An Ruochen got into the carriage and left smoothly.

No one to follow, no one to block. Except that there were two people dressed as bearers outside the private room when they just left, followed by Fu Yunlai. They watched her get into the carriage and did nothing else.

After An Ruochen walked for a while, Tian Qing reported to her that no danger was found, and she was relieved.

An Ruochen quietly took out the letter that Xue Xuran had given her in the carriage, read it quickly, put the letter away, thought about it again, opened the curtain and said to Lu Zheng, "Brother Lu, bring the antidote for the second sister." Are you ready?" When she asked about it a few days ago, Lu Zheng said that he always carried it with him, and would give it to An Ruoxi whenever he had a chance.

Lu Zheng was stunned for a moment, and said, "I'm taking it with me."

"You're going to find my second sister to see what's going on with her. If you don't have a chance to meet alone, tell her to let her go back and spread the word. Today's business is endless, and I won't let it go."

Lu Zheng complied, understood what An Ruochen meant, and when he spoke harshly, it was time to quietly administer medicine. This will not arouse An Ruoxi's suspicion, and can take the opportunity to find out the mystery of what happened to the An family today. Lu Zheng asked Tian Qing and the guards to protect An Ruochen, and then he turned around and galloped away.

On An Ruoxi's side, after understanding her situation, she was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat. She opened the car curtain and shouted "Help" loudly, shaking the car body vigorously while screaming! But she didn't see anyone, and she didn't hear anyone's voice.

The sedan chair came to a sudden stop, the curtain of the sedan chair was lifted, and the bearer in front leaned in and said to her viciously: "Shut up! Otherwise, I will kill you now!"

An Ruoxi didn't even think about it, she raised her hand and slapped her across the face.

The bearer was stunned by the beating, he never expected that An Ruoxi would dare to be violent. He cursed, stretched out his hand and dragged An Ruoxi out.

An Ruoxi screamed, "Help! Help!"

The bearer covered her mouth with his hand, but she opened her mouth and bit it. The bearer felt the pain, let go of his hand, and slapped An Ruoxi with his hands, An Ruoxi's face was slapped to the side, his hands fluttered, and his fingers and nails scratched the man's face.

Another bearer came and covered An Ruoxi's mouth with a piece of cloth, together with the previous bearer, they coerced An Ruoxi and dragged her to a side alley.

The blood in An Ruoxi's whole body was cold, and fear filled every part of her body. She struggled desperately, she thought of the girls who were beaten to death in the mansion, now she wants to be like them?

An Ruoxi couldn't move the sedan chair and held her hand. She grabbed it and touched her own hair. She pulled out a hairpin and tied it on the back of the man's hand. The man was in pain, and let go of his hand with a thud, An Ruoxi's head hit the ground with a sharp pain, but her feet were still grabbed by another person.

Her eyes blurred, the man let go of her feet, rushed forward and pressed on her, and tore open her skirt forcefully. An Ruoxi was so frightened that she couldn't make a sound, she couldn't see anything clearly, she grasped the hairpin tightly and stabbed hard, unexpectedly it pierced the man's eye.

The man let out a scream, but before An Ruoxi could react, she pulled out the hairpin and wanted to stab again, blood gushed out and splashed onto her face. She was startled, as if awakened from fright.

The man covered his eyes and howled, and another person came to help him. An Ruoxi got up and wanted to run, but was caught up by the uninjured man, who grabbed her hair and slammed her to the ground. An Ruoxi fell hard to the ground, but she didn't cry out, and moved back while holding the hairpin on the ground. Staring at the man, the pattern on the head of the hairpin pierced her palm, she didn't realize it, she just held it tightly and pointed the hairpin at the man with a stiff expression.

The man looked at the brother who was still screaming because of the injured eye, took out a dagger, walked towards An Ruoxi, and said, "I didn't want to hurt you too much, you asked for it."

An Ruoxi sat on the ground with her back against the wall, and there was no way to retreat. She stared at the dagger, her mind went blank.

At this critical moment, a long whip swung over, wrapping around the man's wrist holding the dagger. The owner of the whip pulled hard and dragged the man away from An Ruoxi.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the man with the injured eye took out his dagger and rushed over, regardless of the pain in his eyes. Without saying a word, the big man with the whip got into a fight with those two.

