Soon, Liu Lei's figure appeared in the research institute.

"Student Liu Lei, I have met Meng Education Committee, Bai Education Committee, Zhi Education Committee, and Master Shi." The student named Liu Lei respectfully saluted Shi Quan and others.

"Liu Lei, come here and summon the martial spirit." Shi Quan waved to Liu Lei.

Liu Lei nodded, and two brilliant yellow soul rings appeared at his feet.

"Gu Yuena." Shi Quan nodded towards Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena gave a look, and the armored mountain boar ran towards Liu Lei obediently. Liu Lei subconsciously took a step back when he saw this.

But Shi Quan supported him and said, "Don't be afraid, feel it seriously."

The next second, the armored mountain boar slammed into Liu Lei. Liu Lei's figure was shaken violently. In his frightened eyes, the armored mountain boar suddenly sank into his body.

"Absorb the power, don't be confused." Shi Quan's calm voice sounded next to Liu Lei's ears.

Liu Lei gradually calmed down and slowly sat down cross-legged.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Liu Lei.

Time passed by, and suddenly a strong energy wave erupted from Liu Lei's body. A purple soul ring that was at least one circle larger than the normal soul ring suddenly rose from under his body, and, rising In the process, his two original soul rings actually seemed to become much dimmer.

"This fluctuation is so much stronger than an ordinary thousand-year soul ring?" The three major education committees were shocked.

"Roar——" A low and long roar sounded from Liu Lei's mouth.

"Roar--" Almost the next moment, another roar filled with excitement sounded.

I saw Liu Lei's newly obtained purple soul ring shining brightly, and his whole body became illusive. Then, a gray shadow came out of his chest and landed in front of him.

Four paws landed on the ground, it was the armored mountain boar from before.

"What is this?" Liu Lei looked at the soul in front of him in shock, and was immediately at a loss.

Shi Quan's eyes were a little more excited, "Board Bai, we're in trouble."

Hearing this, Bai Baoshan immediately understood what Shi Quan meant. He stepped out and waved to Liu Lei, "Liu Lei, release your third soul skill and attack me."

Liu Lei was stunned for a moment, looking at the expectant eyes of everyone around him. Although he was full of doubts in his heart, he still mobilized the soul power in his body to pour into his soul ring.

"The education committee is offended."

As he was talking, the armored wild boar in front of Liu Lei suddenly turned around and came to Liu Lei. Then one person and one pig seemed to pause for a moment. A powerful momentum suddenly broke out from Liu Lei, and he His martial spirit seemed to be integrated with the armored wild boar. Liu Lei used both feet hard, and his whole figure rushed towards Baibaoshan like a cannonball.

Soul skill, wild boar impact.

There was a bang.

Liu Lei's figure stopped steadily in front of Bai Baoshan.

As a defensive Soul Douluo, Bai Baoshan's defensive ability goes without saying. How could Liu Lei possibly shake Bai Baoshan after he had just broken through Soul Master.

But the power Liu Lei displayed still made Bai Baoshan's eyes light up.

"What on earth is this?" Liu Lei thought and subconsciously jumped back. The wild boar soul appeared at his feet and led him to run quickly.

"Stop, I have to conduct other tests and inspections." Shi Quan said to Liu Lei.

Immediately, Liu Lei and the armored wild boar stopped. Liu Lei got off the wild boar, with excitement and excitement on his face.

After a simple induction, he clearly felt the benefits brought to him by the armored mountain boar in front of him. This was a great opportunity for him!

Shi Quan raised his hand and Zhuang Zhou stepped forward at the same time, raising his hand to put on Liu Lei. After some sensing, Shi Quan nodded with satisfaction and looked at Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena also stepped forward and raised her hand to fall on Liu Lei. Compared to Shi Quan, as soon as Gu Yuena's hand fell, Liu Lei felt a terrifying pressure coming on him and subconsciously wanted to resist, but when Gu Yuena In front of him, he had no strength to resist. Liu Lei felt as if his body had completely turned into a sculpture, unable to move at all.

The armored boar next to him also had a look of fear on his face and was trembling constantly.

However, Gu Yuena's exploration did not last long. After taking back her right hand, there was a bit of tenderness in her eyes, "We have created a history."

Hearing this, Shi Quan also showed a proud smile on his face.

After more than a year of hard work with Gu Yuena, the soul method was finally completed!

Only Shi Quan understands the hardships involved.

After all, he still underestimated the existence of a special spirit like the soul. If it weren't for Gu Yuena's assistance, there would be no guarantee of success even if it took another two or three years, let alone one year.

But the final outcome is always good. Although it exceeded his budget in terms of time, fortunately it was a success.

