"Oops? Is Yukiko back? "

When they got out of the car, a girl made a sound of surprise. Ye Yun saw that it was a girl of the same age as Yukiko. Compared with Yukiko, the appearance is much worse, and it can only be regarded as passable.

There is no way, Ye Yun has been in this world for a year or two, and he mixes with the top girls in this world every day, and his vision has already improved a lot.

"It's been a long time, Hiromi!" Yukiko clasped the hand of the girl in front of her in surprise, she was very glad that there were so many familiar people at her expedition dinner, and it was good to be able to see her playmate since childhood.

"After all, it's your departure ceremony, I'm sure I'll be present on this occasion!" Hiromi Shunai smiled, and her eyes couldn't help but move to Ye Yun.

The first time he saw Ye Yun, Guangmei's eyes did not move away, and his eyes flashed with unprecedented brilliance, with a little regret.

Ye Yun is so insightful, this detail can't escape his eyes, when Hiromi Yauchi looked at him, Ye Yun had already found out, but he was just curious about what Yukiko, his best friend, planned to do to him.

It's not that Ye Yun is boasting, people who can ignore their own charm to break through the skyline don't exist in this world.

However, Ye Yun captured the regret in Hiromi Xunai's eyes, and knew that although this girl looked average, her heart was still very kind, and she didn't mean to pry the corner.

Of course, Hiromi Xuanai didn't know what Ye Yun had made up in her mind, she fixed her mind slightly, and said with a mocking expression: "Hehe, Yukiko, don't you introduce the one next to you?" She was really surprised that her playmate who had been playing since she was a child actually found such an excellent boyfriend in Mihua City?

"Let me introduce you to each other, Ye-kun, she is my childhood best friend Hiromi Kaunouchi. And Hiromi, he... His name is Ye Yun, and I made a boyfriend when I was studying in Rice Flower City.

Ye Yun was not surprised by this, anyway, he came this time not only to knock and knock on the person, but also to solve the matter of Yukiko.

Although it was Yukiko who took the initiative to say this was not in the plan, it was not surprising to think of Yukiko's eccentric personality.

"Hiromi, huh? Thanks to the care of Yukiko over the years, thank you here. Ye Yun didn't feel uncomfortable with her boyfriend's identity, and admitted it straightforwardly.

And Youxizi was a little stunned by this, because she didn't expect Ye Yun to admit it like this.

After hearing Ye Yun's words, Hiromi Servouchi looked at her playmate Yukiko with great envy. A man who can drive a luxury car for tens of millions of yen and looks good is extinct in this world, right?

"Yukiko, you're so happy." Hiromi Kaunai looked at Yukiko with envy, and then added: "You're welcome, Ye-kun, Yukiko is not only your girlfriend, but also my good girlfriend, and taking care of her should also be done." When

Yukiko heard the conversation between the two, her face was red, and she was already confused for a long time, and even going to Yukiko's house was the way led by Hiromi Kaunai.

The Fujimine family is a large agricultural farmer and owns a large area of land in Gunma Prefecture, although it is not as good as the Sonai family.

Rice flower city and Kyoto usually rely on Gunma Prefecture to supply various agricultural products for daily life. To put it simply, Yukiko's family can be said to be a small landowner's family.

When he arrived at home, Yukiko finally calmed down, but he refused to let go of Ye Yun's hand.

Yukiko took Ye Yun through her courtyard, and the three of them came to a wooden loft with a Japanese style. The white wood walls are gracefully painted, the floors are made of durable red dates, and a circular corridor encloses the wooden attic rooms in the center.

Following Yukiko to the thirty-square-sized living room, he found a middle-aged couple in their forties and two middle-aged men in their forties and fifties drinking tea around a wooden tea table. It seems to be tasting tea.

Seeing Ye Yun and them come in, the middle-aged couple saw Ye Yun and Yukiko holding hands at a glance, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little strange.

Yukiko felt a little inappropriate, and quickly let go of Ye Yun's hand, Ye Yun didn't care about this, anyway, what are you doing here, he knew in his heart, so he took the initiative to grab Yukiko's hand.

"Uncle and aunt, look, Yukiko has come back with a very handsome boyfriend." Hiromi Kaunai didn't pay attention to what happened at this moment, and seeing that Yukiko and Ye Yun didn't react, she introduced it enthusiastically.

Yukiko's father has a serious face, and at a glance he knows that he is a very serious and old-fashioned kind of person. The mother is very lively in comparison, and her personality is somewhat similar to Yukiko's.

When the two saw Ye Yun, they both had different impressions. The mother's eyes lit up and she secretly gave her daughter a thumbs up. In contrast, his father attaches more importance to the inner things and appreciates Ye Yun's responsible mentality.

Put aside the affairs of the family first, solve the matter of Yukiko first, and discuss the rest. So Youxizi's parents signed this and that with the two middle-aged men, and bargained for a long time like a vegetable market, and the two middle-aged men got up and said goodbye.

Because Yukiko still has a year to reach adulthood, these things must be agreed upon by her parents.

And Ye Yun then got up and followed under the pretext of going to the toilet.

"Wait a minute, two of you!" At the door of Fuji Feng's house, Ye Yun spoke.

"May I ask who your Excellency is?" The two middle-aged men turned around and asked suspiciously.

"The personal phone number of the two of you was given to me by Mr. Jin Pingjinan, do you understand what I mean, you two?" Ye Yun didn't want to waste time with them, so he said straight to the point.

The two middle-aged men looked at each other, then remembered something, nodded in horror and said, "Please also make it clear!"

Ye Yun nodded with satisfaction and said: "Miss Fuji Feng will act in the future, although she is playing a single heroine play, but there are inevitably some people who want to have some thoughts about Miss Fuji Feng that they shouldn't have, I hope you two can chop off the claws stretched out by these people, understand?" "

Your Excellency, but there are some people, we..." The two were a little embarrassed, although the names of the first director and the first screenwriter sounded bluffing, but when they met some political bigwigs, it was also cabbage.

"When you meet those people, call Jin Pingjinan's private phone directly, and report Miss Fujifeng's full name, as long as he dares to ignore it, he will change his position the next day, do you believe it?" Ye Yun interrupted.

"Hey! I see! Is there anything else you can do? The two wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and they couldn't help but be a little afraid, even Jin Pingji Nan just said it, let alone the two of them?

Ye Yun waved his hand and turned around and returned to Fuji Feng's house, if it weren't for the dream of Youxizi, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to these two people.

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