Zheng Heng's men ran after him, sweating profusely in panic. They had seen the carriage stopped before, and they were puzzled. The servants brought by Cui Hao also came to ask what happened? They didn't know what was going on, they just looked at the posture of the prefect, it seemed that something important had happened. So I dealt with a few words, while preventing the yamen from inquiring about luck, while asking what the prefect was talking about.

As a result, after only a short while, someone discovered that the box was actually opened. Not far away, the running posture of the girl in the Chinese dress is very conspicuous. So Zheng Heng's subordinates hurriedly yelled, and after the yelling, they remembered that Zheng Heng had asked not to disclose this matter.

But at this moment, Zheng Heng himself was in a hurry and shouted to chase after him, so everyone followed suit. Cui Hao also hurriedly shouted to the city gate guards to help chase people. All of a sudden, a group of people rushed towards the direction where the girl disappeared.

Cui Hao stared at their backs until he could no longer see them, then hurriedly ran to the side of the carriage and whispered, "Ma'am, ma'am?"

An Ruochen got out from behind the grain bag. Cui Hao hurriedly said: "Quick, they should be back in a while."

An Ruochen nodded in thanks, jumped out of the carriage, and ran towards the city gate. Cui Hao ran over after her, and said to the remaining city gate soldiers: "Don't make any noise, or your heads will be cut off."

The soldiers didn't know what happened, so they closed their mouths tightly and nodded vigorously.

An Ruochen went out through the city gate that opened two people wide, Cui Hao was nervous and said: "Madam, please come back triumphantly, I am betting my whole family and life in Madam's hands."

An Ruochen didn't want to remind him at all that he ruined his property and life himself, so it has nothing to do with others. She said: "My lord, don't forget my words. Your lord handles the affairs in the city well, which is the best way to protect yourself."

Cui Hao nodded, watching An Ruochen rushing into the distance without looking back, and soon disappeared. Cui Hao knew that there must be someone to meet her outside the city gate. General Long did not know where he picked up this strange woman, ah, yes, how could he have forgotten, Zhonglan City. General Long is the wife he met in Zhonglan City.

Cui Hao ordered the soldiers at the gate of the city: "Close the gate, and no one is allowed to leave the city without my personal order tonight. Anyone who invades will be killed."

The soldiers at the city gate nodded hurriedly and closed the city gate tightly.

Cui Hao returned to the carriage, looked at the opened box, and felt that his nervous heart had finally calmed down.

Chunxiao ran wildly, her heart about to jump out of her chest. Madam guessed right. She concluded that Zheng Heng would not send her to Tianzhi County. The spy den there had been discovered long ago, so how could she take such a risk? Most importantly, it was farther away from Mr. Liang. Since the general is about to be attacked, of course such an important hostage must be handed over to Mr. Liang to be effective. So she asserted that she would go through the east gate.

So Chunxiao listened to the instructions, took the clothes, jewelry and other things, and went out first. Everyone was staring at An Ruochen, but no one paid attention to her, a girl. She went to the house arranged by Shopkeeper Sun, spread the news and explained everything. Then change the clothes, comb the hair style, wear the headgear, etc., as long as you don't look closely or face to face, you can be fooled.

After nightfall, Uncle Liu took her to the corner of Dongcheng Gate in a carriage and waited. She waited and waited until the carriage led by Zheng Heng arrived, Cui Hao stopped the carriage in time as planned and led the people away. Chunxiao stared at the carriage, saw the box on it open, and An Ruochen poked his head out. Chunxiao hurriedly lit the hanging lamp in the corner. This was a signal that she had seen it, and she would do it next. So An Ruochen came out quickly, and hid behind the grain bag.

Chunxiao walked under the moonlight, walked hurriedly, and then started to run. This is a straight and quite long road. This distance allows them to see her, but they cannot see her clearly. If those people were not vigilant and didn't see any of them, the prefect would find out that "she" had escaped.

There were many people yelling and chasing after her. Chunxiao tried her best to run. She turned a corner, turned another corner, and ran into a residential block with winding alleyways. Before she got rid of the pursuer, she could hear someone yelling to outflank both ends, and she turned another corner. The door of a house was open, and she ran in.

Behind the door was Uncle Liu, who quickly closed the door. Aunt Liu took her hand and led her into the house: "Good girl, thank you for your hard work."