According to Shi Quan's feeling, the soul he created now is more perfect than the soul in the early stage of Dou Er.

The soul itself is an independent existence and can cultivate itself like a soul beast, which is equivalent to another new life of the soul beast.

After the soul merges into the soul master's body independently, the soul and the soul master become one. The growth of the soul master can also bring faster improvement to the soul to a certain extent. The two are in an equal state. The soul cannot harm the soul master, and vice versa. .

If the soul master dies, the soul can survive independently.

Depending on the age of the soul, the soul can be given multiple soul rings.

Just like the soul of the armored mountain boar in front of him, it can also bring Liu Lei a thousand-year soul ring.

"This is just the first success. The process needs to be simplified and the success rate needs to be guaranteed." Shi Quan nodded, took out his notes, and recorded all his insights one by one.

"Brother Shi, can you introduce the soul to us in detail?" Xue Qinghe asked first after seeing Shi Quan finished his work.


Shi Quan roughly told the three major education committees and Xue Qinghe about the current situation of souls.

When everyone heard that souls could evolve into multiple soul rings, their expressions changed completely.

For soul masters, if they have souls, their strength will definitely be greatly improved at the same level.

If the soul method is perfected, it will be a reform-like existence for the entire soul master world.

If this kind of theory spreads, it's hard to imagine how terrifying Shi Quan's influence in the soul master world would be.

"Brother Xue, the soul creation has been successful. Although the success rate has not been tested in detail, judging from the current data, I can guarantee that it is above 90%. As for the fusion between the soul master and the soul, the specific evolution of the soul ring Quantity, how many souls one person can fuse, these all take time to study."

"If we want to perfect the soul system, there are still many things that need to be done. I need the cooperation of the academy and the empire."

Xue Qinghe said excitedly: "Don't worry, the empire will fully cooperate with the investigation and data collection."

"Brother Xue, after you go back, help me hold a soul theory conference in the name of the empire. The time is set to be one month from now. The location will be near the Sunset Forest. At the conference, I will prepare a soul experiment. There will be 100 places. The empire will Fifty on each side. Eight for the Star Luo Empire, the Spirit Hall, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family. You can distribute the remaining eighteen to other forces."

"Let them screen those who need to break through the bottleneck and have not yet absorbed the soul ring to participate in the experiment. The soul power level is below the soul saint. The experimenters voluntarily participate. If these forces do not have so many experimenters, the empire can fill these places. The experiment list is submitted half a month in advance, and I also need to prepare.”

"No problem!" Xue Qinghe's eyes lit up. The empire's fifty quotas had a lot of room for maneuver. He would definitely be able to attract a large wave of support by using these quotas.

Soon Xue Qinghe discovered a problem and asked: "Souls are transformed from soul beasts. There are one hundred places. It takes half a month to prepare one hundred suitable soul beasts. Isn't the time a little short?"

"I will solve the problem of the soul beasts. No need to worry. You just need to solve the list."

As for this month, Shi Quan also had no time to spare. The creation of the soul soul was successful. Next, he had to try to simplify the soul method so that the soul method could be spread. At the same time, he had to increase the success rate of the soul method as much as possible.

After discussing the conference on the soul theory, Xue Qinghe and the three major education committees also left one after another.

After Xue Qinghe left, he quickly became busy.

Before the theory conference, it is natural to build momentum first.

This theoretical conference involves the entire soul master world. In addition to the eighty-two places that Shi Quan has allocated, the remaining twenty places also need to be carefully considered.

"Your Highness, Tang Yin has disappeared." While Xue Qinghe was extremely busy, the person Yuexuan was following brought the news about Tang San again.

"Disappeared?" Xue Qinghe frowned slightly. After being busy with Shi Quan's soul theory, he had forgotten about Tang Yin.

"Continue to keep an eye on Yuexuan. If Tang Yin appears again, report it as soon as possible."

Xue Qinghe gave an order. In his opinion, the most important thing now is the soul theory release conference in one month, and other things can be postponed.

Soon, the next day, news that Shi Quan was about to release the soul theory in one month began to spread rapidly from Tiandou City.

Everyone is undoubtedly curious about the unfamiliar word soul.

It wasn't until a week later that the Tiandou Empire explained the term soul.

Replace the soul ring, surpass the soul ring!

Just eight words immediately caused huge waves in the entire soul master world.

At the same time, the matter about the soul experiment quota also spread among many forces.

Many forces have different opinions regarding the quota for this experiment.

After all, this is tantamount to betting one's own soul ring. Although every theory Shi Quan has previously proposed is of great benefit to soul masters, once their own interests are involved, few people are willing to use themselves as a bet. Very few.

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