Things did work out as they should. Witnesses and physical evidence are all there. Because of Qian Pei's intention to murder An Ruochen and ordered others to insult An Ruoxi, the guilt of all kinds of crimes is clear. Qian Shixin was furious and knelt down in the hall to report in person, begging the prefect Yao Kun to deal with it according to the law. Naturally, Yao Kun would no longer cover up Qian Pei and put him in prison.

It all went smoothly without any setbacks. The four subordinates were all recruited by Yao Kun in the first trial, without even using the board. Qian Peiyuan was stubborn, but his subordinates confessed, and he naturally had nothing to quibble, so he also admitted. Not to mention the An family, An Ruoxi was the one responsible, and he personally accused him of everything, so the rest of the An family didn't need to say anything. Finally seeing Qian Pei imprisoned, Qian Shixin was full of guilt and told them that he would compensate An's family. An Zhifu heaved a sigh of relief and felt like a blessing in disguise.

Then there is the Xue family. The Xue family naturally felt comforted when the matter was settled like this. Mrs. Xue loves An Ruoxi very much, but hates An's family. Originally, he was thinking of procrastinating on the marriage, but unexpectedly Xue Xuran said: "After this happened, if I didn't marry her, who would marry her? Her family members are disgusting, but she is calm and behaves in every situation. Thinking about it, I'm quite responsible. If Niang doesn't settle the marriage, I'm afraid Miss An'er will be judged by others, and the An family will take care of face and send her away. Miss An will take this opportunity to become a nun, and it is possible to end the rest of her life."

Mrs. Xue was taken aback, thinking that it was indeed possible. Discussing with Master Xue, Master Xue was also taken aback, "My son is so considerate of others, the sun is indeed coming out from the east today, right?"

Mrs. Xue gave him a blank look.

Today the sun is setting in the west. After the sunset, when the sky was not completely dark, everyone in the An family returned from the yamen. Before they could sit still, Mrs. Xue came to the door with Matchmaker Chen.

An Zhifu and Tan Shi were overjoyed, they thought their marriage would be ruined because of this incident, but Madam Xue said that An Ruoxi was brave and fearless, she was a strange woman, Master Jingci's orders were indeed justified. The marriage is still going on as usual, and it will be done as originally agreed.

An Zhifu and Tan naturally agreed without any hesitation, and did not dare to mention any additional dowry. When An Ruoxi heard the news, she covered her mouth to hide her joy, her injury didn't hurt anymore, and her heart felt relieved. Couldn't help rolling several times on the bed.

Mrs. Xue is really a good person. Hee hee, she will also be Mrs. Xue in the future.

An Ruochen's side. When I got back to Ziyun Tower, I went back to the house to rest and didn't go out. Lu Zheng came to see her and said that he didn't have time to give the medicine to An Ruoxi today, and he had to go again in the next two days. He happened to take advantage of this case to say that An Ruochen had intervened, and he was looking for an opportunity to meet An Ruoxi and give the medicine to An Ruoxi. she.

"Although it's a fake, you still have to give it to her on time. To avoid accidents in the future, if the general's layout is wrong, it will be bad."

An Ruochen nodded, and said: "Thanks to Brother Lu's timely handling today, my second sister's life was saved. Otherwise, according to Qian Pei's temperament, not only my second sister, but also the innocent Xue family will be affected."

Lu Zheng smiled: "Miss, you are welcome. As long as everyone is free. Now that Qian Pei is in prison, the girl can feel at ease."

An Ruochen said: "When you go to An's house, take a look at An's house. Although Qian Pei is in prison, his eyes, ears and subordinates are still outside, so I don't know what will happen."

Lu Zheng responded and withdrew.

An Ruochen sits under the lamp and thinks, is she at ease? How could it be at ease. She looked at the file on the table again, it was today's case record and the letter sent by Zhou Changshi - Mr. Bai Yingbai, the supervisory officer sent by Mr. Liang, the inspector, will enter the city tomorrow.

An Ruochen looked at the newspaper, and then at the case record. She had inquired before that Bai Ying was an upright and good official, hated evil like a vengeful, and acted decisively, so Liang Dehao highly valued him. Needless to say, it is difficult and stressful to investigate the conflicts with neighboring countries and find out the truth about the major case in border counties. Everyone said that Liang Dehao sent his most trusted Bai Ying to Pingnan County to ensure that things were safe and error-free.

An Ruochen frowned, did Qian Pei deliberately do these "stupid things" to deal with Bai Ying?

On the second day, the patrol envoy's brigade entered the city. Yao Kun led all the officials to meet him outside the city. But the leading official said: "Master Bai led the guards and entered the city early in the morning, and told us to arrive half a day later."

Yao Kun was stunned. Is this planning to make a private visit in secret?

Yao Kun remained calm, and politely praised Lord Bai for his dedication and care, and said that the adults had worked hard all the way, and invited everyone back to the prefecture to settle down.

Bai Ying only showed up before dinner. He was wearing civilian clothes, and walked leisurely into the county government office with two guards in the same casual clothes. Yao Kun was cautious, but did not make a fuss. Private visits are private visits, he thinks that he is conscientious as an official, except for Qian Pei, he has left nothing to talk about in the public.

Sure enough, Baiying started to ask questions after the meal, and the first question was about Qian Pei.

It's no wonder that the person who was dealt with yesterday is another person who has been rumored a lot. In Pingnan County, there are as many people who hate Qian Pei as there are people who flatter him. Qian Pei was imprisoned, and some people even set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Baiying strolled around the city, listening to Qian Pei's ears. When this matter was brought up, Qian Shixin looked ashamed. Bai Ying stared at him with sharp eyes, and Yao Kun hurried to help him speak: "Master Qian is upright and honest, and he is a good official. He has always been dissatisfied with his father's behavior and caused troubles in the government office." Living here. Master Qian should not be responsible for what Qian Pei did."

