Naturally, he didn't know that since the establishment of the psychic detector, the battlefield in the Middle East had become almost unilaterally transparent to Shen Fei.

In other words, Shen Fei can pass this thing, which is equivalent to opening up God's perspective.

Anticipate all troop movements of the Jewish army in advance.

Shen Fei can make corresponding combat preparations before the enemy completes their assembly and minimize the danger in advance.

After the construction of the mind detector is completed, it is like cheating.

The Jewish army still wants to get benefits from the Chinese Legion, which is completely wishful thinking.

Red Alert Base, inside Fulongdian Command Center.

Everything was proceeding step by step as expected, which meant that the initiative of the war was firmly in Shen Fei's hands from the very beginning.

"Give orders to the Phoenix fighter"

"You must make sure that the enemy has no chance of coming back and completely scare them."

Shen Fei made a decisive request. Every time he fought, he only had one request. Crazy firepower output to completely wipe out the enemy so that they would no longer have the ability to resist.

Especially against the brutal Jewish army, this was absolutely not possible. There is no trace of kindness and mercy.

All the Jewish troops must be wiped out and even the heads of those guys must be chopped off before the Jewish state can be completely disintegrated.

A wandering nation is a threat to other countries. It's not much of a threat.

If it can plunge the entire Jewish nation into a state of war, and the country is in a state of war, the Yage people can truly understand what pain is!


"I'll pass it on."

Phoenix immediately picked up the communicator and sent Shen Fei's request to all combat units.

"very good."

After handing over the command to Phoenix, Shen Fei immediately started a new round of crazy construction.

The Air Force only has Phoenix fighters and Apollo fighters, which are obviously not enough. The scale of the Air Force must be expanded, and the variety of fighter aircraft must also be improved.

We must have all the long-range bombers and interceptors. There are some things that cannot be done by Phoenix fighters and Apollo fighters, right?

It just so happened that the division headquarters of the five armored divisions that entered the Gaza Strip were killed before. Killed five Jewish army major generals and division commanders, as well as many lieutenants. The system directly unlocked many high and new technologies.

It just met his urgent need for long-range bombing. Long-range cruise missiles alone were not enough. That thing It is disposable and requires a period of reloading.

If there are long-range bombers, the situation is completely different.

Long-range bombers can be used repeatedly, and even if they are equipped with cheap aerial bombs, they can still pose a huge threat to the enemy..Put the Great has a famous saying, protesting a hundred times is not as good as flying bombers once.

This sentence is enough to prove the value of bombers!

With the 487 bombers, Shenyang can always deter Tel Aviv, the capital of the Jewish state, and also allow the Jewish army to Realize how uncomfortable it feels to have a sharp sword hanging above your head.

They have been thinking about the land of Gaza Strip all day long, and for this land, they have resorted to any means. They have caused massacres of innocent people one after another in the Gaza Strip. It was a tragedy, but they still shamelessly believed that it was not wrong.

They treated their benefactor today just like the evil wolf treated Mr. Dong Guo. They had no gratitude at all and even killed the evil man to snatch the last bit of pity from the benefactor. land.

Therefore, Shen Fei did not have any psychological pressure to bomb the Jewish state.

He would not have any sympathy or pity.

The Yage people were not worthy of sympathy. Even if they were all killed, there would be no psychological burden.!

"Golden Crow bomber, built!"

"Chongming interceptor, built!"

Shen Fei happily placed the order directly and started a new round of crazy construction pace.

These big weapons for war are equivalent to Han Xin's order. The more troops the better.

One or two will make people say you are a terrorist. If you reach ten If you have 100 wars, others will say you are a threat. If you develop 100 wars, others will say you are maintaining world peace.

Blue Star is always realistic and everything is backed by strength. No matter how strong the country is, no matter how much economic development it takes, Well, if you don’t have strong military strength, you will always be a piece of fat in the eyes of others, and you can eat it whenever you want.

According to system data, the cost of a Golden Crow bomber alone is 2,500, plus two The pilot requires a total of 3,700 development funds, which is still quite expensive.

But compared to its performance, the combat radius reaches 7,000 kilometers, the maximum bomb load is 40 tons, it has stealth supersonic penetration capabilities, and the maximum flight speed is Mach 1.5.

It can carry cruise missiles and aerial bombs, and can carry out standoff strikes. It is more than enough to deal with those deep targets in the Jewish state.

With it, Shenfei can launch supersonic cruise missiles into the sky, so that the speed is faster Faster and more powerful, it also increases the cost of interception for the Jewish state.

Crucially, heavy bombers are standard equipment for major powers.

Shenfei will not be limited to the current situation. What he wants is to be able to maximize the The expansion of the country's land area allowed Yan Kingdom to cover the entire Mediterranean.