"Well done, Chunxiao." Uncle Liu didn't say much, and after a simple compliment, he quickly went to the back door and hung a lantern. A family in the alley next door saw it and opened the door, and a girl wearing the same clothes ran out and ran in another direction.

"Here." The people who surrounded and searched around heard the shout and hurriedly chased in that direction.

In the room, Chunxiao changed her clothes and style, and sat down to rest. Aunt Liu wrapped the clothes for her and hid them in the cabinet. He turned around, smiled at her, and poured her a glass of water. Chunxiao thought of Aunt Lu, who always said that women and children also have responsibilities. Chunxiao was very happy, she felt that she had accomplished something important, and when she returned to Zhonglan to reunite with Aunt Lu, she would definitely tell her about this dangerous and exciting experience.

Zheng Heng led his men to hunt him down in the middle of the night, but An Ruochen's legs and feet were unusually fast, appearing here and there, and escaped for several streets. Then, I don't know where to hide. Everyone searched around, but found no trace of her.

It must be hiding in some house. Zheng Heng was very angry. Although he was anxious, he was not dizzy. He had no right to order people to search the house, and he had no legitimate reason to search the house. He ordered people to surround it, and if he found any suspicious person coming in or out, he would take it down. Zheng Heng hurried back to the east gate, but Cui Hao was no longer there. The gates of the city were closed tightly, and the generals at the gate said that the prefect ordered the city to be closed, and no one was allowed to go out.

Furious, Zheng Heng hurried back to the Yafu. This time he saw Cui Hao, Cui Hao asked him: "Have you caught up yet?"

"My lord, why bother to pretend!" Zheng Heng gritted his teeth.

Cui Hao frowned: "What should I pretend?"

Zheng Heng took two steps forward and asked him: "You are the one who is causing trouble, aren't you? You have been subdued by An Ruochen at all, and you are helping her."

Cui Hao said: "You have lost someone, and you are afraid that Mr. Liang will blame you, so you rush to shirk responsibility on me? You asked An Ruochen to monitor her movements, and I did so. You wanted to drug him, so I did. He was in the box Here, hand it over to you properly, right? You asked for the token to leave the city, and I gave it to you. I even arranged for someone to pick you up at the west gate. I’m afraid it’s hard for you to explain why it’s you with the token. Such a small yamen servant escorted the car. What happened? You secretly went to the east gate. Now that something happened, you bit back and blamed me." Cui Hao also looked angry, and shouted: "You have Let's go to Mr. Liang and discuss it carefully to see whose fault it is?"

Zheng Heng stared at him, didn't speak for a while, then turned his head to leave.

"Wait, am I allowing you to go? I'm not joking, I want to see Mr. Liang. I don't believe you anymore."

Zheng Hengli ignored him and left.

Zheng Heng first recruited his own staff to search those streets quietly, but after searching for a day, there was no good news. An Ruochen's guards questioned Cui Hao about An Ruochen's disappearance after taking a nap after dinner, and they went to the street to find people with all their hands. Cui Hao took the opportunity to reprimand Zheng Heng, and then asked to see Mr. Liang. He said that this matter needs Mr. Liang to come forward to solve it. Otherwise, if these guards make trouble, there will be a big mess.

Zheng Heng was furious, there was indeed trouble, the men he sent to follow up with the guards did not come back, and An Ruochen was lost again, there must be something wrong here. He asked Cui Hao to deal with it, but Cui Hao ignored him and insisted on seeing Mr. Liang before talking. Zheng Heng's brain became hot, and he simply took Cui Hao's token and mobilized more police officers to search the blocks where An Ruochen disappeared. He said that the general's wife was kidnapped and the suspect was hiding in the In that piece of the house. Let everyone close the streets and search houses, and make sure to find the general's wife.

How do you know that the general's wife was kidnapped, what are the clues, who reported the crime, what did the robber look like, and what is his purpose? Since there are clues, why didn't they tell the guards, why did they ask to act quietly? The front line is fighting, the people are already panicking, and the government wants to disturb the people like this. If there is no hard evidence, who will bear the responsibility? ! Some arresters questioned this matter and reprimanded Zheng Heng face to face. Even if Zheng Heng has a token in his hand, he is just a humble yamen pawn, when it is his turn to decide. Catcher turned to find Cui Hao.

