People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 266 Looking for Tang San

Chapter 267 Looking for Tang San

"Xiao Quan, you seem to value that Oscar very much?" Ye Lingling asked curiously.

Shi Quan nodded, "Xiao Ao's talent is actually very outstanding. If he can be cultivated properly, it will be easy for him to become a Titled Douluo with his talent. If he is cultivated carefully, he will most likely obtain the inheritance of the God of Cookery."

Among the Shrek Seven Monsters in the original work, except for Tang San, Oscar is the only one who is most likely to become a god based on his own abilities.

A food-type martial soul with innate soul power, his existence is almost unique.

This chance encounter also made Shi Quan think about Ning Rongrong's problem. Although Ning Rongrong did not eat the fairy grass, her martial spirit still transformed into the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda because of him. If Ning Rongrong could... If you become a titled Douluo before the age of thirty, you will most likely receive the inheritance of the Nine-Colored Goddess's residence just like in the original work.

However, if there is no chance, it is almost impossible for Ning Rongrong to break through the title Douluo before the age of thirty. After all, Tang San did not fail to trick Ning Rongrong in the original work.

In the original god-making plan, Shi Quan considered only three women, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong.

He had previously considered whether to include the Shi brothers and Yu Feng, but their talents were limited, and the youngest golden age of soul masters had already passed. To help them become gods would require massive resources. Shi Quan now There aren't that many resources.

Not to mention Oscar's talent, after Ning Rongrong's martial soul transformed, his talent has also been improved. Their talent is already stronger than Shi Mo's, and Oscar and Ning Rongrong are still better than they are young.

Although the Goddess of Nine Colors and the God of Cookery are both second-level gods, don't underestimate the role of any assistant. In the original work, before becoming gods, they can release martial soul fusion skills to directly resurrect the gods. After becoming gods, they can provide assistance. The abilities will only be more amazing.

Ye Lingling understood what Shi Quan meant and immediately asked, "So Xiaoquan, do you want to train him?"


Hearing Shi Quan's affirmative answer, Ye Lingling also said: "Oscar was on the same team as Tang San before. Before training him, Xiao Quan, you have to make sure he is worth training."

"Of course." Shi Quan nodded. Naturally, he didn't want to cultivate an enemy for himself.

On the other hand, it was Tang San. Tang Hao had been dead for so long, but Tang San didn't react at all. This surprised Shi Quan. After all, he would have turned mad just by touching Xiao Wu, and now his own father They were all dead, and they didn’t come out to jump around. I don’t know whether it was because they had learned to be smart, because they knew they couldn’t beat them, so they hid in the nest, or because of other reasons.

Gu Yuena said lightly: "The God of Cookery has very strong auxiliary abilities, and the God of Cookery's own combat power is considered strong among the second-level gods. If Oscar has the talent to inherit the God of Cookery, it is definitely worth cultivating. Every additional ally will be valuable to the God Realm. It will cause exponential losses.”

"The God of Cookery is so strong?" Shi Quan was a little surprised.

"The process of cutting and making many special ingredients is very troublesome and requires extremely amazing knife skills. Not to mention that during the cooking process, various factors such as flame, temperature, and time need to be controlled. To be extremely precise, it also requires extremely high mental strength.”

"It's just that the God of Cookery is keen on all kinds of food all day long. Almost no one has seen him fight, so most people think that he is just an auxiliary god. If they underestimate him, they are afraid that the first-level god will be in his hands. Everyone will suffer."

"No wonder!" Shi Quan couldn't help but murmur to himself.

No wonder the God of Cookery chose Oscar to be his successor. The Sausage Spirit can not only inherit the power of his food, but Oscar's special copying ability also gives him considerable combat power.

It can be said that from all aspects, they are extremely consistent.

"Strengthening nature is the best, but there is a premise for all of this, and that is to be used by me. If it is not used by me... it seems that it can be used?" Shi Quan paused slightly and looked at Gu Yuena, "Gu Yuena , after the position of the God's Palace is passed down, the previous God's Palace will leave the God Realm, right? If their successor is killed directly in the lower world, will the position of the God's Palace remain vacant? "

Gu Yuena paused and said, "The divine throne will indeed be vacant. If the divine throne is not damaged, these divine powers will also choose their successors independently in the future, and it will not be permanently vacant.

"As long as they are vacant for a period of time, it is enough." Shi Quan's eyes flashed, "If they rebel, then we can keep them on Douluo Star forever before they ascend to the God Realm. In this case, we can still do our best. It is possible to guide more people to become gods. It is best to use it. After he becomes a god, killing him and leaving the god position vacant will also be a help to us. "

"It seems you have some new candidates?" Gu Yuena smiled faintly.

"Tang San! If you use it well, it shouldn't be a problem to leave a vacant position in the Douluo God Realm." Shi Quan's eyes flashed.

As the Son of Destiny, Tang San certainly wouldn't fall that easily. Thinking about it, he must be secretly developing somewhere now.