An Ruoxi stared at all this with a stiff body. She didn't know the big man with the whip, and she didn't even dare to think about what was happening now. She just instinctively held the hairpin tightly and sat at the base of the wall like this.

At this time another big man joined the battle circle, he and the man with the whip were all the way. Two against two, the two bearers sent by Qian Pei soon became no match, they were knocked to the ground by those two one after the other, they were trampled under their feet and could not move.

At this time, there was movement from the alley, and a four-person sedan chair was carried to the alley. There was a boy who looked like a servant standing beside the sedan chair. He looked at the scene in the alley and said a few words beside the sedan chair curtain. Xue Xuran's voice came from inside the sedan chair: "Call her here."

The boy has gone. He walked up to An Ruoxi, and said to her: "Miss An, my son has an invitation."

An Ruoxi didn't move, she still maintained that posture.

The boy said it again, An Ruoxi finally turned his head and glanced at him, but it seemed that he didn't know him in that look. The boy said it again. An Ruoxi still didn't respond.

The young man returned to the sedan chair calmly, and whispered a few more words. "It seems silly."

After a while, the sedan chair curtain was pushed aside, and Xue Xuran, who looked like a nobleman, came out, walked up to An Ruoxi, and said to her, "Do you recognize me?"

An Ruoxi looked at him, the expression on his face finally changed, his lips trembled, as if he had recovered.

Xue Xuran said again: "It's freezing, come with me."

The weather is obviously fine, not too cold. An Ruoxi looked at Xue Xuran, and this sentence first came to her mind, and then she finally realized what happened. She knew that she must look very embarrassed, her clothes were torn, and she also felt cold, that kind of frightening cold. She didn't want to see Mr. Xue, no, no, she wanted to see Mr. Xue, but it shouldn't be in such a situation.

It would be better to just jump into that lake yesterday. She thought, and was in a daze again.

Xue Xuran stretched out his hand impatiently, and said, "Will you go, or if you don't, I'll go."

When An Ruoxi heard this, she subconsciously wanted to reach out and grab him. Xue Xuran looked at her hands, which were dirty and bloody, so she pulled her sleeves which looked clean.

An Ruoxi got up, and was dragged into his sedan chair by Xue Xuran's sleeves.

The sedan chair is quite big, but it is a little crowded for two people. Xue Xuran leaned to the side, not wanting to be rubbed dirty by An Ruoxi. The big man who made the whip came over and asked through the sedan chair curtain: "My lord, what should we do with these two people?"

"Same as those two, take them back to the mansion first." Xue Xuran ordered.

The big man agreed and stepped back to work.

An Ruoxi really woke up at this time. She wanted to cry so much, but she didn't dare to cry. She held back and sneezed suddenly.

Xue Xuran had nowhere to hide, his face was as black as ink, and he almost couldn't resist kicking An Ruoxi off the sedan chair.

He opened the car curtain, endured the cold to take a few breaths of fresh air, and said, "Go home!"

The bearers carried the sedan chair and left quickly, and the two bearers who the big men put on the money also left.

Lu Zheng, who arrived after hearing the noise, hid in the dark and watched them leave. He heard the following words and knew what happened. He thought for a while, turned around and mounted his horse, and headed towards the county government office from another direction.

Xue Xuran's sedan chair swayed and moved towards Xue's mansion.

Xue Xuran put on a patient face, squeezed beside the sedan chair. An Ruoxi peeked at him, feeling ups and downs. He rescued her, but he had a look of "this son is really unlucky". She wanted to look dignified and elegant, but unfortunately her clothes were torn and her hair was messed up. She touched it carefully, and found that the hair would not return to its original shape if it was pulled together, and there would be no chance to comb it again.

That's all. An Ruoxi sighed three times in his heart. Just treat yourself as dead. Self-comfort is also a state of seeing death as home in front of the person you hate.

An Ruoxi figured it out, and simply became dazed again. You can't think about Mr. Xue anymore, you have to think about reality. The villains were arrested in the Xue residence, can they help to report to the police? But when she reported to the official, her reputation was gone.

