Seeing this scene in front of her, Keira's scalp went numb.

He knew why there was no way to contact the Jewish soldiers.

It turns out that they have all become food for fish in the sea.

"Damn it, what the hell happened!"

Keira punched the railing hard, and when she saw the sea of ​​blood in front of her, her heart trembled.

He didn't expect that they just took a step late, and the entire Jewish fleet was completely annihilated. Yes.

You must know that the Jewish fleet has three destroyers and 12 frigates funded by Jewish merchants and their Eagle Kingdom.

They purchased second-generation destroyers and second-generation frigates, although the styles are a bit old.

However, they are equipped with The various air defense weapons are very advanced. Such a fleet is almost sideways in the Middle East. There are very few that can have an impact on them.

Such a powerful fleet, in just a few hours, Within a few seconds, they were all annihilated, with no one left alive.

It’s really unbelievable that even if their fleet wanted to completely destroy it, it would probably take more than four hours.

"Mr. Keira, what should we do next? Do you want to continue to stay here?"

The crew members looked at the miserable scene on the sea, and they felt an inexplicable panic in their hearts.

No one was left alive.

This was simply too cruel. Facing such an extermination force, they were also extremely frightened. Yes, there are so many sharks nearby.

Seeing those sharks enjoying a huge feast in the sea, eating countless soldiers, and chewing them made them feel extremely frightened. They must have nightmares tonight.

Some soldiers could not bear such a tragic scene. They were frightened and nauseated, and kept vomiting.

No one on the entire deck was calm.

Keira knew that the situation was over.

There was nothing they could do about it. To deal with the Yan Kingdom, only the navies from all over the country came together to assist could it be possible to completely destroy it.

But the price was too high.

Faced with such a scene, he knew that he could no longer make a decision, so he waved his hand Ordered all the soldiers to turn back immediately.

Exit the Mediterranean for the time being.

We will make plans later. Just like this, the Yingjiang Kingdom fleet that originally rushed over with great momentum originally wanted to kill Yan Kingdom's vigor.

Let them Knowing that Yingjiang Country is the overlord of the sea, they must obey Yingjiang Country's arrangements wherever they go.

But they didn't expect that when they came here, what they saw was such a scene. They completely underestimated Yan Country's terrifying military strength..To destroy all this battle formation in such a short period of time and kill all the personnel, it shows how terrifying the Yan Kingdom's naval strength is?


Keira passed the news back..When

Austin learned the news in the office, the cup in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

"What? Say it again? The Jewish fleet has been completely destroyed?"

"Yes, I can't believe it, but after we arrived at the scene, we found that there were many warships in the sea silent, especially the second-generation destroyers we had sold to the Jewish state."

Kaila on the other side of the communication reported the situation. He also felt incredible, but he must accept this fact.

"What's going on? When did Yan Kingdom have such a strong navy?"

Austin just felt that something bad was going on.

Originally, they estimated that Yanguo only had one large destroyer, but they never thought that the other party actually had more than one. They completely misjudged Yanguo's naval strength.

Yan Guo's naval strength is far more terrifying than they imagined.

"what to do? Mr. Austin, we have invited the navies of other armies to come here. Why don't we take the opportunity now to wipe out Yanguo's navy in the Mediterranean Sea."Kaila asked tentatively on the other end of the phone.

He knew that this plan was very risky, but it was still a method.

When Austin heard this arrangement, he mainly did not reply immediately and stood walking back and forth in the room. , he kept thinking in his mind, how likely is this thing to be? How much money will it cost? How much manpower and material resources?

After some thinking, he finally came to the conclusion:"Now everyone should withdraw from the Mediterranean immediately. , the troops that were basically gathering in the Mediterranean also immediately withdrew. Let’s think about this matter for the time being."


After Kayla got the news, she agreed without thinking. Then she hung up the phone and went to contact the other navies who were coming over, asking them to go back first and wait for the next step. The plan.

Regarding this arrangement, the navies who were rushing over were confused. They couldn't figure out what was going on and why they were called here and back all at once.

This is what happened. Are they kidding?

