Azuma Michichi before the start of this DGP Grand Prix.

I learned about the game from Archimedes.

Just defeat the contestants from the Knight camp, and then defeat the other contestants from the Demon camp.

You can become the ultimate creator god yourself.

Azuma Michinaga must still have deep malice towards Hidetoshi Ukiyo in his heart.

However, this time he did not act rashly and rushed directly to find trouble for Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

Because, he saw that Jinghe was also there.

He is now hostile to the contestants from the knight camp.

Once he takes action, he will inevitably face a two-on-one situation.

Azuma Daozhang took out the Desire Drive and completed his transformation.

The buckle he uses is a demonic belt buckle.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Sakurai Keikazu became nervous and prepared to face the bully's attack.

But the next second, their expressions were stunned.

Because, Ba Niu buckles the demon disciple's belt buckle.

The vines of the evil attack looked like giant snakes.

However, the direction of the attack was not Ukiyo Hidetoshi or Sakurai Keikazu.

Instead, the evil demon disciples had gathered around.

A contestant from the Evil Disciple camp is attacking the Evil Disciple soldiers from the same camp as himself. 090Why does this kind of thing look so weird?

The power of the evil attack was really powerful. Almost in an instant, dozens of evil disciples were wiped out instantly.

Such an explosion could also be achieved by Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

Even Sakurai Keikazu can finish it if he breaks out.

But why?

Why do we do this?

The Devil's Garden.

Archimedes saw that dozens of the evil demon disciples he had worked so hard to train were killed by Azuma Taoist Priest's evil attack.

His body was shaking and twitching, and he pointed at the priest Azuma in the picture.

"He he he he...ahhhhhhh……"

Isuzu Daichi was standing aside, his eyelids twitching as he watched.

The power displayed by Azuma Taoist Priest is even more powerful than before.

"Don't worry, Archimedes, he is here to win this game."

Isuzu Daichi would not tell Archimedes, he still told Azuma Michio about this method.


"This method probably wasn't thought up by Ba Niu himself."Kiroli said.

If Ba Niu could come up with this method, he wouldn't have been suppressed by Ji Hu for so long.

(ccdh) Even when facing the evil demon boss, he actually chose to rush forward.

Ba Niu definitely does not have this kind of wisdom

"I think so too, his mind can't figure out this method."Belloba also said

"Then it was probably Isuzu Daichi who told him."Louis laughed.


"what's the situation? Why did Baniu start attacking his teammates?"

"Baniu, wake up, you are no longer a contestant in the DGP Grand Prix, you are from the evil demon camp."

"Laughing to death, did Ba Niu accidentally injure a friendly force?"

"Ba Niu, you also want to chengwei Ying Shanren

"I want to kill all the evil demons, including myself, right?"

"Damn memories come flooding back to me, my Amazons!"

"Everyone is crying!"

"It feels like Jihu and Taili are both confused. They are ready to fight Ba Niu."

"Has Ba Niu's brain been assimilated by the evil demon disciple after possessing the power of the evil demon disciple?"


The bully from the Evil Disciple camp was just released, and the first thing he attacked was the Evil Disciple soldiers.

This made many viewers dumbfounded and thought they were having fun.

This also allowed the ratings of the DGP Grand Prix to rebound slightly.

However, in the eyes of many smart people, they also understand the reason why Ba Niu did this.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo saw Azuma Taoist Priest attacking the evil demon disciples.

I understood his thoughts immediately

"Damn it, he wanted to defeat the evil disciples and free the other contestants from the evil disciples camp."Ukiyo Hidetoshi revealed Azuma Taoist priest's thoughts with one word.

Jinghe was stunned for a moment, and then he also reacted.

Because to release the contestants of the evil demon disciple camp, they need to defeat a certain number of evil demon disciples.

Azuma Taoist priest is now Doing this kind of thing.

Only by releasing the other two contestants from the evil demon camp will the strength of both parties be balanced. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Neither Ukiyo Hidetoshi nor Keihe expected to dominate Niu has this kind of brain.

After all, Ba Niu has always been a reckless person in their impression.

This reckless person actually knows how to use his brain now.

"Stop him." Ukiyo Hidetoshi shouted.

No matter what, we can't let Azuma Daozhang release the other demon camp contestants so easily.

Jihu and Taili rushed in front of Ba Niu and launched an attack on Ba Niu.

This is a two-fight One game.

However, Azuma Taoist priest has learned a lot.

He can destroy dozens of evil demon disciples with one evil attack. One of Jihu and Taili must stop his attack.

However, the nearby The evil disciples are here because there are two contestants from the knight camp.

So-called, they are all leaning over, and these evil disciples are also Ba Niu's helpers.

In the aftermath of the battle, these evil disciples will also be killed..Thus further releasing other contestants from the evil camp.[]

"We can't continue like this, we can't stop his actions, retreat." Ukiyo Hidetoshi shouted.

They don't know where the progress is now.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi just has a rough judgment that the second knight from the evil disciple camp will be released.

Wait until the second knight from the evil disciple camp rushes over.

Two against two, there is no advantage at all.

It is better to find Kurama Yaon now and prepare to face the situation of three against three.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi vaguely suspects that this is what Kirami wants to see.

Kirami: No need to doubt!

Sure enough, not long after Jihu and Taili left, the second contestant from the evil demon camp also rushed to where Ba Niu was.

His id heart was a panda with tiny vines clinging to it.

Sumida Kanato.

This is a contestant who was eliminated in a previous DGP Grand Prix.

When he was told that contestants who became demon disciples could re-enter the DGP Grand Prix, he chose to agree without hesitation.

"Ba Niu, it’s really been a long time since I saw you."Sumida Souto saw Azuma using the demon disciple's belt buckle and said with a smile.

Azuma Souto did not expect that one of the contestants was actually Sumida Souto.

However, it can be understood if you think about it.

Sumida Souto's reaction Social personality will indeed do such things

"Without further ado, let’s release the third contestant." said the Taoist priest Azuma.

"I'm not interested in this. I'm going to find trouble with that young lady now. She was lucky enough to eliminate me last time. This time, I won't let her go so easily." Sumida Soudou sneered, then turned and left.

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