An Ruochen, the **** Yao Kun and others rode fast all the way, and the guards at the south gate saw that they were the eunuchs, but they did not stop them. When the prefect passed the city gate, he yelled at the officers and soldiers: "There are Yamen guards disguised as bandits behind, take them down, and deal with them when I come back." After speaking, the officers and soldiers did not wait for the reaction, and the horses did not stop, and hurried away .

The city guards reacted for a while, discussed with each other, and felt that the situation was as follows: the prefect had to go out of the city in a hurry, but he knew that there were bandits pretending to be officials, so he asked them to stop them. The prefect will deal with these people when he returns from work.

Just as we were discussing, a team of officials arrived on horseback. Look at the appearance of that dress, it looks like a real guard. The city guards quickly lowered the city gate, stopped them, and asked them to interrogate them carefully. Unexpectedly, the leader Ji Baba yelled and opened the door, saying that they were performing official duties and chasing the traitors.

The officers and soldiers guarding the city haha, who is the traitor? I didn't see the traitor, but I saw the prefect. And you, don't shout, where did your uniform come from!

The captain of the guards was in a hurry. They chased Yao Kun, mounted their horses, and chased him straight away, without any paper tokens. But fight against the guards? That would be silly.

The officers and soldiers who guarded the city cheered and surrounded them, and wanted to take them down, saying that the prefect had ordered them to come back and interrogate them. The captain of the guard was furious. Both sides drew their weapons and confronted each other.

The prefect of Wei Bing Dao assassinated Master Bai Ying, and now they want to arrest the prefect Yao Kun and bring him to justice.

The officers and soldiers of the city said that no one informed them that Master Bai Ying was assassinated, but the **** informed them that you are bandits. They recognize the prefect, but they don't recognize these soldiers.

Finally, the captain of the guard gritted his teeth and ordered one of his men to go back to the county mansion to get the token.

At this time, the officers and soldiers guarding the city were suspicious, but who knows if it was a bluff? The two sides faced each other while waiting. Qian Shixin was speechless with anger when he heard that the guard newspaper was stopped at the city gate. He threw a token in the past, knowing in his heart that they would definitely not be able to catch up with the prefect. But it doesn't matter, I'll find it.

The yamen who gave Baiying the medicine came back. Qian Shixin took a look at the medicine, and called his confidant Yacha to come over and be in charge of decocting the medicine, serving Mr. Bai to drink it every day. He instructed, while picking out the most important amphipathic medicine in the medicine bag. The yamen servant understood and replied: "don't worry, my lord, the little one will be done well."

Qian Shixin nodded in satisfaction. After dealing with Baiying, there were basically no problems in the city. He has already confirmed that all the family members of the host, Bo Jianghongqing, have been dealt with properly. Because Jiang Hongqing intended to rebel, he failed to assassinate Lord Baiying but was killed, and his family was ashamed and sad, so "the whole family committed suicide by taking poison." When the Yachai and the guards rushed to Jiang's family to take the people, what they saw was the scene of Jiang's family leaving suicide notes and all dead. Qian Shixin sent a clerk to take note of the case documents and put them in the file.

It seemed that only the prefect and An Ruochen were left behind. Qian Shixin thought for a while, and asked someone to prepare paper, ink, brush and inkstone for him, and he wanted to write a letter.

An Ruochen and the others left the city gate and ran towards Xiushan. An Ruochen wanted to see her fourth sister, but she would go wherever Mrs. Jingyuan said. Yao Kun has nowhere to go. There were five people fleeing, and the two guards were also An Ruochen's. If he left the group, he would be alone. Of course, he would not be stupid, so he followed An Ruochen closely, and went to the meditation nunnery together.

Master Jingyuan knew the way too well, avoiding eyes and ears, and led them up the mountain through a secluded path behind the mountain, without anyone noticing. When they arrived at the nunnery, Tian Qing followed Master Jingxin to enter through the main gate, expressing that he wanted to search the nunnery for safety. The prefect and An Ruochen listened to the teacher's orders and first led the horse to the back mountain forest to tie it up. The yard is too small to accommodate these horses.

An Ruochen was very anxious, wishing to see An Ruofang right away, but she knew that Tian Qing was right to worry, who knew whether this teacher was right or wrong, and what she said was true or false, so she had to check first.

