Early in the morning, when Ye Yun opened her eyes, she saw Xiaobi's sleeping face, her eyelashes were long, very beautiful, and there were still some tear stains around the corners of her eyes, at this time she was dreaming, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Ye Yun looked at her lovingly, thinking that the girl under her yesterday was still the first to accept the rain and dew, but she was so excited that she didn't restrain much, and she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed in her heart.

Xiaobi's body moved closer to his arms, and after finding a comfortable position, she continued to dream.

Ye Yun didn't bother Xiaobi either, looking at her quiet face, he smiled with satisfaction in his heart.

He also closed his eyes and enjoyed the rare tranquility.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Bi woke up in confusion, and saw Ye Yun as soon as she opened her eyes. found himself lying in Ye Yun's arms, and his cheeks became red.

"Xiaobi, good morning." Ye Yun noticed the movement in his arms, opened his eyes and greeted with a smile.

"Ah~! Teacher!? Xiao Bi exclaimed in surprise, although she had the intention of dedication last night, but the girl was a girl after all, and she was still shy when she woke up this morning.

Xiaobi hurriedly pulled up the quilt that fell because she got up to cover it, but it fell because the quilt was too short, revealing a snow-white and attractive jade rabbit, which made her face flush again, and glared at Ye Yun shyly.

"Xiaobi, good morning, how is it? Does it still hurt? Looking at Xiao Bi's appearance, Ye Yun resisted the urge to laugh and asked with concern.

"Teacher, you are so bad!" As soon as Xiao Bi heard this, her already red cheeks became redder, but because of Ye Yun's joke, Xiao Bi didn't care that her body was exposed, anyway, everything she should have done was done, and it was nothing to look at, so she naturally dressed up, of course, Ye Yun's "enthusiastic help" was indispensable.

Originally, Ye Yun's plan was to accompany Xiaobi all day today, after all, she had just broken her body last night, and it was when she needed herself, but she didn't expect the arrival of a phone call to disrupt all of Ye Yun's arrangements.

The call was from Tomoko Suzuki, and the content of the call was very simple, Tomoko was pregnant.

Hearing this news, Ye Yun was also a little confused all of a sudden, after all, even before crossing over, Ye Yun was a bachelor, and he was somewhat overwhelmed by this feeling of being a father.

But then thinking of the relationship between himself and Xiaobi, and thinking of Suzuki Tomoki, Ye Yun was relieved and not so embarrassed.

Ye Yun replied to Suzuki Tomoko, saying that he would go back immediately, and at the same time told Suzuki Tomoko not to work too hard, after all, pregnancy is also very hard for a woman.

"It's okay, Sister Thousand Kage is here to take care of me." Tomoko Suzuki's voice is still pleasant, and he still seems to be in a very good mood.

"What? A thousand shadows are there for you? Ye Yun was even more surprised at this moment, I didn't see this girl for two or three days, Ye Yun thought that she was going to be her rogue again, but she didn't expect that she actually went to find Suzuki Tomoko and recognize her sister.

Hung up the phone, Ye Yun and Xiaobi said this, as Ye Yun thought, Xiaobi was not happy at all, but was very concerned about the child who was about to be born, and quickly urged Ye Yun to go back to see it quickly, and she wanted to follow anyway.

Along the way, Ye Yun has been thinking about a question, according to the calculation of time, then this child is Ayako Suzuki in the original plot? That is to say, a Suzuki Sonoko will be born later.

And now, Ye Yun is thinking about an interesting thing, if Ayako Suzuki does not sleep with her friends after she is born, until Kudo Shinichi is born, then where will Suzuki Sonoko come from?

Ye Yun knew that in such a plot world, there was a pair of invisible big hands doing their best to repair things, so that the plot was as close as possible to the original work, but some things could not be changed.

For example, the existence of Ye Yun and everything related to Ye Yun.

Of course, Ye Yun just thought about such an interesting thing, and would not put it into action, after all, what is the difference between this and snubbing friends.


Suzuki Mansion, in the boudoir of Tomoko Suzuki.

Tomoko Suzuki was lying on the bed at this time, and there were two beautiful women, one big and one small, sitting next to the bed.

"Sister Meixu, why are you here?" Tomoko asked in surprise.

"Sister Punzi, I guessed, I originally thought you were sick, but I didn't expect it to be pregnant." Mio Tsukiwa replied.

Chikage on the side looked at Mio Tsukiwa and was very surprised.

Because of her pregnancy, Tomoko Suzuki definitely couldn't manage all the affairs of the Suzuki Foundation with the same intensity as before, so she handed over some things that needed to be handled by Tomoko Suzuki to Shiro Suzuki.

After all, the huge Suzuki consortium, the only one who is more assured by Suzuki Tomoko is Shiro Suzuki alone, as for Jiroji? The old boy should forget it.

Tomoko Suzuki held a board meeting and roughly explained what authority was given to Shiro Suzuki, but of course the reason would not be known to those directors.

Chikage knew that the Tokiwa Group, where Tokiwa Mio belonged, had a lot of dealings with the Suzuki Foundation, and she also knew that the huge Tokiwa Group was basically managed by this young girl who was less than twenty years old.

Unexpectedly, this little girl actually guessed the approximate situation based on a little clue.

"Sister Qianying, don't be so surprised." Looking at the expression on Chikage's face, Chang Pan Mio said, "After all, I am also Teacher Ye's person."

"What?!" When Qianying heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Sister Meixu, you won't be forced, right?"

Without waiting for Tokiwa Misuo to answer, Qianying ran out of the room with a chant, seemingly planning to settle accounts with Ye Yun.

“......... Sister Pengzi, is she really okay like this? Tsukiwa Mio asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, Sister Meixu, she won't be there in front of Big Brother Ye, so she will be able to do it, and when Big Brother Ye arrives, she will be gone."

Hearing Suzuki Tomoko's words, Tokiwa Mio laughed, gently caressed Suzuki Tomoko with one hand, and muttered: "I really look forward to the birth of this little guy, then she will definitely be pampered by many people."

"By the way, sister Tomoko, is this little guy a boy or a girl?" Tokiwa Mio asked.

"It's a girl." Speaking of this, Tomoko Suzuki was a little worried, because according to what she knew, the people of the Dragon Kingdom liked boys.

"Sister Pengzi, don't worry, Teacher Ye will definitely like girls!" Mio Tokiwa saw the expression on Tomoko Suzuki's face and hurriedly comforted.

"Really? Sister Mio, do you know if Brother Ye likes boys or girls? Tomoko Suzuki asked curiously.

"I don't know, but Sister Pengzi, you see, Mr. Ye has found so many beautiful women as wives, she must like girls very much!" Tsukiwa Mio said.

When Tomoko Suzuki heard this, she couldn't laugh or cry, but when she thought about it carefully, it seemed that it really made sense.

"Thank you, Sister Mio." Tomoko Suzuki said with a smile.

The original Suzuki Tomoko was still a little afraid that she would be jealous of the other girls around Ye Yun when she was pregnant, but she didn't expect them to care so much about herself and her child, which moved her.

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