"We have to investigate Tang San's whereabouts after we go back." Shi Quan decided in his mind.

He no longer needs to go out of his way to improve his internal strength. He is now focused on two things, one is planning for the future, and the other is consolidating his own strength. Internal strength is just a foundation. He now has many skills, and there are even more in his mind. With many martial arts, his goal is to integrate all of these many abilities.

It’s not about having too many skills, it’s about being precise.

Shi Quan's goal is to integrate soul skills and martial arts to create his own set of abilities.

Three days later.

Shi Quan and the others returned to Tiandou Royal Academy.

After seeing each other for a month, after getting to know each other's current situation, it was inevitable for everyone to have a lingering relationship.

The next morning.

"Xiao Quan, the things you asked Xue Qinghe to look for have arrived at the research institute." Dugu Yan snuggled into Shi Quan's arms and said softly.

Ye Lingling was on the other side of Shi Quan.

"Okay." Shi Quan kissed Dugu Yan gently and said softly: "You should rest for a while first, and I'll go take a look."

After kissing Ye Lingling again, Shi Quan stood up and walked out of the room and came to the research institute.

On the special table, pieces of light yellow crystals are placed quietly on the table. When you get closer, you can smell some faint pungent smell.

"Is this sulfur?" Shi Quan curiously took off a small piece from the crystal, and with just a little force, the sulfur in his hand suddenly emitted blue flames, and the pungent smell also intensified.

"I don't know how gunpowder is made. There seems to be other things besides sulfur, right?" He raised his hand and the blue flame dissipated, leaving only some charred powder.

"Sulfur alone has no explosive power. We should add some other ingredients. This aspect allows our people to keep trying. As long as we can develop gunpowder, muskets, and artillery, we should be able to make them in a short time. With the support of these weapons, Qian Renxue should be able to inherit the throne. "

Shi Quan was thinking in his mind.

The previous souls had already given Xue Ye the idea of ​​letting Xue Qinghe inherit the throne. The appearance of the souls allowed Xue Qinghe to attract a large number of soul master forces. In addition, most of the empire's combat power, except for the soul masters' combat power, In fact, they are all ordinary soldiers.

If gunpowder is developed, some powerful weapons will soon be developed with gunpowder. The cost is not high and it is easy to popularize. The combat effectiveness of ordinary soldiers will be greatly improved.

In this case, it is certain that Xue Qinghe will succeed the emperor of the Tiandou Empire.

Gunpowder is not like souls. This kind of thing can be developed and produced by ordinary people. With the direction and feasibility determined, with the manpower and material resources invested by Xue Qinghe, it is only a matter of time to develop gunpowder.

"But Tang San seems to know how to make gunpowder?"

Shi Quan suddenly thought of this.

"Before Tang San was wanted, he had cooperated with the Qibao Glazed Sect for a long time. Maybe the Qibao Glazed Sect already had the kind of fireworks that were notified? If we can get some samples of fireworks from there, how can we make gunpowder like this? It will become much simpler.”

"You can ask Xue Qinghe to ask."

He settled down in his heart, Shi Quan already had an idea about Tang San's traces.

At night.

Shi Quan's figure quietly left Tiandou Royal Academy.


The people following him were still secretly monitoring Yuexuan day and night.

The illusory figure blended into the night, passed through the green wall, and Shi Quan's figure appeared in the bedroom where Tang Yuehua was.

With his powerful spiritual sense, he could easily locate Tang Yuehua's location with a simple sweep.

There are only a few places that Tang Hao can send Tang San to, and the Killing City must be on this list.

If Tang San went to the Killing City, he would most likely return to Yuexuan, and Tang San's only support at the moment was Tang Yuehua. Shi Quan didn't believe that there would be no communication between Tang San and Tang Yuehua.

Shi Quan's hand slowly landed on Tang Yuehua's eyebrows.

"Dream Reading."

Powerful spiritual power instantly poured into Tang Yuehua's spiritual sea.

Tang Yuehua's past memories appeared in the form of dreams in her sleep.

"Xiao San..." Tang Yuehua closed her eyes tightly, but couldn't help but murmured Tang San's name.

Tang Yuehua only had level nine soul power, so how could she resist Shi Quan's search.

Soon everything about Tang San also appeared in front of Shi Quan's eyes.

"Tang Yin?" After checking Tang Yuehua's memory, Shi Quan couldn't help but have a look of surprise in his eyes.

On the day he successfully developed the soul, Tang San happened to return to Yuexuan. As a result, because of the commotion he caused, Tang San left Tiandou City like a frightened bird.

Except for Tang San studying at Yuexuan for nine months, Tang Yuehua and Tang San only met twice. The first time was the day the soul soul was successfully developed, and the second time was after the soul soul theory conference.

A flash of light flashed in Shi Quan's eyes, "He doesn't know about the soul. The place where he practices is a sparsely populated place. Judging from his appearance, he must have started to devour it again. Maybe he is in the Sunset Forest..."

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