Keira explained the war situation in the Mediterranean to them. When they learned that the war situation in the Mediterranean was so tragic, they were shocked. They also began to feel about the naval power of the Yan Kingdom. I felt an inexplicable caution.

So I accepted the arrangement and went back to wait for the good news for the time being.

At the same time, reporters from all over the world were also paying great attention to the Mediterranean.

You must know that Shen Fei had already informed people around the world on the channel He said that he was going to conduct naval exercises in the Mediterranean. Any ship dared to enter.

Whatever happened, he would be responsible for everything.

With prior explanation, he announced the blockade of the Mediterranean.

Precisely because he blockaded the Mediterranean, many people They all smelled an unusual smell and knew that this time, Yan Guo was preparing to become public enemies with NATO countries. This was big news.

Reporters from all over the world and those lone ranger reporters seemed to smell it.

They all wanted to get first-hand information. So they hired ships to sail through the sea, and their purpose was to find evidence that other countries dared to enter the Mediterranean. , wanted to see if the troops sent by these countries would be blocked by the Yan Kingdom navy?

But when they arrived here, they were dumbfounded. They sent drones to search the sea.

But when they saw it, the surrounding sea area turned blood red, so they immediately noticed something was wrong. When their speedboat arrived here, they saw a large number of sharks on the surrounding sea surface eating crazily. The remains of those soldiers in the sea.

Many female reporters vomited, and some were even so frightened that they slumped down on the boat. Seeing such a horrific scene, they were frightened.

But as reporters, they also realized , this is a huge news that will definitely bring huge profits to their company.

It is also an opportunity for their popularity to skyrocket. They suppressed the unhappiness in their hearts and began to search for events that could be reported.

In their After observation, they found a large number of sharks here, mainly because there were a large number of soldiers' remains. After identification, they found that all of them were Jewish soldiers.

After all, the Jewish ships were still silent and only a little bit was left. The flags waving above showed their camp.

Seeing this scene, the reporters probably knew what was going on here.

But most of them were just guessing in their hearts and had no actual evidence.

But At this time, they unexpectedly discovered that on a ship that was about to sink, on a plywood, among the pile of dead people who had been shot.

A Jewish soldier turned over the corpse covering him, revealing his figure.

This scene happened to be seen by a reporter, and soon he drove a boat to reach the soldier.

Seeing this soldier, they immediately knew that the news could be interviewed, and they could also know what happened here. Why did so many Jewish soldiers die? And there are so many ships going silent.

The Jewish soldier was rescued, and media from other countries also saw this scene and gathered around him.

They held up the microphone and wanted to conduct an interview.

"May I ask what happened here?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is there a war going on here? Did you encounter the navy of Yan Kingdom?"

"Please, can you answer our questions?"

The surrounding soldiers kept asking the wounded man, but the Jewish soldier was still frightened.

His whole person couldn't stop shaking.

He huddled in a ball, showing no military image.

He kept talking in his mouth. Shivering, I couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Several male reporters saw each other's demeanor and immediately took out cigarettes and wine and handed them to each other.

The soldier immediately took over the cigarettes and wine when he saw them, and poured them into himself crazily. in his throat. 0

As a result, he drank too quickly, choking him and coughing. The other reporters at the scene were helpless, and they could only calm the other party's emotions before they could conduct a formal interview.

In After the unremitting efforts of the reporters, the other party finally calmed down a lot.

Facing the interview, he was still filled with fear.

"We underestimated the strength of the Yan Kingdom Navy. The military power of the Yan Kingdom Navy is too terrifying."

"They actually have large destroyers, aircraft carriers, and bombers. The scary thing is, they also have stealth submarines."

"The military strength of our two sides is not at the same level. We use second-generation destroyers and frigates. There is no way to compare in terms of combat effectiveness."

"What’s even more frightening is that with extremely powerful electronic interference systems, the artillery and air defense systems on our second-generation warships are interfered with and cannot be used normally at all."

"In the end we could only be beaten passively and all of us were killed... They were demons, they were a group of sea demons, how could we fight such monsters?"

