Emperor Pu naturally knew what was going on in the hearts of NATO countries.

Not long ago, he was mistaken by the Jewish state as the force behind supporting the Chinese Legion.

They all poured dirty water on him and provided Er Maozi with a lot of weapons and equipment.

This is so abominable

"We must not take advantage of them. If we are told to go, we will go. We want to see what kind of prestige they want to show off."

"They want to deal with the Shenzhou Legion. I am the first to disagree. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"Once the Chinese army is destroyed, the Jewish state can completely occupy the Gaza Strip, and no one will dare to resist again."

"At that time, the Gaza Strip will become in the hands of the Eagle Kingdom and the Jewish State. They will inevitably vigorously build various arsenals, knock down houses, and rebuild military bases."

"Then step by step, it extends its claws to the east of us. We will never allow this."

Emperor Pu's heroic words made many of his subordinates around him couldn't help but nod their heads.

Their Mao Xiong Country has never been afraid of anyone. Ermao has always been supported by NATO countries to reach this point. , without their support, it is estimated that the other party will have to escape within three months.

After all, without the American equipment of Yingjiang Country, Er Maozi will naturally not be able to compete with their people in terms of strength.

After all, the current Mao The Xiong Kingdom has a complete range of weapons and equipment.

Emperor Pu’s men also agreed after hearing this.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

For them, what the Yan Kingdom did was exactly what they wanted for the Jewish Kingdom. Previously, I mistakenly thought that they were supporting the Chinese Legion behind the scenes.

Therefore, they deliberately provided a large amount of weapon support to Ermaozi. This was simply abominable.

So quickly.

At that time, Emperor Tianpu also sent representatives of the Mao Xiong Kingdom to go to the international conference.

There was a lot of traffic here at the international conference that day. Senior officials from various countries came here one after another, and journalists from all over the world had already filled the hall of the international conference. The flow of people here has reached a peak level, and you can see it wherever you go. There was a huge crowd of people.

Many luxury cars were passing by, and the planes that landed quickly took off. Helicopters, tanks, and various sophisticated armed personnel were at the scene to maintain order.

At this time, a group of people from NATO countries arrived at the scene. , they immediately formed a group.

Among them was the Jewish State, but this time the Jewish State sent only one representative.

At this time, the diplomat was talking to the Gallic Chicken, Britain, Maple Leaf Country and other NATO countries. The diplomats gathered together outside the hall and were chatting. Since the meeting had not yet begun.

They were building friendships outside for the time being. During the conversation, their eyes glanced around.

They even whispered secretly. The meaning couldn't be clearer. Come to think of it, these people are planning something.

Until then, Emperor Pu's plane landed.

The reporters outside were swarming in. After all, they did not expect that this time, the League of Nations would actually invite Emperor Pu also came with them.

However, when they rushed to the plane, it was not Emperor Pu who got off the plane, but a diplomat. However, the diplomat did not look easy to talk to, and his eyes were cold when he came off.

Just He just glanced at the reporters around him. Faced with the questions raised by those reporters, he was too lazy to pay attention to them. He was quickly squeezed away by the two bodyguards beside him, and he strode towards the conference room like a meteor.

Gaul Representatives from the Chicken, Britain, and Maple Leaf countries saw the representatives from the Bear Country striding towards them.

They had malicious intentions in their eyes and did not pay attention to the representatives from China.

This time, their goal was to deal with the Dragon Country. , for the time being, they do not take Mao Xiongguo into their hearts, and the main reason why they asked Mao Xiongguo to come together is because they want to give Mao Xiongguo a beating.

Let Mao Xiongguo see how powerful their NATO countries are. Once they join forces, even if they are dragons The country must also submit obediently and become their pawn, at their mercy.

Their intentions are sinister, and they want to make Mao Xiongguo realize how powerful their NATO countries are.

Facing the malicious looks from representatives of Gallic Chicken, Britain, and Maple Leaf Country, the representative of Furry Bear Country turned a blind eye.

He just hummed and stood aside.

At present, Mao Xiongguo is isolated by Western countries. Many weak countries do not dare to get too close to Mao Xiongguo because of the aura of Yingjiang State. They just say hello to each other and forget it in a hurry.

"This bunch of bastards will definitely make you look good when the time comes."

The representative of the Mao Xiong Country snorted, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

While he was cursing secretly in his heart, reporters in the distance saw another plane with a five-star red flag on it slowly landing. At the airport. For a moment, all the reporters were too lazy to pay attention to the object they were paying attention to. They held up their cameras and ran wildly towards the place where Long Guo was.