That's probably what Qian Pei came up with. If someone pollutes her body, she will never be able to marry again. At that time, he will look for someone he can control as if he is gracious, and use her as a concubine as a favor. Or maybe he was more vicious and fulfilled the words he threatened her at the beginning. Not only does it prevent her from getting married, but he wants her to live a life worse than death. This is the fate of her disobedience and disobedience to his orders.

An Ruoxi shuddered, clenched his fist, and found that the hairpin was still in his hand. The wound on her palm was hurting, and the place where she was slapped on her face was still burning hot, but she was very scared. I escaped this time, what about next time? Qian Pei will not let her go. Qian Pei didn't even intend to listen to any explanation before she could go back to the mansion to argue and explain. He only does what he wants to do, and doesn't care about others at all. Regardless of the reasoning, difficulties, and reasons, it's all **** to come to him.

An Ruoxi closed her eyes again, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the worst is death. Before she died, she didn't do bad things against her own will, she helped her sister, all the bad things she did to her in the past, it should be evened out. Before she died, she met the son she liked. Although the son didn't like her, he saved her. Look, although she used to be savage and bad-hearted, but bad things happened to her, she learned a lesson, repented, and God did not treat her badly.

That's it. She went back to the mansion with Mr. Xue, and if they wanted to report to the officials, she would be a witness. No, she wants to persuade them to report to the police, and she will be a witness. They're all planning to die, it doesn't matter if their reputation is ruined, they won't be able to marry Mr. Xue anyway, it doesn't matter.

If you want to report to the official, you must report to the official. When she went to beat the drums to complain, she had to take Qian Pei down, and she couldn't let him bully her parents and younger brothers. There was still a third sister at home, and Rong Kun, who was only eight years old. Although everyone in this family has no real affection for each other and only cares about benefits, she is willing to go all out anyway, so let's do something good for them.

An Ruoxi thought seriously, if she went to report to the officials, the prefect would definitely cover up Qian Pei, so she had to ask him to be present, after all, this was his father. She didn't want to lose face anymore, so she yelled like Fourth Aunt, causing a crowd of people to come and watch the fun, and then she committed suicide in public to show her ambition by death.

That's all right. Lord Taishou and Lord Qian can't just ignore a human life. Mrs. Qian is a good person, maybe he felt guilty because of her death, so he is willing to punish his father. Furthermore, the inspector is coming, she heard from her mother that Qian Pei hopes to catch the elder sister before the inspector arrives. This shows that he is afraid of the inspector. So when she reported to the official, she had to make the most of the trouble, otherwise she would be locked up by her parents when she returned home, and Qian Pei would suppress the matter. She had to make a fuss all over the city. When the inspectors entered the city, the first thing they heard was that Qian Pei had murdered the wife of the future general, and even insulted and forced to death the second girl of the An family.

Thinking of this, An Ruoxi was a little worried about how to die. Crashed to death on a pillar in the yamen? What if it didn't kill you and make you stupid. If you don't need a dagger to wipe your neck, if you don't wipe it off with a knife, it will still hurt if you don't die. An Ruoxi thought, if there is a way to die without pain, she is afraid of pain.

An Ruoxi let out a long sigh. It is really hard to be a good person who is afraid of death and selfish.

Turning his head inadvertently, he saw Xue Xuran frowning at her with disgust. An Ruoxi is about to sigh again, it is really difficult to be a good girl who is rejected by the person she likes. Brother bearers, you have worked hard, let the sedan chair go faster, otherwise she died suddenly before fulfilling her last wish, and the cause of death is still very shameful "being despised and died", then she really can't rest in peace.

An Ruoxi turned her face to one side, facing the other side of the sedan chair, and continued to think in a daze about how to deduce the tragedy of the staunch victimized lady so as to defeat Qian Pei's plan.

In Xue's mansion, Mr. Xue was not there, and Mrs. Xue waited anxiously. When she received An Ruoxi's letter, she felt something was wrong. Obviously, the girl and her eldest sister have no objection to the marriage and actively facilitated it secretly, so how could they write such a letter.

There is only one possibility—this is what An Jia asked her to write. However, she and An's family have reached the final stage of marriage discussion. If there is any worry about An Ruochen hindering and destroying, or if she is really afraid of being hindered, then she should settle the matter quickly and have the wedding as soon as possible. Why do simple things make people mysterious and sneaky, as if they are going to do something bad.

