Zong Zeqing nodded vigorously from the side, that's right, he was so wise and brave to kill the enemy's chief general back then! It's just that the general spoke too fast, without any pause, and Ms. An didn't know if she understood.

An Ruochen was indeed a little dazed when he heard that he had been missing for three days and came back with the head of the enemy general.

"Then!" Long Da continued, his voice changed, and he spoke clearly and clearly, "Just when the whole battalion was stunned and was about to step forward to celebrate and praise General Zong's bravery, General Zong suddenly jumped up and down. Huh, hugged my leg and cried loudly, wiping my snot and tears on my trouser legs."

The chicken breast rack in Zong Zeqing's hand fell off, he opened his mouth wide, and was stunned. General! Are you helping tell the story or are you poking fun at your bravest and smartest general? Isn't the point of the latter part that he became famous all over the world because of this battle, alarmed the emperor, and won the title of "General Huwei"? Well, but the atmosphere is not right, it seems inappropriate for him to add this himself. But something has to be said, and it must not be the end of his heroic deeds with "his nose and tears".

"Ah, that's right." Zong Zeqing said with a straight face and a serious face: "This courageous and resourceful deed was finally rewarded by the emperor. I want to tell Guanshi An. Don't worry about whether your choice is right or wrong. Who knows what will happen later? , Those who come after the fact are all cowards. His grandma's bear, if I died in battle at that time, that's all. If I retreated and returned, I might be soured by someone with ulterior motives. If you think it's right, go Do it. If the result is good afterwards, reward yourself. If the result is not good, summarize and improve. After all, there will be a next time. As long as a person is alive, there will be a next time. As expected?"

After Zong Zeqing finished speaking, he saw the look on An Ruochen's face, which made him a little proud. His grandma's Xiong only found out today that he is very eloquent. No, he has always been eloquent, otherwise how could he be reused by the General. However, the general who reused him is a bit serious. It seems that today's official duties are not going well, and he can only come back when he is so busy.

Here, An Ruochen really felt encouraged, she said: "Thank you, General Zong. But I still have a question."

"Tell me." Zong Zeqing raised his head and chest.

An Ruochen looked at Long Da and Zong Zeqing. Long Day raised his eyebrows, feeling that this question should be interesting.

"When we cried bitterly while hugging the general's leg, did you still hold the enemy's head or did you throw it away?"

Zong Zeqing: "..." General, I caught a glimpse of you snickering, it's because of your storytelling. Where did he remember whether he carried it or not, he had forgotten all about the embarrassing things like hugging the general's thigh and crying bitterly? And I didn't cry out of fear, but because I returned to the team excitedly and grieved that I lost many good brothers in that battle.

An Ruochen looked at this and that, is there a problem with this question? I'm really curious. If it was a storyteller, he would have described this action in three articles.

"General." Zong Zeqing decided to change the subject. At the beginning, the attention of the enemy army was diverted, and now it should be diverted to the attention of Manager An. "Guan An is not doing well today, and he is waiting for you to come back to report. You see that you came back so late, hurry up, and listen to what Guan Shi has to say before the moon goes down."

"Really? Why didn't it go well?" Long Dasi took over the matter calmly.

"Ah?" An Ruochen realized that there was a wine bowl and a chicken leg in his hand, and quickly put it down.

Long Da turned and left, An Ruochen subconsciously followed. Zong Ze breathed a sigh of relief, subconsciously trying to recall, did he not carry it back then?

After walking a few steps, Long Da took out a handkerchief and gave it to An Ruochen. An Ruochen took it, and only after taking it did she realize that her hands were greasy, her face flushed and she quickly wiped it off. While wiping, he secretly glanced at the general, he lowered his head, as if he didn't see her.

An Ruochen sighed inwardly, why would she be embarrassed every time they met on the school field.