She waited outside the backyard door, feeling that time had passed for a long time.

Yao Kun said nothing. He thought back to the series of things that happened, and thought that he hadn't been able to say goodbye to his family, and his eyes were red. The future is boundless, life and death are uncertain, and sadness comes from it.

Lu Zheng walked around outside the nunnery to check the safety. When I walked to the vegetable garden, I tripped over the stone road under my feet and almost fell. He looked back at the stone slab, then at the jujube tree next to the vegetable garden, and thought about it.

At this time, the backyard door opened, and Tian Qing stood behind the door. An Ruochen was about to ask a question, but saw a small man poking his head out from behind Tian Qing.

An Ruochen burst into tears.

An Ruofang couldn't believe it at first, she stared at An Ruochen, and slowly walked out from behind Tian Qing, walking in front of An Ruochen. Then she wanted to touch An Ruochen's hand, but hesitated.

An Ruochen called out loudly: "Fang'er!" She hugged An Ruofang into her arms and burst into tears.

Only then did An Ruofang feel real, and cried along with An Ruochen, calling out "sister".

Lu Zheng and Tian Qingjun walked away a few steps and turned their backs to let their sisters talk. Yao Kun looked at them from a distance, feeling a little envious in his heart. Master Jingxin appeared suddenly and said, "Come in quickly, don't make any noise."

The prefect couldn't hear what they said clearly from a distance, but seeing the teacher's serious and indifferent expression, he thought to himself that this person was really unreasonable. He patted the horse's back, looked around, took a few steps forward, and followed the crowd into the nunnery.

After entering the nunnery, Master Jingyuan said: "I'll go get some dry food and water, and you should discuss where to go as soon as possible. It's not safe here, so it's not suitable to stay for a long time."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and they were kicked out as soon as they entered the door. Master Jingyuan ignored them, turned around and left. An Ruochen took An Ruofang to see where she lived, in fact, she wanted to find a place where she could talk to her sister alone. Only the prefect and Lu Zhengtianqing were left in the courtyard.

Tian Qingdao: "I've seen it all, and there's no one else in the nunnery."

Lu Zheng nodded: "During the Tangxuan case, many people were sent to search the mountain. Everyone didn't see the teacher's trace, so they turned to other places to investigate, but they neglected this place. But today the teacher killed many people in the yamen. They will think Those who have come here really shouldn’t stay for long.”

The two looked at the prefect together. Yao Kun was in a daze, not knowing what to say. Now in this situation, he didn't know what else to do. Baiying was assassinated, and the matter was blamed on him. Liang Dehao must also receive the news. He has been wronged and has nowhere to complain. I'm afraid it's useless to go to General Long. And his family is still in Zhonglan City, in the hands of Bai Ying, what else can he do?

Yao Kun tried to calm down and think about the cause and effect, but he was confused and had no clue.

Compared to the speechless in the yard, the two An Ruochen sisters can't finish talking. An Ruofang described in detail what happened to her after she ran away from home that day.

An Ruochen hugged her younger sister, feeling terrified in her heart. She has seen this master kill someone before. This is not an ordinary martial arts person, and she is also related to Esaku. If he hadn't recognized his younger sister as the little girl who gave the food back then, he probably wouldn't have taken her in. She really protects the fourth sister, right? An Ruochen's intuition was so. But this sister-in-law is cruel and indifferent, which makes people chill. The fourth sister was so young, she was frightened, she was confinement and hiding every day, she really suffered.

An Ruochen was very distressed, holding back tears and said: "I'm sorry, elder sister."

"It's good that my sister is safe. We are all safe now, that's good." An Ruofang's childish face showed a maturity that didn't match her age. "You see, we promised to meet again, and it really is."

An Ruochen nodded, tears still falling down. She thought of the deceased Duan Shi, she said she wanted to wait for her daughter to come back, but unfortunately, she didn't. An Ruochen gritted her teeth, she didn't have much time, and she had to run for her life later, she had to tell the matter as soon as possible. "Fang'er, I have to tell you, your mother..." An Ruochen thought about what words to use to express it, but after thinking for a while, she couldn't think of it, so she had to say directly: "Your mother passed away."