Mrs. Xue couldn't figure out the intention behind it, but she felt that the An family had a lot of thoughts and was really not worth dating. No wonder the master is very displeased with his family, An Ruochen also told her that the marriage is over, don't do anything to An's family.

The more Mrs. Xue thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, so she showed the letter to Xue Xuran. Although the son agreed to this marriage, but now there is something weird, so naturally he has to tell him. Otherwise, in case of trouble, she would not like it.

Xue Xuran read the letter and laughed: "Mother, the meaning of this letter is obvious."

"What do you mean?"

"The An family are as stupid as pigs."

"..." Mrs. Xue showed her face to Xue Xuran, "Why do you speak so vulgarly?"

"Okay." Xue Xuran shrugged and analyzed the matter with his mother. "Think about it, no matter what, this matter should be discussed by elders and elders. How could it be Miss An's turn to show her face to deal with it?"

"That's true."

"The letter explained that Miss An and Miss An can talk, so Miss An came forward. But since they can talk, let Miss An talk to Miss An in private, isn't that the end? Isn't it embarrassing for Jia Chou to be in front of the future mother-in-law and future mother-in-law? Acting like this will easily ruin the marriage. Besides, if Mrs. An wants to discuss reconciliation with Miss An with her mother, then go together Wouldn't it be more sincere to visit Ziyun Tower?"

Mrs. Xue thought about it, "That's right. It's just that she can also say that there is no reason for the elders to visit the younger generation. It is better to make an appointment. In short, there are strange things in this letter."

"It's not weird, it's just stupid and shameless. But some people are used to being shameless and shameless, so they don't feel that they are shameless like this. It's like being stupid and not thinking that they are stupid."

"Xu Ran." Mrs. Xue had to remind her son to pay attention to his words again.

Xue Xuran didn't take it seriously: "My son is telling the truth."

Mrs. Xue had no choice but to take her son, thought for a while, and sighed: "Second Miss An knows that the eldest lady has contributed to this matter, so how could she write such a letter. It must be her family who asked her to write it. She must not expose the eldest lady. Open up the inside story of this matter for her."

"Really?" Xue Xuran blinked and looked at the letter. "It's interesting."

Mrs. Xue is not very interested in this kind of "interesting". She is worried and anxious: "Maybe you were right in the past, you shouldn't have this relationship. The An family really has no kindness. I see that the eldest girl is very decent, see After seeing the second girl, she felt that she was obedient and obedient, unlike the rumors. Originally, she thought, no matter what, after she got married, it would be up to our Xue family to control the daughter-in-law. But now it seems that before she got married, His family's flowery intestines are twisted. From now on, if we really enter the door, I'm afraid there will be more troubles."

Mrs. Xue was distressed: "It's good to let you know about the matter. Mother, if you think about it, maybe other suitable girls can be found in other counties. Since An's family is like this, this marriage will not be concluded. If I don't reply to this letter, it will be nothing. See. Ms. An, I asked someone to send her a letter so that she could take precautions. The An family is like this, I think it is to deal with her. "

Xue Xuran lowered his eyelids: "The meaning of the An family is that they really want to use their mother's hand to deceive Miss An. They are not easy to get close to themselves, so they came up with mother's idea."

Mrs. Xue was quite angry when she thought of this, that's all, it doesn't matter if the marriage is not concluded.

"Mother, please write back to An's family, and say that you are very happy that they have considered the matter of getting married and no longer hesitate to engage. Since they are in-laws, I will ask Miss An to come out according to his family's request."

Mrs. Xue was a little taken aback: "Why?"

"I'm curious."

Mrs. Xue's face was downcast, and she really thought, "Son, young people shouldn't be too curious."

Xue Xuran sighed again: "I'm so bored at home all day long, I have nothing to do, I'm really going to get sick from boredom."

Mrs. Xue immediately changed her words: "Okay, okay. Mother wrote back to An's family. What are you going to do?"

After Xue Xuran explained it like this, Madam Xue became worried again: "Aren't you going to tell Ms. An? If she is not prepared, what should I do if something happens?"

Xue Xuran's old **** is here: "With her son here, what can happen to her."

Mrs. Xue complied.

Xue Xuran went to the appointment today. Mrs. Xue's eyelids twitched, always feeling ominous.

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