After walking for a while, neither Long Da nor An Ruochen spoke. Long Da didn't go in the direction of the courtyard, but started to wander around Ziyun Building, so An Ruochen walked beside him. Seeing the general bowing his head in thought, she secretly wondered if the general also had unsatisfactory official duties. It's not good elsewhere, but she's causing trouble here. However, even if the general walks with his head down, he is very heroic and upright.

"Why don't you say it?" Long Da said suddenly. He was quite happy watching the shadows of the two next to each other, but he was just wondering why the girl didn't speak.

An Ruochen was counting the steps, and found that the general's legs were much longer than hers, but she was able to keep up without any effort. It turned out that he was walking slowly. Counting her five steps, he took three steps. Hearing the general's questioning, he realized that he hadn't done anything. So he quickly explained what happened today in detail.

"Sick?" Long Da was surprised, but his reaction was not strong. He was so calm, An Ruochen felt as if he had taken a reassurance. Sure enough, there is nothing difficult here with the general. "General, what should I do?"

Long Da pondered for a moment, and said: "Xie Gang went to investigate something today, and he should be able to come back tomorrow. When he comes back, I know the result from his side, and then decide on this matter."

An Ruochen had an ominous premonition: "General, did I do something wrong?"

"Didn't General Zong comfort you just now?"

This tone is so weird. An Ruochen pursed her lips, since she didn't blame her, then she assumed that she had done nothing wrong. "Then, did you hold the head in your arms, or did you throw it away?"

Long Da stopped and turned to look at her. "Guan An, when you're drunk, do you always stick to your horns?"

"Never." An Ruochen raised his head with an innocent expression on his face: "I've never been drunk, I've never gotten into a dead end."

Under the moonlight, her face was bright red, exuding a slightly drunk breath, her eyes were so bright that the stars in the sky paled. Long Da took a step back, and then said: "Look at your appearance, you are clearly drunk."

"Never." An Ruochen frowned.

"Go back to sleep." Long Da suddenly seemed a little unhappy, turned around and left.

An Ruochen couldn't figure out how to provoke him. It's just that he didn't admit that he was drunk, which made him unhappy? Then she admitted that she was drunk? "General." An Ruochen chased after a few steps, turned a corner but Long Da was nowhere to be seen.

Is it for running? It disappeared so quickly. An Ruochen shook her head, and decided to go back to sleep obediently. She was really not drunk, but she was in a much better mood now. Ah, the general's handkerchief is still here, so go back and wash the handkerchief for the general. I'm in a good mood, maybe there will be good news tomorrow, maybe things won't be so bad.

An Ruochen was wrong. On the second day, Zong Zeqing led the troops away and Xie Gang came back.

Xie Gang brought back very bad news. The spy named Jiang Zi they sent to Chapinxianglou in Feng'an County the day before yesterday was intercepted and killed after twenty miles out of the city.

"Someone saw the corpse and reported it to the local county magistrate. The county magistrate quickly reported it to the prefect. After the general entered Zhonglan, he made an agreement with the prefect that all murders in the county must be reported to the military. I saw the file, and the corpse described above The characteristic is exactly the person I sent. There are traces of fighting with others on his body, and the fatal thing is a sword that pierced his heart." Xie Gang was very serious, with a solemn expression: "I went to identify the corpse yesterday, it was him. "

An Ruochen was speechless, feeling very sorry for the deceased.

"He is a very experienced spy, and he will never cause trouble and get involved with others during the mission. Either he suddenly discovered something, or he was intercepted and killed. The latter is more likely."

An Ruochen gasped, and was about to ask "how did the person who killed him get the news", but Long Da asked her: "Have you ever mentioned this to anyone?"

An Ruochen was startled and shook her head. She thought about it again, then shook her head.

It is true that he did not tell anyone about this matter, even when he mentioned his troubles about the spy mission to Zong Zeqing last night, he only mentioned Zhao Jiahua's suspicion, and she decided not to arrest her, but she could not see her anymore. She worries about making mistakes. Just said this, not even mentioning the details of the case.

Was the general suspicious of her? An Ruochen looked at Long Da nervously.