As the cabin door opened,

Lao Li in military uniform , led three deputies, and walked out of the cabin with great power.

For a moment, Lao Li carried a domineering aura that made people impressed. The reporters saw that this time it was a commander who came. They were usually frightened. Jump, usually at such meetings, the country’s diplomats send people over. How could it be the turn of the Dragon Kingdom to send a commander himself?

Today’s pomp is too big.

Under their surprised eyes , Lao Li walked down step by step.

The surrounding reporters immediately surrounded him and asked Lao Li a series of questions.

"May I ask this general, is today's meeting so important? I actually want you to go out in person"

"General, may I ask, what do you think about today's meeting?"

"Hello General, are you having a great deal of discussion about this meeting today, which is why you need to come here?"

The reporters asked roughly the same questions. As a soldier, Lao Li not only glanced at the reporters around him, but the reporters around him were attracted by the military aura of Lao Li.

And the terrifying momentum of the battlefield. Suppressed by the shock, his eyes couldn't help but flicker. He didn't dare to look at her, and his aura was obviously lowered.

"You can just look at your issues at the meeting later. I don’t want to say more."

Lao Li said these words and walked over immediately regardless of the eyes of everyone present.

The reporters also very wisely took the initiative to make way for a passage.

Outside the international conference hall, representatives from many countries saw The Dragon Kingdom actually sent a general this time, with a look of shock on their faces.

Many countries that were friendly with it stood up on their own initiative after seeing the general coming. They had already recognized the man who came. Who is the general?

"Isn't this General Li Haoming, the commander of the military region of the Dragon Kingdom? The Dragon Kingdom actually sent him here this time. This is really impressive."

"The Dragon Kingdom is really going to cause a thunderstorm this time, so let’s just wait and see what happens."

Dragon Kingdom has excellent international relations with many countries under the Belt and Road Initiative of China.

There are trade exchanges between them, and some poorer countries are gradually developing under Dragon Kingdom's Belt and Road Initiative. To develop towards a better economic level.

Without the assistance of the Dragon Kingdom, it would be simply impossible for them to turn over. Therefore, many countries are more inclined to have significant influence on them between the Yingjiang Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom. Dragon Kingdom to help.

So when they saw the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom coming, they all enthusiastically stepped forward to chat with him.

Here, some NATO countries such as Gallic Chicken, Britain, and Maple Leaf Kingdom also stepped forward to chat with him.

They also have far-reaching cooperation with the Dragon Kingdom

"Damn it, what happened this time? Why is this old guy here?"The representative of the Maple Leaf Kingdom frowned. He naturally recognized who Li Haomin was. The

Dragon Kingdom had a blood feud between their two countries.

They were always paying attention to the development of the Dragon Kingdom and were worried that one day the Dragon Kingdom would repeat itself against them.

Therefore, for the Dragon Kingdom Senior officials at all levels in the country are also paying special attention to the old Li in front of them, who is one of the generals they pay special attention to. The other person is decisive, tough, and resourceful. He is a very powerful general-level figure. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) is also a person who makes their Maple Leaf Kingdom very jealous.

Unexpectedly, the Dragon Kingdom actually sent him to participate in this international conference this time.

Obviously he knew that this international conference was a dragon's den and a tiger's den. Ordinary diplomats simply cannot do the job, so this veteran was sent here.

Gaul Chicken was also a little frightened. He accidentally glanced at Lao Li from the Dragon Kingdom, but the other party just turned his head.

That was A cold light bloomed in his eyes. It wasn't just a look into each other's eyes, he couldn't help but feel cold all over his body. He was so frightened that he took a step back.

What a terrifying courage. Just a look into each other's eyes had such a power of intimidation..

As expected of the commander of the Dragon Kingdom, it’s really terrifying.

The representatives of the Jewish Kingdom also looked embarrassed. This time Lao Li’s appearance was beyond their expectations.

They thought that the Dragon Kingdom would still send some diplomats this time. They had already They were preparing to join forces to put pressure on the diplomats of the Dragon Kingdom.

But now they were facing a general, and they couldn't have that kind of courage in their hearts.

"Hello, respected General Longguo."

The representative of Mao Xiongguo also took the initiative to come over, with a slight smile on his face. Although there had been unpleasantness between the two countries in the past, in recent years, they share the same hatred and are dealing with Western countries together.

And Mao Xiongguo also They received a lot of help from the Dragon Kingdom. The online trade of the Dragon Kingdom also helped Mao Xiongguo consume many products that could not be digested internally. This allowed them to minimize the damage to the economy in this ruling by Western countries. The system has not been greatly impacted.