An Ruofang froze, as if struck by lightning. No wonder the teacher hesitated to speak, no wonder the teacher said that he had to go to the city to investigate again. That's it, that's it.

An Ruochen told An Ruofang about the case of Duan's death, and inevitably explained some of the connections. How she escaped from the dog hole, how she was rescued by General Long, how she participated in the arrest of the spy, the enmity between Qian Pei and her, the use value of Anjia, etc.

"So, my mother was killed by someone? But I don't know who the real culprit is?" An Ruofang asked.

An Ruochen nodded. She doesn't know exactly how Duan died. She only knows that she was strangled to death by a man. She has no evidence to suspect her father. In front of the fourth sister, she really can't say that she suspects your father to kill your mother. this kind of thing.

An Ruofang was stunned for a while, covered her face and burst into tears, scolding herself for being unfilial and sorry for mother.

An Ruochen sighed: "Even if you marry Qian Pei obediently, how can you be filial piety?"

After thinking about it, An Ruofang burst into tears. She was not good to her mother, and she was not good to her eldest sister. She wanted to tell the eldest sister that maybe her mother killed the elder sister's mother, but she couldn't say it. She only cared about herself, knowing that running away would make her mother sad, so she left cruelly. She knew that her eldest sister was sincere to her, and she also knew that her mother was sincere to her, but in the end, she felt sorry for them all.

An Ruofang hugged An Ruochen, crying loudly.

The two sisters hugged each other for a while, and Master Jingyuan came to call for people. She had prepared dry food and water for everyone, and asked everyone about their plans.

The **** frowned, he didn't decide whether to go to General Long or return to Zhonglan City, but An Ruochen said without hesitation, "I'm going to go to General."

Master Jing Yuan said: "Then Fang'er can't go with you. You will definitely be hunted down along the way. Even if you can reach the front line, General Long will be defeated and you will not be able to protect yourself. If Fang'er follows you, you will die."

An Ruochen shouted: "The general has won a great battle, and the defeat in the past was a trick to lure the enemy. The orderer went to the county government office to report the battle situation today, and Fang Guanshi sent someone to inquire about it. It is absolutely true. He told me Yes. The general fought to the other side of the Sixia River and captured Jiangsheng County. Nearly ten thousand Southern Qin troops were also captured at Shilingya, and they were trapped in Shiling County. The general won a big victory!" That proud tone echoed her As if he had won the battle.

"What!" Yao Kun jumped up suddenly, "I don't know!"

General Long actually won a big victory, he actually won a big victory! If he had known about this at the time, Bai Ying would have nothing to say. How could they be aggressive and make such a scene. Naturally, Jiang Hongqing wouldn't go crazy all of a sudden... Yao Kun suddenly understood.

"Who blocked the news?"

"Master Qian."

Yao Kun turned around and kicked over the chair, swearing a series of obscenities. "This bastard, I helped him a lot, why did he hurt me so much!"

No one answered, only Master Jing Yuan said coldly: "These are not important. Let me explain what you plan to do first. What about Fang'er?"

Yao Kun choked, why doesn't it matter? Why is it not important? ! His life, the lives of his family, were all killed! No wonder Master Bo suddenly went crazy, it must be said that he was the envoy, no wonder the yamen in the county yamen rebelled, no wonder...

Yao Kun looked at Mrs. Shang Jingyuan's cold and sharp eyes... Well, let's put these aside for now and talk about what to do now.

Yao Kun helped the chair back and sat down again. "So, Miss An, go find the general. I plan to go back to Zhonglan City."

"Back to Zhonglan?" An Ruochen was surprised: "My lord, only the general can help you now."

Yao Kun shook his head: "The general can't help me. Since it's Qian Shixin, he must have been planning for a long time. He knows me very well, and I have to hesitate for others. Qian Shixin, he knows me too well, and he has a lot of things in his hands. I can't argue with my accusations. Even if I sue in front of the emperor, Qian Shixin can point out many of my shortcomings. He knows what I care about. If I don't go back, he will attack my family. Help the general Not me. I have to go back, he will hurt my family."

"Stupid!" Master Jing Yuan scolded too.

Everyone was stunned, oh, the teacher still cares about the death of the prefect, thinking that she only cares about Miss An Ruofang.