"It's still very worth it"

"I hope the Jewish state can hold on."

The first batch of construction must be 10. Shen Fei made this decision after pondering for a while.

The scene of ten heavy bombers (bafb) taking off has emerged in his mind, flying together over the Jewish state, against Carpet bombing of those targets.

The amount of ammunition dropped will reach a terrifying three hundred tons. What else can't be destroyed with such an equivalent amount of explosives? If it can't be destroyed in one go, the worst case scenario is to do it again, until the target is completely destroyed.

So far. So far, the Jewish State has not equipped bombers, not even the entire country in the Middle East.

Once produced, Yan State will be number one in the Middle East!

"Chongming interceptor, this thing is quite good, and it can intercept missiles."

"This is a must have!"

After seeing the introduction of the Chongming interceptor, Shen Fei was very satisfied.

So far, the Jewish state has not used ballistic missiles to attack Yanguo targets, but it cannot be ruled out that they will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Although there are Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, if Having a missile that can intercept enemies from the air is equivalent to adding another way to save lives. The cost is 1,800, plus two pilots, the total price is 3,000, which is still quite expensive. Even though it is expensive, Shenfei feels that it must be built. And we need to build as many as possible.

20 of these things are definitely needed.

The combat radius of this interceptor is 200 kilometers larger than that of the Phoenix fighter. Don’t underestimate these two hundred kilometers.

It can directly It flew over the ballistic missile launch site of the Jewish state to intercept, and directly conducted the initial interception, completely nipping the enemy's conspiracy in the bud.

After placing the order, Shen Fei once again focused his attention on the situation map of the enemy and ourselves.

Gaza City Over the suburbs, Phoenix fighter jets were like tigers emerging from their cages, showing their mighty and domineering side in the dark night sky. In this era of discovery and destruction, Phoenix fighter jets used their technical advantages to defeat these F16s of the Jewish army, as well as F15 fighter jets launched a crushing strike

"Farke, Farke"

"I'm bitten by the tail and can't get rid of it, John, save me"

"Fak, I'm locked on a missile and can't get away"

"It's over, it's completely over, we have fallen into the enemy's trap, this is not a clear space at all, it is a wolf's den, bastard, damn, get out of here!"

"Turn right. Those tracer bullets have no effect on missiles."

"Early warning aircraft, our early warning aircraft, why haven't we provided target guidance yet? I'm going to be shot down!"

The Jewish pilots screamed in horror. They were completely panicked. All the news they had obtained before was false. By the time they found out, the fleet had fallen into a carefully constructed pocket formation. No matter whether it was maneuvering In terms of capabilities, or in terms of combat efficiency, the F16 and other fighters are like younger brothers in front of the Phoenix fighter.

How can we fight such a battle?

Boom, boom, boom!

Explosions resounded throughout the airspace one after another, rising into the sky. The flames almost lit up the night sky.

One fighter plane after another was bombed in the sky, but they still could not find the target with the radar they carried. The Jewish pilots once again felt deep despair.

It turns out that the first time, they did not lose by chance.

Instead, there was a huge generation gap between the fighter planes and the opponent. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It was obvious that they had succeeded in biting the tail, but they were only one step away from launching the missile. attacked, but at this time the opponent suddenly made a U-turn, and then passed by under their noses. Then the cannon started, and the aviation shells came towards the fuselage as if they were free.

Ta da Da!

In just a few seconds, the fighter plane was destroyed.

"Falk, why haven't we received reinforcements yet, where are our F35 Lightning fighters?"

"Our anti-stealth radar, that bastard, doesn’t provide intelligence support at all."[]

"Did all the ground staff grow up eating shit?"

"They should all be pulled out and shot, they should all be beaten to death!"

The air commander uttered hysterical curses. They felt like abandoned orphans, trapped in a desperate and helpless situation.

They were trained at a high cost after all.

The Jewish State, Air Command.

The pilot's cry for help The commander's face was extremely gloomy and he was on the verge of going berserk.

He didn't even know why there was such a tragic air battle again. The Jewish Air Force was almost being massacred, and there was no way to fight back.

This Is it still the Jewish Air Force that had a glorious war history?

"damn it"

"Take off F35 fighter jets for me, two squadrons"

"I want them all dead!"

The commander of the Air Force picked up the communicator and directly issued a death order to the relevant air force base.

Soon, the F35 Lightning fighter jets took off at the fastest speed, rushed into the sky, and then suddenly swooped at an angle almost perpendicular to the ground. Pull up.

The engine roared fiercely, driving the fighter plane to climb to an altitude of 10,000 meters at an extremely fast speed.

After completing the assembly in the predetermined airspace, the direction suddenly turned and flew towards the Gaza Strip.

