Looking at Ito Ming's indifferent appearance, Ye Yun felt deeply interesting.

This Akira Ito is definitely not an ordinary group general manager, if it is an ordinary person, how can he be so calm in this situation?

But now the important thing is not to dwell on what this guy's identity is, but to find out who the murderer is.

After asking a few random questions and asking Ito Ming to wait outside, Ye Yun looked at Reiko who was contemplating and asked, "Reiko, after listening to the inquiries of these three people, do you have any ideas?" "

Teacher, Reiko thinks that the most likely murderer is that Yamamoto Gangmasa, the interrogation questions are evasive, the eyes are erratic, no matter how you look at it, you feel that there is a ghost in your heart."

"But if the murderer is him, what will be the motive for the murder?" Kujo Reiko muttered.

"Well, we have to go and investigate the scene of the crime." Ye Yun smiled and said, "Lingzi, you just stay here, teacher, I'll go to the scene to investigate again, and then tell you the clues I found."

"Teacher! Reiko also wants to go to the site to see!

Ye Yun looked at Kujo Reiko with a embarrassed expression, to be honest, that kind of scene was too big a shock for a girl, and it was easy to cause psychological shadows, Ye Yun was not very willing to let her see.

"Teacher, don't worry about Reiko, Reiko is also a high-achieving law student!" Reiko Kujou understood that Ye Yun just didn't let her see the scene of the dead man.

But she is eager to find out the killer on her own, which is the best proof that what she has learned is useful.

"Okay!" Ye Yun looked at the firmness in Reiko Kujou's eyes, and nodded helplessly.

If he could, Ye Yun didn't want these girls to come into contact with the evil side of the world, but how could it be in this world full of criminals?

Instead of trying to avoid contact with them, it is better to exercise them so that they can have a certain sense of self-defense.

The path to and from car No. 8 has been blocked by the conductor with a yellow cloth strip at the moment, temporarily acting as a cordon.

At this moment, there was no one in car 8, and all the passengers were evacuated to cars 7 and 9 to prevent them from destroying the scene of the crime.

Ye Yun and Reiko Kujou stood at the door of the toilet, Ye Yun put his hand on the doorknob and asked, "Reiko, the scene inside is very cruel, do you really have to see it for yourself?"

Kujo Reiko took a deep breath, nodded firmly, and said, "Teacher, open the door, I'm ready." "

Click..." With

the sound of the door lock turning, the toilet door opened.

When Kujo Reiko saw the scene in the toilet, her originally calm little face suddenly became a lot ugly, her eyes were full of anger, and her little hands couldn't help but clench their fists.

"Teacher, please be sure to bring the murderer to justice!" Kujo Reiko took a deep breath, turned around and bowed deeply to Ye Yunshen and said.

"Reiko, you don't need to say, the teacher will also catch the murderer, don't ask me so seriously." Ye Yun looked at Kujo Reiko's calm performance, and he was still a little surprised in his heart.

In the face of this scene, it is rare for a girl to be so calm, you must know that before those onlookers, some girls were scared and their faces turned pale and trembled.

Thinking of the performance of Kujo Reiko, Ye Yun was also full of emotion, really worthy of being the Madonna of the legal world, it seems that this temperament has been formed a long time ago.

Kujo Reiko wore rubber gloves taken from the flight attendant and rummaged through the toilet, while Ye Yun searched for clues on the deceased.

For this situation, it is better not to let Reiko touch the deceased too much.

Ye Yun broke open the left hand that the deceased was holding tightly, and there was nothing in it, just a string of words written in blood on the palm of his hand.

Dusk, Moon, Pearl of the East, Red Tower.

Ye Yun pondered these words, thinking about what this had to do with those three suspects.

"Teacher, come here!" Kujo Reiko rummaged on the washstand and suddenly shouted.

Ye Yun temporarily put down this confusing word, walked to the side of Kujo Reiko and asked her what she found.

"Reiko, did you find anything?" Ye Yun asked.

"Teacher, look at this." Kujo Reiko said, removing the hair needle pinned to her head and carefully pulling out a piece of paper with blood stained on it from the drain mouth of the pool.

As soon as Ye Yun saw it, he knew that this blood stain was the deceased. Just when he was rummaging through the deceased's body for clues, he already saw that there was an obvious scratch on the blood stain under the deceased's body.

Ye Yun originally thought that the kind of thing used to wipe the blood stains should have been washed into pieces along the flow of water, but he didn't expect to be found here now.

"Reiko, you really helped a lot." Ye Yun sighed.

"On this piece of paper, it is very likely that there are the fingerprints of the prisoner, after all, this is most likely an accidental crime."

"But teacher, why did the prisoner only wipe off that small piece of blood? Since you can't finish wiping, why bother? Kujo Reiko asked puzzled.

Ye Yun explained: "It is very likely that the deceased was discovered by the prisoner when he left the death message, so the prisoner only erased that piece." Kujo

Reiko nodded, indeed there was only one explanation, otherwise why did the prisoner have to leave evidence in one move?

