"I'm just expressing my opinion. Nilam looked at Belloba coldly and said.

Although his attitude in the DGP Grand Prix was to give more authority to senior VIPs.

Of course, this is also to please a large number of senior VIPs. This will make it easier for him to vote in some meetings. , got enough votes from high-ranking VIPs.

However, Neelam would not give in on the [Knight Century] project.

Even if he offended a high-ranking VIP

"view? I don’t know, Neelam, what are your thoughts on the end of Amazons?"

"In order to let Louis focus on Amazons programs, Louis was not chosen to be the game administrator of the DGP Grand Prix. This should be the content you asked the official account of the DGP Grand Prix to post.

"However, Amazon is now over"

"Neelam, whose responsibility do you think this is? Louis's? If it weren't for responding to this content you posted, would Louis have ended Amazon?"

"And choosing someone else to be the game administrator of the DGP Grand Prix, what about the current DGP Grand Prix? What has it become?"

"Neelam, do you want me to release the ratings icon of the recent DGP Grand Prix to embarrass you?"

Belloba will not be polite, let alone discuss with Neelam who is right and who is wrong. She will directly throw out the facts.

Take advantage of Neelam's life.

Neelam is the game producer of the DGP Grand Prix People.

He is definitely to blame for the decline in the ratings of the DGP Grand Prix.

After all, Chirami is also the person he promoted.

However, Louis, who is not even an administrator candidate, created Dragon after Amazons Riding program.

It competes specifically with the DGP Grand Prix.

Chilami, who was selected by Neelam, caused the ratings of the DGP Grand Prix to decline one after another.

Louis' success with Dragon Rider proved that he definitely has the potential to become the DGP Grand Prix. The qualifications of a game administrator.

It also proves that Neelam has poor vision.

This kind of thing would not be mentioned openly.

But Beloba doesn’t care. On the contrary, if you are interested in the [Knight Century] project, then We might as well spread out what you have done and explain it clearly.

When Neelam heard about the DGP Grand Prix, his expression collapsed instantly.

He suddenly realized that the decline in the ratings of the DGP Grand Prix meant that he had no confidence now. Talk.

But, just a month ago, when I held a meeting here to discuss driving away Kiroli, I was so high-spirited.

At that time, I felt that without Kiroli,

I would definitely be able to lead the dgp award. The game is getting further and further away.

However, who would have thought that the DGP Grand Prix during Kiroli's period would be the last glory of this show.

Neelam's face was ugly.

But in the face of Beroba's questioning, Neelam There is no room for refutation.

He doesn't even have a chance to argue with words and confuse right and wrong.

Beloba can kill Neelam with just one word.

"Okay, Ms. Beroba, what we are discussing today is the [Knights Century] project. Don’t involve it in the DGP Grand Prix..~"

The management responsible for leading the meeting saw that the situation was not good and stopped Beroba's questioning.

After all, Neelam is still the game producer of DGP Grand Prix.

Although everyone is the management, Neelam is the real management and holds the greatest power in the DGP Grand Prix.

It is limited to Si Aier, the founder of the DGP Grand Prix.

If this matter were brought up, everyone here would look unhappy.

Belloba also knew the priorities, nodded, and sat back in her seat.

He crossed his legs and looked coldly at Neelam, who lowered his head.

"Neelam, what do you think?"The management who led the meeting looked at Neelam and asked again.

Neelam said with a trembling voice:"I have no objection."

"I'm feeling a little unwell right now, so I won't continue listening to this meeting."

After that, Neelam staggered out of the conference room.

Those eyes looking at Neelam left his body.

Neelam's departure is no longer important.

【The Knight Century] project is the focus of everyone’s next discussion.

Belloba exchanged glances with the management in charge of the meeting.

There was a smile in each other's eyes.

They had been prepared for a long time, one with a red face and the other with a black face.

In addition to embarrassing Neelam, he also wants Neelam not to interfere too much in the voting of this project.

Outside the office.

Samarth was waiting at the door for Neelam to come out.

However, Samarth was still shocked when Neelam appeared.

Neelam's staggering figure made Samarth wonder if he had been beaten inside.

"Lord Neelam."Samas shouted. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Go, let Chilami speed up the restructuring of the DGP Grand Prix and bring the DGP Grand Prix back into the eyes of the audience."

".As long as the restructuring of the DGP Grand Prix is ​​successful, no [Knight Century] project can be a match for the DGP Grand Prix. Neelam said to himself, holding on to the wall and walking forward.

Samarth also wanted to help Neelam, but was pushed away by Neelam.

"Go, go immediately."Neelam yelled.

Samas's expression changed and he ran away quickly.

He knew that Neelam was in a particularly bad mood now.

But, what is the [Knight Century] project?

In the conference room, What exactly are being discussed?

It seems that it must be something very important, but very detrimental to Neelam.

Otherwise, there would not be such a change when Neelam left the conference room.

Samarth is still Neelam now Mu's secretary, of course, what Neelam told us must be completed.

Moreover, the restructuring of the DGP Grand Prix is ​​almost over.

In fact, if some special circumstances do not arise, the restructuring of the DGP Grand Prix will be completed soon. It could have ended a week ago. (Qian Zhao)

However, Neelam saw that special situation and forced the DGP Grand Prix to be suspended for an extra week.[]

Just to break through oneself and become a blockbuster.

However, no one knows whether it will be a blockbuster, or whether it will crash and fall to the ground.


Louis knew the news that the [Knight Century] project was passed, and there was no surprise on his face.

In his opinion, Belloba and Jean took care of the high-ranking guests.

Some of the contacts Killoli left behind were able to secure some people in the management.

Then, there is no possibility of failure in the [Knight Century] project.

Unless, Neelam is shameless and wants to suppress the [Knights Century] project.

That’s why Louis asked Killoli to help him review the materials for the [Knights’ Century] project to ensure that there was nothing that could be faulted.

This looks to be a confrontation between Louis and Neelam.

In fact, it was Kiroli who launched the attack on Neelam..

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