They all It is clear that if they are slow, they may not be able to catch up with this air battle.

And they are fully confident in winning this battle!

In any case, they are the most elite ace pilots in the Jewish state, and the fighter planes they fly are even more powerful. The fuel and ammunition are in excellent condition, and they also have extremely strong stealth capabilities.

Since the Shenzhou Legion uses stealth fighters, it is their turn.

Those previous fighters have consumed the fuel and ammunition of the Phoenix fighters, but when they go up, they have full firepower. Open.

This is equivalent to playing in a ring. The challenger plays two games in a row, and someone challenges him in the third game. Even if this person is slightly weaker, his chance of winning is still very high. After all, the challenger is in front. The consumption of two battles with people was huge.

The same principle also applies to the unprecedented scale of the air battle that broke out on the outskirts of Gaza City.

But they did not know that Shen Fei had already used this insidious trick of the Jewish army.

"Your Majesty, the Jewish Army F35 is dispatched"

"There are two squadrons in total, a total of 32 aircraft."

"These are all the F35 stealth fighter jets currently owned by the Jewish state."

Seeing the change in the situation map, Phoenix hurriedly reported the latest news to Shen Fei. For Yan Guo, this air battle of unprecedented scale must not be lost.

Losing means that the air defense security has encountered a huge threat. In the future, the Jewish army will be even more unscrupulous in sending the air force to carry out indiscriminate bombing of the Gaza Strip.

The Jewish army may even discover the Red Alert Base, which would be extremely dangerous.

"Send three more squadrons of Phoenix fighters up there."

"You must knock out a squadron of this batch of F35s for me."

"We must severely suppress the arrogance of the Jewish army."

Shen Fei directly dispatched reinforcements, doubling the number.

There were ninety Phoenix fighter jets from three squadrons, which was quite large.

Including the Jewish army, the sky above the Gaza Strip suddenly It was packed with fighter planes, the defense lines were intertwined, and the air battle was fierce.

No matter what, he would win this air battle with an absolute advantage!

One battle would determine the outcome.

As long as the Jewish army's F35 Lightning stealth fighter jets were defeated If it falls, then no matter how much the Jewish army jumps around, they will not dare to break into the sky above the Gaza Strip again.

At this point, this airspace truly belongs to the Chinese Army and the Yan Kingdom!


Phoenix immediately conveyed the relevant orders to the air force unit, and soon ninety Phoenix fighter jets took off one after another, heading straight towards the accident site at supersonic cruising speed.


One after another disappeared into the night, rushing out of the crack generator coverage area.

With only one afterburner, the Phoenix fighter jets arrived on the outskirts of Gaza City, and quickly weaved a dense air defense network, integrating all the final All the best positions were grabbed.

Compared to the F35 battle group of the Jewish Air Force, the Phoenix fighters of these three squadrons are purely waiting for work. They are just waiting for them to come to the door and enter the woven bag.

Once they enter the pocket formation, even if God came, he would not be able to rescue the Jewish army from it.

At any time, Shen Fei attached great importance to the application of military tactics in warfare, especially when used to deal with the Jewish army, and he had to use all means.

As long as the Jewish state can be completely destroyed, Shen Fei feels that all means can be used.

Since the Jewish state has no regard for humanity and is horrifyingly causing horrific massacres in the Gaza Strip, then they have lost the qualifications for sympathy and mercy..

Shen Fei has never been merciful to the executioner!

To be even half-hearted would be the greatest disrespect to the deceased.

The formation in the air has been completed, and Shen Fei has turned his attention to the ground.

One thousand two hundred supersonic cruise missiles The missiles had already flown into two waves, and they were all fired out, instantly covering the sky and covering the sky with clouds and covering the sun.

It was like a rain of steel arrows shooting into the distance.

After entering high altitude, these supersonic cruise missiles seemed to be alive, and all of them were According to their respective planned routes, they rush towards the target at at least five times the speed of sound.

"Not bad, not a single malfunctioning missile"

"Next, the pressure will be on the Jewish army. Let's see whether their air defense system is better or our cruise missiles are better."

"Have all the targets been marked?"

Looking at the densely packed red ballistics displayed on the situation map, Shen Fei turned his head and looked at Phoenix Road.

"Your Majesty, everything has been marked."

"Hazrem Air Base, the closest to Gaza, and Paler Mahim Air Base"

"But Your Majesty, these two air force bases have deployed a large number of anti-aircraft missiles."

"They will definitely intercept."

Phoenix pointed out the two targets and said with concern.

"So what about interception? I don't believe they can intercept all the missiles."

"As long as one-third is not intercepted, we win."

Shen Fei said disapprovingly. One third of them were not intercepted, which is equivalent to four hundred missiles hitting the target. The destructive power is quite terrifying.

What's more...

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