Ye Yun couldn't help but sigh, people really only have intelligence to explode when they reach a real crisis, and a little prostitute actually knows the darkness of Chen Cang.

Ye Yun guessed that the deceased should have left a death message on her left hand when the prisoner was not paying attention, in order to avoid destroying the death message after her death, in order to clean up the traces after her death, she deliberately left a particularly conspicuous death message on the blood stain, so that the prisoner would relax his vigilance after destroying the particularly obvious death message on the blood stain.

In this way, the true death message left by the deceased in the left hand will not be found.

"Let's go, Reiko, the murderer has been found!" Ye Yun rummaged through his mobile phone, inquired about the real background of the three of them, and then said lightly.

"Mr. Yamamoto Gangmasa, Ms. Ansheng Yanami was killed by you!" Pushing open the door of the monitoring room, without waiting for Yamamoto Gangchang and a few people to speak, Ye Yun said lightly.

"Officer Ye......... You...... Don't talk nonsense! Yamamoto Gangchang held back his strength for a long time, and he didn't know how to justify.

"Hehe, the thief's heart is not dead?" Ye Yun sneered: "I just found the death message on the deceased. Hearing the

words of death, Yamamoto Gangchang's breath stagnated, and his eyes were a little empty.

"On the left hand of the deceased Ansheng Liumei, four words were written: dusk, moon, pearl of the Orient, and red tower."

"According to the information I just checked, Yamamoto Gangmasa is on the night shift, and the working time is six o'clock in the evening, which corresponds to dusk, and the off-duty time is three o'clock in the morning, which corresponds to the moon."

As a cashier, Mr. Yamamoto's most frequent business trips happen to be in the cities of Donkyo and Ryukuni Hamaya, and the Tungkyo Tower is red. The coastal area of the dragon country is also known as the pearl of the Orient.

"Mr. Yamamoto, don't tell me that it's all a coincidence, right?" Ye Yun said with a sneer.

"This......... This..."Yamamoto Gangchang broke out in a cold sweat, trembling and not knowing how to explain it.

"I know what you're trying to say, ask for proof?" Ye Yun didn't want to waste time with this pervert, so he simply blocked his back road and said, "Mr. Yamamoto, I have to say that your luck is really bad.

Ye Yun said, taking out the paper with blood stains, of course, in order to avoid the paper being damaged, Ye Yun had already clamped it with two pieces of glass.

Looking at the bloody paper in Ye Yun's hand, Yamamoto Gangchang's head drooped, he knew that he was finished, made Conan's signature kneeling motion, and knelt down in front of Ye Yun.


The train moved slowly and stopped at Rice Flower Market, and Yamamoto Gangsho also explained his motive for killing.

Speaking of specific reasons, it is also that this An Sheng Liu Mei is not very good at being a person, but in Ye Yun's opinion, neither of them is a good thing.

Yamamoto Gangchang is a strict wife at home, and it is rare to see it in this neon place, after all, neon women have always been known for their virtuousness, although there are also such strong women, but after all, it is a minority, rare.

The reason why Yamamoto Gangsho got the position of cashier of the Panasonic Group was not because of how highly educated he was and how capable he was, but because his father-in-law was the general manager of the Panasonic Group.

Although Yamamoto's academic qualifications are undeniable, people with high education do not worry about finding it, and he can get this position without the help of his father-in-law.

Yamamoto Gangchang himself has a relatively weak personality, relying on his father-in-law's promotion to get the position of cashier itself has a lot of criticism, plus he was reprimanded by his father-in-law in the company, and his wife is a strong character, often saying the same thing.

Although Yamamoto Gangsho is cowardly after all, he is also a man who has the basic dignity of a man.

Unable to find male dignity on his wife's side, he set his sights on the magical website and looked for An Sheng Liu Mei, but An Sheng Liu Mei looked a little like his wife.

But it may be that looking like also leads to similar personalities, Ansheng Yanami, after the end of the matter, also made a few words to mock Yamamoto Gangmasa, saying that he was simply bad.

These various reasons combined led him to rise up and kill Ansheng Yanami.

In Ye Yun's view, Yamamoto Gangchang's kind is a typical escape psychology, what is the point of finding dignity in others? Is there dignity when I go back?

And An Sheng Liu Mei, in Ye Yun's opinion, is a self-inflicted hardship, can't do business well, and ridiculing his guests is simply outrageous.


Arriving at Yonehua City, Matsumoto Kiyonaga took Yamamoto Gangmasa, and Ye Yun and Kujo Reiko also returned to the Metropolitan Police Department with Matsumoto Kiyonaga's police car to take notes.

Originally, as Ye Yun, he only needed two sentences to avoid the formalities of taking notes, but thinking that Kujo Reiko was still there, he wouldn't do that set himself, so as not to leave any bad impression in the little girl's heart.