Master Jing Yuan didn't even look at the others, she just said to Yao Kun: "If he wants to blackmail you with his family, as long as you live, your family will live as long as you live. When you go back to die, he will turn around after beheading you." He will cut off the heads of your family members, so-called cutting grass and roots, your family members will want to avenge you when they are alive, how can he leave future troubles?"

Yao Kun was surprised, he hadn't thought of this level. Or it should be said that he didn't think Qian Shixin so hard. "What if..." He hesitated.

"You are not important anymore, you can do whatever you want." Master Jing Yuan left the prefect, turned to An Ruochen and said, "Even if the general wins the battle, it is not appropriate for Fang'er to follow you to the front line. In the back, you only have two guards, and you are not very useful. The situation on the front line is ever-changing, and when you arrive, Nanqin may turn the tables and win. In short, Fang'er can't go. Do you have other places to put her?"

An Ruochen thought for a while: "Yes."


Just as An Ruochen was about to answer, Tian Qing jumped up suddenly: "There are people outside!"

Everyone was shocked.

Master Jingyuan frowned and listened attentively. An Ruochen hurriedly said: "Brother Tian, ​​Brother Lu, please go out and check." Lu Zheng and Tian Qing pulled out their swords and walked out, An Ruochen said again: "Please be careful."

The prefect added: "If you can capture him alive, bring him back and question him."

Tian Qing and Lu Zheng responded, climbed over the wall and went out.

Master Jingyuan remained silent for a long time, she looked at An Ruofang. The little girl held her sister's hand, snuggled up to her side, and stared nervously at the backyard door.

Master Jing Yuan and An Ruochen said: "Your two guards don't seem to be reliable either."

An Ruochen remained silent, it was she who was negligent just now and almost leaked. Yao Kun doesn't speak, and his sense of trust in people is also extremely low now. Bo Jiang Hongqing, his most trusted master, and Qian Shixin, his most trusted master, were nothing more than that in the end. If it weren't for them, he wouldn't be what he is now.

Master Jing Yuan looked into An Ruochen's eyes, and said after a while: "Come here, and Fang'er will come too."

An Ruochen did not refuse, and pulled her sister to stand up. Prefect Yao Kun frowned, what do you mean, what are you going to do without him? Master Jing Yuan gave him a cold look and said, "You just stay here. We will come out in a while."

Yao Kun had no choice but to watch as Mrs. Jing Yuan led the two An Ruochen sisters to the front yard.

Mrs. Jing Yuan took them to her wing, and said, "Who is that entrusted person, does the **** know? Do your two guards know?"

"They recognize it, but they may not think of it."

"Qian Shixin also recognizes it, but may not have thought of it?"


"Which one is it?"

"The Xue family. My second sister's future husband's family."

"Why can it be relied on?"

"The person chosen by the general." No need to explain, one sentence is enough. As expected, Mrs. Jingyuan no longer had any doubts, she only asked: "Do you have a deep friendship? Are you sure that the Xue family will take in Fang'er and protect her?"

"Young Master Xue will protect Fourth Sister. But it's not for me, it's for my Second Sister."

"That's good. It's not too late. You write a letter to Xue's family now, let Fang'er take it with you, and give Fang'er a token. How to get to Xue's family, who to find, and how to talk, you should explain clearly. I can't believe it." Your guard, that **** is also a big trouble. His target is too big, and the whole city is chasing him, and the pursuers may arrive at any time. I will take Fang'er down the mountain in a while."

"Master..." An Ruofang was a little nervous.

An Ruochen comforted: "It's nothing. The teacher is right. We are all wanted criminals, and we will be targeted after entering the city. You have been away from Zhonglan City for a long time, and everyone thought you were dead. The matter of looking for you has long been slackened, and you will not attract attention when you enter the city among the crowd. Master, you can't dress like this, you need to change..."

Before An Ruochen finished speaking, she was interrupted by Mrs. Jing Yuan: "You still need to teach me!"

Master Jingyuan turned to An Ruofang and said, "Don't worry, I will disguise myself as an ordinary woman and follow you in the dark. When I arrive at Xue's mansion, I will accompany you in. If everything goes well, you can hide there." As she spoke, she opened the hidden compartment in the house and took out two large bags of silver. A bag was handed to An Ruofang: "You take the money, eat and live in other people's homes, and you don't owe them anything. Keep the rest by yourself. If there is no one to rely on in the future, you will still have money to rely on."