"They're too scary, they're too scary………"

The Jewish soldier grabbed his head tightly and his mouth was trembling as he repeated these few words.

The surrounding reporters were also shocked after hearing this.

As war reporters, they naturally knew what kind of naval weapons the Eagle Country's navy was equipped with, which included three destroyers and twelve frigates.

Even if it's second generation.

It also still possesses extremely powerful military capabilities.

Currently, among the more than 100 countries in the world, very few actually possess powerful naval weapons.

With the military power currently possessed by the Jewish state, looking at the world, it is determined that it can rank among the top twenty.

But with such a powerful military force, Yan Guo was easily destroyed.

And he's still the kind of person who has no power to fight back.

It really surprised them, but it also made them extremely excited, as did the reporters around them.

Know immediately that this is big news[]

So they immediately filmed the scene and then sent the news back to the headquarters. same day.

The latest military headlines hit the world immediately.

The title reads:"The Yan Kingdom’s navy was extremely powerful and easily annihilated the Jewish navy, killing tens of thousands of enemies."

"A new generation of military power, the Yan Kingdom wiped out the Jewish navy."

"The Jewish navy was annihilated, and the Yan Kingdom deservedly ranked among the top five navies in the world."

Various reports are emerging one after another. They have shocked the whole world. Many people are not optimistic about a country like Yan State. Although in the land war, the Yan State army has made brilliant progress. The land war of the Shenzhou Legion is indeed not 347 It is easy to ignore and very powerful.

But in terms of navy, they have not been optimistic about it.

After all, the Jewish state is supported by many NATO countries, and they also have a considerable number of second-generation warships. It is very powerful, and ordinary countries are really no match for it.

Unexpectedly, the result was a surprise for them. The Spectacled Eagle Kingdom did not dare to approach the Mediterranean Sea. Instead, it sent the Jewish soldiers to fight, but in the end they faced the powerful Yan Kingdom.

It turned out that it was not a one-day marriage at all, but just After several hours of war, the navy led by the Jewish state was successfully and completely annihilated, and in the end only one person was left alive.

All the remaining people were buried in the sea. There was also a video attached to the scene. In the video, those The broken limbs of the Jewish soldiers were floating on the sea level, surrounded by a large group of sharks and other carnivorous fish that were happily chewing.

The scene was so bloody that some countries did not code the video and played it directly Got on.

Some more civilized countries will code the video, but even if they can't cover it up, it has turned into a blood-red sea.

Just seeing the picture, they were shocked. Unexpectedly, Yan Guozhan was so ruthless that he completely wiped out the entire Jewish navy, leaving only one alive.

I guess leaving one alive was accidental, otherwise there might not even be one left alive.

From this point, countries all over the world have also clearly understood Yan Kingdom’s attitude towards the Jewish state.

Kill without mercy and leave no piece of armor behind.

This is really to drive out the Jewish state.

Countries with conscience will not respond to Yan Kingdom’s actions. , that is a raise of hands to praise.

Since the last time the Jewish state directed and acted on its own, blaming the dirty bombs on the Yan state, the world has made it clear to the face of this country. It also understands the

Jewish state’s inhumane massacre of the Gaza Strip..causing many people to sneer at

"They deserve it. Yan Guo did a good job. Kill all these beasts and restore peace to the Gaza Strip."

"These damn bandits, if the countries in the Gaza Strip had not accepted them, they would have gone into exile long ago."

"They were kind enough to take them in, but in the end you went to repay them with kindness and kill them all. You beasts deserved to die."

"You're so right. I have to give you a thumbs up, brother upstairs. These Jewish countries don't even let children of several years old go. War is a contest between armies, but the result is right. Innocent civilians were bombed to death by sending artillery shells"

"I support the Yan Kingdom. If I were not able to change my nationality, I would definitely join the Yan Kingdom and become a member of the Yan Kingdom. Come on, the Yan Kingdom, and completely eliminate these criminals."

"You are doing the right thing, come on Yan Guo, we will always support you behind your back."International friends who saw the news on major software on global channels.

Except for NATO countries, most other countries expressed support for Yan Guo.

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