Ask for flowers. In addition, Emperor Pu is now a respected president, with very powerful methods and strategies. In addition, he is the president of a nation and is loved by everyone.

Therefore, there are many people They admired and respected him.

When Lao Li saw the other party, he patted his shoulder and hugged him warmly.

They all knew that even though the former Soviet Union was not very friendly to them, they now share the same hatred. Turning hostility into friendship, they have something in common. Enemies.

Going hand in hand is the way to go.

The two of them are like friends they haven't seen for more than ten years. They talk more passionately than other countries. In fact, the scene where the two of them do this is to disgust that Western country.

Sure enough ,.

When Lao Li warmly hugged the representatives from all over the country, he hugged and smiled happily, which immediately made people from Western countries think about it.

They are very sensitive to begin with. The two superpowers, the Dragon Country and the Bear Country,.

In recent decades, the development of the Dragon Kingdom has been like a rocket, becoming the second most powerful country in a very short period of time. There is even a trend, and it is slowly catching up with the Eagle Country..Except for the military, the Dragon Kingdom has already caught up with the Eagle Sauce Country in terms of economy and certain areas.[]

This also worries the Eagle Country, fearing that the defense of the world's largest country will be unstable.

Therefore, in recent years, they have carried out a series of suppression on Longguo and implemented monopolies in some industries.

It is more suitable for some countries to work together and impose various unreasonable economic blockades on the Dragon Kingdom.

Especially in terms of chips, the monopoly on chips has caused domestic chip prices to rise again and again.

Fortunately, in the end, with their own efforts, the Chinese have now begun to produce independent chips, although the power and processing capabilities are still inferior to foreign chips.

But finally it has its own chip.

If Long Guo is given another period of time, it will definitely be able to develop a chip that is not inferior to theirs.

Just as Lao Li and the representatives of Mao Xiongguo were having a pleasant conversation, another helicopter landed in the distance.

At this time, the representative of Yingjiang Country got off the plane, with a slight smile on his face.

In this news, everyone in the media knows that this international conference is led by the Eagle Country. They all know that the Eagle Country wants to help the Jewish State this time.

Some capable reporters have already taken the lead through various means to know that the main purpose of the Yingjiang Country convening this international conference is to target the Dragon Country.

They extremely suspected that there was an ulterior secret between Long Guo and Yan Guo, and they should be in a cooperative relationship.

This thing is suspiciously big news.

Precisely because they had obtained inside information, the surrounding reporters kept asking the representatives of the Eagle Sauce Country.

The representative of Yingjiang Country did not answer their words, but smiled politely and rushed over.

However, when the representative of the Eagle Sauce Country came over with his front feet, he suddenly felt a tremor as soon as he stepped onto the steps.

He looked up and saw General Li Laozheng of the Dragon Kingdom standing on the steps, looking down at him.


Why is the general of the Dragon Kingdom here?

The diplomat was obviously stunned for a moment. When he saw Lao Li's eyes, he subconsciously shrank his neck. This scene happened to be seen by reporters, who took crazy pictures of the two of them.

At this time, the diplomat realized that what he had just done was obviously too embarrassing.

He immediately raised his head and chest, stepped up the steps and walked towards the VIP room of the conference room, but his eyes did not dare to confront the general of the Dragon Kingdom.

Just from making eye contact, he knew that the old man in front of him was very scary and could never be tolerated.

"Hum, here comes another clown."

The representative of Mao Xiong Country snorted coldly, not taking Eagle Sauce Country seriously at all.

Their battle with Er Maozi is not over yet, all thanks to the fact that Eagle Sauce Country has been obstructing them from behind.

If it weren't for Er Mao How could they start a war after being only bewitched by the Yingjiang Kingdom?

Many innocent people were caught in the flames of war, and the peaceful life in the past was broken.

However, the representative of Mao Xiongguo couldn't help but patted Lao Li Shoulder, he said with great sigh:"This time the Dragon Kingdom sent you here is indeed the right thing. You are so domineering. Look at how frightened the grandson of the Eagle Sauce Kingdom is. He just wet his pants.""

"It's really satisfying to see them like this. After the meeting is over, let's go out for a drink together."

The representative of Mao Xiongguo was very happy. He hugged Lao Li and sang and laughed.

Lao Li also became greedy when he heard about drinking:"Okay, let's deal with this Hongmen Banquet together first. I want to take a look at Yingjiang Country. What on earth are these bastards playing?"

When Lao Maozi heard this, he smiled and agreed. At this time, as other countries arrived one after another, the number of people present soon reached 10,000.

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