An Ruofang looked at An Ruochen, and An Ruochen nodded to her. An Ruofang took it.

"And you." Mrs. Jingyuan turned to An Ruochen, and gave her another bag of silver: "Seeing that you escaped in such a panic, you must be penniless. I still have some ordinary village women's clothes, you just change them." Run for your life. You owe me. If you can live in the future, don’t forget to pick up your sister from Xue’s mansion. My fate with Fang’er is over. After sending her there, we will never see each other again. With you, I hope I won't see you again."

"Master." An Ruofang's eyes turned red when she heard her say that.

"Don't cry, it's useless to cry. Go back to the secret room and get your things, I'll take you away later."

"Big sister." An Ruofang hugged An Ruochen, tears streaming down her face. We just met and are we going to separate again?

"Don't cry." An Ruochen hugged her tightly, "We said goodbye at home last year, remember? There is no need to repeat it now. Big sister keeps her promise, and big sister will keep her promise if she believes in you. We will definitely See you again."

"Yes." An Ruofang nodded vigorously, wiped away her tears, and rushed to the secret room to get her bundle.

Master Jing Yuan quickly prepared the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and asked An Ruochen to grind the ink and write the letter. He took out two sets of clothes to An Ruochen, told her about the institutions in the house and the nunnery, and said: "Don't tell anyone about Fang'er's whereabouts, and don't believe anyone. After Fang'er and I leave, You also leave quickly. Don't inquire about my affairs, don't harm Fang'er, or I don't care who you belong to her, and I will make you pay the price."

An Ruochen folded the letter and said: "Master, since there may be no chance to meet again, I have something to ask you."

"I killed it." Jing Yuan said directly without waiting for her to ask.

An Ruochen choked.

"I killed the spies you sent to Feng'an County, I killed Min Dongping, I killed Li Mingyu, I killed Huo Mingshan." Master Jing Yuan looked into An Ruochen's eyes and said coldly.

An Ruochen swallowed her saliva, telling herself not to be afraid, not to show a timid look.

"Who else is doing fine work?" An Ruochen skipped over everything and asked the key point.

"Min Dongping and Tang Xuan who contacted me are all dead. The others have no contact with me."

"The two of them are the leaders, the liaisons, aren't they?"


"Then if a new contact person comes, how do you tell the authenticity?"

"There is a code word. The person who tied the bell is needed to untie the bell, but the number of bells tied is enough to ring. It's almost the same meaning."


"Min Dongping is one, Tang Xuan is two."

An Ruochen understood, and she asked: "If there is another contact leader, he will say that three bells are enough to ring, right?"

"Then I don't know. Tang Xuan didn't explain the funeral."

"Is Qian Pei a spy? Is Qian Shixin a spy? Do you have evidence of a spy?"

"Qian Pei is. Min Dongping is relying on his protection. I found out when I wanted to kill him. So I didn't dare to do it at the beginning. Min Dongping was not dead at the time. I was worried that killing Qian Pei would arouse Min Dongping's suspicion and expose Fang'er." When I wanted to kill him later, he found a substitute, and I missed." Mrs. Jing Yuan said, "There is no evidence. I don't know about Qian Shixin."

An Ruochen understood. It turns out that Qian Pei was attacked by the teacher.

"They are just communicating by order. Who is the mastermind behind the scenes? Why are you willing to work for them? What methods do they have to recruit subordinates? They have assigned you so many tasks, there are always clues..."

Before An Ruochen finished speaking, she was interrupted by Shitai Jingyuan again.

"I answered some of your questions, but it doesn't mean I'm willing to accept your cross-examination. I'm not interested in these, and I don't have time to chat with you." She finished speaking coldly, reached for the letter in An Ruochen's hand, and said The chin pointed to the door: "you go."

An Ruochen opened his mouth, and swallowed the words under Master Jingyuan's cold gaze. She took the clothes and silver that Jingyuan gave her and went out. When she walked into the yard, she felt a little dazed. She had speculated about many things in her heart, and now some of them were confirmed, but she didn't know what to do. Li Changshi's death, Mr. Huo's death, she knew who the murderer was, but she couldn't avenge them and seek justice.