Bai Ying nodded: "I've heard about this too. I also heard that Lord Qian knelt down in public yesterday and demanded that father be severely punished."

"Exactly." Yao Kun said. Qian Shixin looked at him and gave him a grateful look.

Bai Ying continued: "Qian Pei has been at ease for many years, and the people complained a lot. Lord Qian was dissatisfied, but he didn't deal with it. Could it be that the Lord Prefect has been protecting him? Yesterday, Lord Qian knelt down to express his feelings, and it was also for the Lord Prefect not to protect him any longer. ?”

Yao Kun was taken aback. Qian Shixin was surprised, and hurriedly said: "Master Bai is wise, so he naturally understands that the rumors in the market are false and true, and most of them are exaggerations. As long as there is evidence, no matter who violates the law, the prefect and I will not let it go. The common people treat the prefect There are many praises, Master Bai must be able to hear it when he walks around the place."

Yao Kun didn't speak. Bai Ying glanced at him, waved her hand and said, "Okay, you two don't have to put on the posture of being an adjutant in front of me. I've seen a lot of ways of being an official. Don't talk about these irrelevant things." , Lord Taishou knows what I am here for, and give me a copy of the relevant files and records, details and military affairs."

Yao Kun hurriedly agreed, and then asked Baiying if she had any plans to inspect the frontline barracks. Bai Ying was asking how the battle was going on at the front, when a yamen messenger came in to report, saying that the officials Yao Kun had sent to the front a few days ago had returned and said they had something to report.

Bai Ying looked at Yao Kun, Yao Kun explained General Long Teng's requirements for military supplies, and said that he sent someone to the front line to check and inquire, in case there were any omissions.

"That's very good." Bai Ying said, "Your Majesty is careful, as it should be." He asked the yamen to call someone up. The official was travel-laden, apparently just rushed back.

"How's the situation?" Yao Kun asked him.

The man reported: "I went to Shilingya, but I didn't see General Long."

Qian Shixin's eyelids twitched.

"General Chu said that General Long had arranged the prisoner exchange and went back to the Sixia River. The Sixia River was wide and long, and it was difficult to defend. General Long had to lead the formation himself. Showing his face at Shilingya was to deter Nan Qin. Nan Qin touched If you don't know the whereabouts of General Long, you won't be able to guess our army's strategy, so you don't dare to act rashly."

Bai Ying frowned: "How is the battle going?"

The man muttered, "I only stayed there for one day, and it happened that the Southern Qin was attacking. I saw that the Southern Qin soldiers were strong and strong, and their morale was high. On the other hand, General Chu seemed to be a little shy, although he blocked the Southern Qin's offensive. , but did not dare to send troops to counterattack. I quietly inquired, and I heard that the Southern Qin Dynasty has been attacking day after day, and General Chu suffered several defeats and lost two checkpoints."

Bai Ying was annoyed: "Then why did he brag about deterring Nanqin with you? Is it because General Long is there to fight the war?"

Qian Shixin looked worried: "You can't split General Long in half, put one half on the Sixia River, and the other half on Shilingya."

Bai Ying asked again: "What about Sixia River?"

The man hurriedly said: "I rushed to the Sixia River again overnight, and met General Long."

Qian Shixin was taken aback, he was really in Sixia River? This is a pity, because I missed the opportunity to sue Long Teng in front of Bai Ying.

"I told General Long what the prefect said, and how he planned and arranged it, and then I reported it to the Lord. General Long said that it is inconvenient to disclose military affairs, and we will supply food and weapons according to his requirements. I will report to him again. Shi Lingya’s situation. He said that I should fight the war or General Chu, I understand so well, I should be the one.” The man said that he felt aggrieved, but none of the adults could speak for him. After he finished complaining, In exchange for a silence.

In the end, Bai Ying said: "Please write down the matter clearly, and I will report it to Mr. Liang. This time, I will mainly investigate and rectify the affairs in Pingnan County. The situation on the front line must be dealt with by Mr. Liang."

Yao Kun thought to himself, can Master Liang dispose of it? Bai Ying's official rank is the same as his, below Long Teng. Although the inspection was carried out with the emperor's will, it was still authorized by Liang Dehao, and it was really out of Bai Ying's turn to control Long Teng.

There was another moment of silence in the room, and Bai Ying suddenly asked: "I heard that General Long made a lifelong betrothal with a merchant's daughter in Zhonglan City?"

"Yes." Yao Kun replied.

"Is that woman related to the fine crime?"


"Then I'll read her record first. I'll send someone to my room later."

Yao Kun readily agreed.

Bai Ying said again: "Send someone to send her a message to ask her to come see me tomorrow."


Bai Ying thought about it again: "Where does she live?"

"Ziyun Building. That place is currently used as the General's Office."

"Did she also live there when Long Teng was here?"


Bai Ying nodded, pondered for a moment and said: "Don't tell her to come here, I'll go. I want to see with my own eyes how Long Teng arranged for this girl. Give me all her records, no matter how big or small they are. .”

Yao Kun asked someone to come in and give instructions on the spot. After that, he continued to talk with Bai Ying, feeling quite worried. Thanks to General Long Teng, Bai Ying had a prejudice against An Ruochen the moment she arrived.

An Ruochen and Qian Pei, one is at ease in the general's mansion, and the other is being severely punished in prison. Bai Ying's attention was all on An Ruochen, but she completely ignored Qian Pei. Not a good start. But Yao Kun couldn't think of any countermeasures for the time being.

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