After the transcript ended, Ye Yun took Kujo Reiko out of the Metropolitan Police Department, and after asking Kujo Reiko for her parents' phone, she told her parents to come to the Mihua City Metropolitan Police Department to pick her up.

After experiencing the case just now, Ye Yun was really worried that Kujo Reiko went home alone at night.

It turned out that Ye Yun's idea was very correct. Because even Ye Yun, who is a healthy boy, found that someone secretly coveted his feelings, maybe there are beautiful women who take a fancy to him?

After jokingly mocking himself, he used his divine sense to cover the 100-meter range around him, carefully searching for all clues.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and on the floors on both sides of the street, there was a black shadow constantly jumping behind him, like a flexible wild cat.

No, although she is agile, she relies on tools to move between floors.

Ye Yun looked strangely left and right, leading her to a dead end, and then turned to face her specific direction and said: "Don't hide, come out, I already see you." There

was silence all around, as if Ye Yun was talking to himself alone.

Ye Yun shook his head helplessly, bent down to pick up a small pebble from the ground, and flicked his fingers in her direction, only to hear a cry of pain. From the corner of the darkness, a tall black shadow immediately jumped.

Even if it was dark, it still couldn't stop Ye Yun's amazing vision. She wore a black tights that clinged to her tall and plump body, thus showing the most beautiful S-shaped curve of girls.

Although nothing is missing, it can still arouse men's infinite reverie.

"It hurts, it's almost swollen."

At this time, she covered her butt and cried out in pain, Ye Yun aimed at the place with a lot of meat and hit.

"Miss Thousand Shadows, do I want to rob the color or the wealth when I follow me on the big night?" Ye Yun asked with a smile.

"Who... Who followed you, I only pass by occasionally. Finding

that Ye Yun saw through her whereabouts, she could only stand calmly in front of Ye Yun. But she said very strange in her heart, why Ye Yun could find himself.

"And! What nonsense? I just want to get my own thing back from you! Chikage said with a flushed face.

Ye Yun looked helpless, little girl, what you said is inconsistent.

"Hey, I don't remember what I took from you." Ye Yun was very surprised, he and her had only met for the second time.

"Don't be confused, the last time we separated, you... You took my underwear, right? She blushed and told the truth angrily.

Ye Yun was stunned, for a piece of underwear, he actually followed himself all the way from Osaka to Rice Flower.

The cute little pink leaf cloud was not thrown away, he packed it in a small box and kept it on his body.

"So it is, I see." Ye Yun's right hand took out the pink underwear from the box and presented it in front of her.

Although many days have passed, there is a box that still retains the fragrance of Senkage's body.

"Will I wash it for you before giving it to you?"

Watching Ye Yun rubbing his underwear, Qianying seemed to have the illusion of touching his chest. Her face was so red from shame that it almost spilled blood.

"No... You don't need to wash it, yes, by the way, you didn't use it for dirty things. With round eyes, she suddenly uttered that sentence. Some boys usually like to use girls' underwear to vent their perverted behavior!

"Nope!" Ye Yun rolled his eyes and threw his underwear to her, and out of instinct, Qianying caught her with his hand.

"Eh, you don't." She said in a disappointed tone, the underwear really did not leave any stains, exactly the same as when she first took it off.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me wrong, I didn't say anything."

Qianying's face turned crimson, secretly slandering himself, what the hell was that disappointed tone. Her heartbeat pounded hard on her chest, blaming herself for why she had such perverted thoughts.

"For a piece of underwear, is it worth chasing you from Osaka to the rice flower market?" Ye Yun asked speechlessly.

"Of course, that's just one of my reasons. If you don't get it back, who knows what you'll do with it. And after I said the second reason, with your reasoning ability and identity, you will definitely be very interested.

"I accidentally learned that Huangtian City, Longguo, has produced a large batch of Huangxian jade, which is of very good quality and has been exhibited in many countries around the world, and the next stop is neon."

"And in Neon, there is a criminal organization that has targeted this batch of Huang Xianyu, I only know that their personnel are all dressed in black, and the others don't know anything."

Ye Yun pondered the news, that jade was not important to him.

Ye Yun did not expect that the first time he learned about the black-clothed organization was actually under this situation.

However, he was not worried at all that the black-clothed organization could succeed, and he didn't treat the special operations forces of the Dragon Kingdom as soft rice.

Ye Yun cares about the Huangxian grass that accompanies Huangxianyu, which is a good thing.

Huangxian grass is not good-looking, and if you don't know it, you will only treat it as a weed.

But if it is an immortal cultivator like Ye Yun, he knows the Yellow Immortal Grass very well.

With some rare medicines, Ye Yun could cultivate the elixir of immortality.

Of course, one of the most important formulas or medicinal introductions is Xian Yuan.

Originally, Ye Yun was still worried about Youxizi and them, after all, he would not be old, but with Xizi they would, now he is not worried, Huangxian Grass has a whereabouts, and immortality is expected.

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