When An Ruofang came back, she saw her sister standing in a daze in the yard, she hurried over and hugged An Ruochen and said, "Sister, I will be successful in the future, and I can do great things, so I can rely on you. You must be good and come back Find me."

"Okay." An Ruochen's eyes became hot. I have experienced so much parting from life and death that I can no longer describe my mood.

An Ruochen turned her head and saw that Jingyuan had already changed into the village woman's clothes, wrapped in a headscarf, and was standing at the door of the house looking at her.

"Remember what I said." Jing Yuan said.

Which sentence? An Ruochen didn't ask.

An Ruochen went back to the yard alone. Yao Kun sat there impatiently, Lu Zheng and Tian Qing had just returned. Lu Zhengdao: "I have searched everywhere, but there is no one. Maybe there is movement of animals and birds. The horse is also fine." Tian Qing also said: "I haven't found anything either."

An Ruochen nodded, and said: "Maybe they didn't expect us to dare to go back to Xiushan. They had to chase for a while before they came back here to search the mountain. We still have some time, let's rest first, and wait until it gets dark before leaving , let's go to the Sixia River to find the general."

Yao Kun didn't object, but he was still thinking about who should be in Zhonglan City. He hoped that person could help take care of his family. An Ruochen said: "Master said that the person I mentioned is not capable and unreliable. She has other candidates, and she will contact her tomorrow morning."

Yao Kun frowned, feeling that the teacher was too unreliable. And this place is really not safe, she actually has to delay until tomorrow morning!

An Ruochen urges everyone to find a room to rest quickly, and recover their energy for the night journey. Everyone was speechless, and each found a wing room to take a rest.

When An Ruochen returned to the teacher's room, Jingyuan and An Ruofang had disappeared. An Ruochen was full of thoughts, but he didn't bother to think too much, and wrote the letter to Long Da first. Worried that the letter would be intercepted, she wrote it in a cryptic manner, only saying that she was killed and got the Sixia River, via the southeast, and hoped that those who read the letter must forward the letter to General Long and let him see it.

The reason for emphasizing to let Long Da see it is because only Long Da can understand what she means. Long Da won the battle in Sixia River, so everyone thought they would go to Sixia River to find Long Da. But An Ruochen planned to go to Shilingya. As long as they entered the barracks and entered the area under the jurisdiction of the military, they could be protected. So it doesn't matter if Long Da is not there. More important than meeting Long Da is that they should avoid being hunted and arrive smoothly along the way.

An Ruochen had great confidence in Long Da, and felt that he would understand the meaning of this letter. Then he will send someone to meet them.

Do not trust anyone. An Ruochen was a little sad, what a sad thing. But the general said so, the teacher said so, even she herself thought so.

An Ruochen sat quietly for a while, and felt that the teacher should have taken An Ruofang away, she walked out of the house, but did not hear any movement, she held the letter rolled into a small roll in her palm, and went quietly backyard.

It was quiet all the way, no one was there. An Ruochen walked under the tree in the backyard and looked at the pigeon coop hanging there. It was the carrier pigeon that Steward Fang and the servant gave her with their lives. Now, she will also give the lives of her and the **** to this carrier pigeon.

An Ruochen took the pigeon out and stuffed the letter into the small bamboo tube on the pigeon's feet. The two sides were tightly stuffed to make sure that it would not fall out. Then she raised her arms and let go. The pigeon hesitated for a moment and flew away. stand up. It flew to the wall and stood there for a while, An Ruochen stared at it, saw it turned its head and looked around, then spread its wings, flew out, and disappeared without a trace.

An Ruochen stood quietly, waited for a long time but didn't see the pigeon come back, didn't hear any abnormal noise, so she turned back to the wing room with a feeling of apprehension. Wait a little longer, she is going to call the prefect and they get up and go on the road.

An Ruochen didn't know that, the moment the pigeon flew out of the courtyard, someone was watching it. The man followed the carrier pigeon all the way and ran for a while, he had already grasped the sharpened bamboo dart tightly in his hand, and looking for an opportunity, he was about to raise his hand to shoot the carrier pigeon, when a sword was suddenly placed on his neck.

"Lu Zheng, I knew it was you." This was Tian Qing's voice.

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