Cui Hao scolded: "Nonsense!" Then he ordered the head arresters to take Zheng Heng down, and made a list. It was the man Zheng Heng ordered the day before yesterday. Cui Hao sent people to observe carefully, and take them all down.

Zheng Heng dared to use the token to speak out, so he was sure that Cui Hao would not dare to object, and he never expected him to put him in prison. He sent someone to warn Cui Hao, but another one was exposed, and Cui Hao took him down again.

Zheng Heng was dumbfounded, cursed, and yelled for Cui Hao to come see him.

Cui Hao came, and said to him: "If you behave peacefully and act in a low-key manner, I don't need to use this method. You asked for it yourself. I also have to restrain you in order to ensure the smoothness of the plan and not go on a business trip. Wait Mr. Liang is back, I will make it clear to him that I will release you after finding an excuse, don't make trouble, or I won't be able to find an excuse to release you then."

Zheng Heng was speechless, knowing that the other party was up to no good, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Cui Hao walked away, walked outside the prison, couldn't help smiling, really satisfied with his performance. In this way, no matter which side General Long or Lord Liang wins, he has not done things badly. What An Ruochen said was absolutely right, it was really important that Mr. Liang was not in the city, because it meant that among the many officials in the city, he was the prefect. Why are you afraid of Zheng Heng? It's just a government servant. If you make trouble, clean him up.

Cui Hao is in a good mood. Since he took office, this is the first time he has found the feeling of being a prefect.

An Ruochen was very anxious, Zong Zeqing led a group of people, and led her to ride quickly to Shilipo. But halfway, they encountered spies who couldn't pass the sentry checkpoint.

As soon as An Ruochen guessed Liang Dehao's movements, he reported to Zong Zeqing. Ask Zong Zeqing to rush people to Shilipo. Let shopkeeper Sun's gang of lurking people lead Chun Xiao to perform that show, also to hold back Zheng Heng's people. Let them think that she was trapped in the city, so she would not report to the front line, which aroused Liang Dehao's vigilance.

An Ruo went out of the city in the morning and night, half a day behind the spies, she felt that no matter what the spies would rush to meet Long Da in front of her. But I never thought that the two groups of people sent by Zong Zeqing failed to pass the card.

"The interrogation is very strict. Basically, people are not allowed to pass. Even ordinary people who say they go home will not be allowed to leave, and those who are sick and seek medical treatment will not be allowed. After inquiring, they said that they have been stuck for two days and are not allowed to pass. The people have already complained."

An Ruochen's heart sank when he heard that, does this mean that he is about to strike? Just these two days? So strictly prevent everyone from entering and leaving Shilipo?

"General Zong?"

An Ruochen looked at Zong Zeqing.

Zong Zeqing quickly ran through the terrain here. "We have to climb the mountain and get over the sentry post."

"Okay." An Ruochen did not hesitate. She is willing to climb the knife mountain.

"When we reach the top of the mountain, let off smoke as a warning, I hope the general can see it."

"We still divide into three groups. The ones with the fastest footsteps will go first. Don't be delayed by me." An Ruochen said. Everyone has no objection. Zong Zeqing added: "Our last group came to set off the smoke order. When the smoke rises, not only the general may see it, but other Liang Dehao's soldiers will also be able to see it. At that time, they will seal the mountain to search. Those who have passed before, Don’t look back, hurry on your way.”

Everyone responded in unison, each running forward.

An Ruochen's footsteps were indeed the slowest. If he wanted to climb mountains and ridges, he couldn't ride a horse, he had to rely on his two legs. There were blisters on her feet, and her hands were scratched by branches, but she didn't groan or complain at all. Zong Zeqing comforted her and said: "Don't blame yourself, your decision is right. You have to rush to the general, otherwise the general won't see you, and the Liang thief can take you as a hostage anyway. Seeing is believing, no matter what subject to man."

An Ruochen nodded. She knew that her decision was right, but it was true that she dragged down the team.

The top of the mountain has arrived. Zong Zeqing found an open place, set up four huge firewood piles with all the soldiers, and poured powder on them. He and An Ruochen said: "Get ready, smoke together, maybe trouble will come."

An Ruochen looked at those firewood piles, and said firmly, "Come on!"

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