"Grand Prince, where are you talking here, if there is something you order, as long as it is not sunk in this neon island, I have no problem with other things!" Guo Huangyi held the phone and patted his chest to assure.

Although Guo Huangyi was already a lieutenant general, in his heart, he was always a student of Old Master Ye, and even he had a good impression of Ye Yun.

Ye Yunguan on the other end of the phone, did not expect that no matter what world it was in, the people of the Dragon Kingdom had always been so cute.

"Uncle Guo, you said and laughed, it's just a trivial matter, you can't sink Neon Island. Ye Yun said with a smile.

"So, what do you say, Grand Prince. Guo Huangyi was also serious.

"Hmm... Do you know the Neon First Consortium, the Suzuki Foundation?" Ye Yun thought for a while and decided to ask about the situation first.

"You know, could it be that these neon people who don't have long eyes have provoked you?" Guo Huangyi's voice said with anger: "Don't worry, Dagongzi, Old Guo will immediately take the army to destroy it!"

Ye Sheng on the side rolled his eyes and slapped Guo Huangyi's head.

"Lao Ye, what do you mean!" Guo Huangyi was a straight temper, what to say.

"I said that you are an elm head, can't you wait for the eldest prince to finish speaking before expressing his opinion?" Ye Sheng was speechless: "After the eldest prince has finished speaking, you will interrupt his words, besides, what strength level the eldest prince does not know?

"Uncle Guo, where are you talking here, how can I mind?" Ye Yun smiled and said, "Uncle Guo, can you bring some of the best special combat soldiers to Mihua City in half an hour?"

If this is in the Dragon Kingdom, then this matter may also need to be applied for in advance, and then various procedures are required.

But well, it's neon now, so he doesn't care so much.

"After arriving at Yonaka Market, just come to Suzuki's villa area to find me, and I am here now. Ye Yun thought for a while and added, "By the way, remember to call my uncle Shengquan as well."

"Yes, Grand Duke. Guo Huangyi nodded, and then hung up the phone.

"What's the matter with the eldest prince?" saw Guo Huangyi's phone call end, Ye Shengquan asked.

"The eldest prince told us to go to the rice flower market in half an hour. Bring some good special operations soldiers by the way. Ye

Shengquan heard Guo Huangyi's answer, although he was a little puzzled, he still nodded, after all, as Old Master Ye's own grandson, he couldn't control what Ye Yun did.

The most important thing is that the reason why he and Guo Huangyi were sent here was because they were closer to Old Master Ye and had the ability, and secondly, they were sent to protect Ye Yun.

In a sense, the two are still Ye Yun's direct subordinates.


Listening to the dripping sound on the phone, Ye Yun also relaxed his heart.

This is also the first time he has used such a remote memory implant, and I don't know if it works, but now it seems to be very good.

"Brother Ye, it turns out that you are here, I have been looking for you for a long time. Not

long after Ye Yun hung up the phone, Shiro Suzuki came over.

"The banquet is about to start, come with me." Shiro Suzuki said with a smile.

Ye Yun nodded and followed behind Shiro Suzuki.

"Brother Ye, I just heard my cousin mention you. The two walked quietly, when suddenly Shiro Suzuki spoke.

"Erm......... Mention what's wrong with me?" Ye Yun was a little confused by Shiro Suzuki's moment, brother Dei, what are you going to make a fuss?"

"My cousin told me that she likes you, and she originally planned to ask me to talk about your style, but I don't know how to say it, so I simply asked you directly."

Suzuki Shiro repeated all the words that Suzuki Tomoko had explained to him to Ye Yun, and he was relieved after speaking.

Ye Yun was stunned to look at Suzuki Shilang's operation, and couldn't help but complain in his heart: Brother Dei, do you want to be so direct?

"Miss Tomoko is a very good girl. If I can marry her, it will be my blessing. Ye Yun nodded and said, "However, you must know the situation over there..."

Suzuki Shiro interrupted Ye Yun's words and said, "Don't worry, Brother Ye, my cousin said it, she doesn't mind."

Ye Yun nodded, although he didn't know what happened in the two hours he was asleep, but if he refused, it would be a fool, and he would definitely not receive the promise first.

Seeing Ye Yun nodding, Shiro Suzuki was ecstatic and almost cried out.

Ye Yun was a little confused, lying in the groove, I promised Suzuki Tomoko and didn't promise you, what are you excited about?"

"Brother Suzuki, lead the way, don't be late for the banquet later." Ye Yun was a little confused for the time being, so he waved his hand wordlessly and said.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes!" Suzuki Shiro reacted and continued to lead Ye Yun to the banquet location, but this time his steps were a little faster.


At the banquet, more than a dozen people sat on rectangular tables, eating slowly, but it was clear that many people were not thinking about it.

"Ahem, my wife and I are old, Suzuki Foundation, we are going to let you go and let you be in charge, who will be the family?"

said a silver-haired septuagenarian couple sitting on the main seat.

Ye Yun listened, and silently read in his heart: The right thing is coming.

As the words of the two old men fell, everyone who was eating stopped their bowls and chopsticks, and the scene became smelly in an instant.

"I think my son Yoshinari is pretty good. A middle-aged woman said.

Suzuki Tomoko, who was sitting next to Ye Yun, introduced the people who spoke to Ye Yun one by one.

Ye Yun also listened patiently, after all, they will be regarded as their mother's family in the future, and although the Suzuki family has a big family, they have not had the bloody plot of fighting for property like the TV series.

This made Ye Yun, who hated such TV series, have a lot of good feelings.

"The person who spoke was Hideharu Suzuki, a cousin of mine, and sitting next to him was his son Yoshinari Suzuki.

"Hmph, of course you feel good about your son. A man sitting opposite Suzuki Xiuchun snorted coldly: "Second uncle, I think my daughter is better than her son, at least my daughter was admitted to Didan High School!"

When Suzuki Xiuchun heard this, he snorted coldly: "That's all in the past, what else is there to talk about?" "

Brother Yun, this is my third uncle, Suzuki Heigang, his daughter's name is Suzuki Yuxin, I didn't come today, I heard that she is currently studying at Longguo National University." At

Ye Yun's strong request, Suzuki Tomoko changed his title to Ye Yun from Yunjun to Yun Brother.

Ye Yun nodded, and couldn't help but be a little curious about this Suzuki feather core.

In this world, people who can enter the Dragon Kingdom National University as non-Dragon Country people are extraordinary.

The status of this world's Dragon Kingdom National University is comparable to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the beautiful country of the previous life, and even surpasses it in some places.

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