is not as good as we thought. "

"The Qibao Glazed Sect is indeed a good choice. No matter what the relationship between the Qibao Glazed Sect and Shi Quan is? I think the Qibao Glazed Sect will not let someone like Ye Lingling threaten their name. If the empire were to let Shi Quan and Qibao Compared with a huge Shangsan sect like Liuli Sect, I would definitely choose Shangsan sect.”

"It's just a threat. Is the Qibao Glazed Sect really willing to confront Rushitianshiquan?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the patriarch of the Jiuxin Haitang family, "No matter what, what the fourth child said is indeed the best solution at present. First find someone to release the news about the evolution and mutation of Ye Lingling's martial spirit, and secretly spread his martial spirit. Rumors that may surpass the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, let’s first look at the attitude of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. If we can borrow a sword to kill someone, then we will kill someone with a borrowed sword. If that doesn’t work, then we can only resort to dangerous tactics.”

These words were finalized and the solution was almost finalized.

Tiandou Royal Academy.

Zhu Zhuqing slowly opened his eyes and excitedly said to Shi Quan, "Ah Quan, I have exceeded level 60."

It has been more than a month since the group returned to Tiandou Royal Academy. After such a long time, Zhu Zhuqing's soul bone has finally been strengthened and absorbed today.

After the left arm bone of the Titan Giant Ape absorbed by Zhu Zhuqing was strengthened to the limit, it was fused with the left leg bone inherited from the Haotian Sect of the same limit. The age exceeded one hundred thousand years. After being strengthened to the limit again, he absorbed and strengthened the Haotian Sect to the limit. The right arm bone of the sect was inherited, and its age exceeded 200,000 years again.

After the final strengthening, the left arm bone of the Titan ape absorbed by Zhu Zhuqing was close to 300,000 years old.

With the energy of this soul bone, Zhu Zhuqing's strength has been qualitatively improved. His pure strength may have surpassed most offensive fighting soul masters of the same level, and his explosive power has reached an astonishing level.

Before Zhu Zhuqing absorbed the soul bone, her soul power level was already level 59. A nearly 300,000-year-old soul bone brought energy that was definitely not as simple as level one. The specific improvement would have to wait until she absorbed the sixth soul ring. Only later.

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