But Long Da whispered to Xie Gang and Jiang Song. An Ruochen faintly heard spies and secret orders, and she wringed her fingers nervously. After a while, Long Da and the others finished speaking, then turned their heads, and Long Dao said, "I don't doubt you, but I just need to know what went wrong in every link. The military order for spies issued the day before yesterday was only a sealed military reconnaissance. There is a record on the order document. The document was written in coded language, and the seal is intact, and no one has stolen it."

"Why are there paperwork?" An Ruochen asked timidly.

"The spies' activities are complicated and there are many military orders. All military spies and teams are not allowed to leave the team unless they are ordered to do so. Non-confidential important matters will be recorded in paperwork to ensure military discipline and to pursue accountability when necessary." Xie Gang explained.

"It's the same as the patrol and reconnaissance of the guards. There must be rules. Outsiders must not know, but internal records must be clear. Whoever made a mistake must be punished." Jiang Song added.

"So this isn't a particularly secret thing, is it?"

"Confidentiality is required, but not the confidentiality of documents that cannot be recorded."

An Ruochen bit her lip, it was obvious that there was a traitor in Ziyun Building. The traitor hadn't opened the secret document, but he knew Jiang Zi's whereabouts and purpose, and even knew when he set off and where he passed.

"Then only Jiang Zi himself is left. But there is no evidence to prove it. I don't know if he revealed anything to others before he left."

Long Da said to Jiang Song: "Check who Jiang Zi has been close to recently, and investigate with great fanfare. The traitor has succeeded. If we don't respond, the other party should be suspicious. The body was not buried and hidden, it was deliberately discovered. .”

Xie Gang said: "I want to go to Feng'an County in person. It's not easy to lurk in the army. They would rather expose this matter than prevent Jiang Zi from re-investigating the Pinxiang Tower. There must be important clues hidden there. After two days of delay, They should have rushed there to destroy the evidence. I have to go there quickly, otherwise it will be too late. Jiang Song vigorously investigated the secret operations of the army just to cover it up for me. If the other party thinks that our focus has shifted to the investigation of internal traitors and is taking Pinxianglou lightly, then it will be a shame. All right."

"You're right." Long Da nodded, "It must be a very important matter that is worth exposing the traitor lurking in the army. You go quickly, pick two people, and pack lightly. The other party is already on guard, you must do it." Be careful."

Several people discussed quickly, and Xie Gang and Jiang Song withdrew.

An Ruochen listened very nervously, when only Long Da and her were left in the room, she hurriedly said: "General, I know the seriousness of the matter, I really didn't tell anyone about the spies going to Feng'an County."

"Of course I believe you." Long Da was very serious, "There is one more thing I have to tell you."

An Ruochen stood upright and listened to the order.

"Although you have entered the Ziyun Building to work for me, everyone knows that you are helping the military to investigate the details in name, but no one cares about you, no one values ​​you."

An Ruochen was puzzled, was this trying to belittle her?

"So that's to your advantage."

An Ruochen looked up at Long Da, and his heart jumped from the bottom of the valley.

"You are only active in Zhonglan City. Your outings and actions are currently unsecret and out of order, so they are not recorded at all." That is to say, if the traitor is peeping information from the records, then the content she obtained will not be recorded by the other party. I don't know.

"As long as you are careful enough to guard against you and hide the spies in the building from spying on you, you still have a chance in Zhao Jiahua's case." Long Dao said, "You carefully consider what she said to you. She has been planning for a long time. I just found you, and she said she was the clue, so she must have left a clue. What else is there besides Pinxianglou?"

An Ruochen's mind was spinning, Li Xiu'er, Liu Ze, Liu Yin... what else?

"Jiang Song will strictly investigate the traitor, so the traitor will not dare to make big moves in the near future. This is a good opportunity for you to act."

An Ruochen nodded.

"I received the military report two days ago, and I have to leave for a few days. There are some military situations on the front line that I need to deal with personally. I wanted to tell you yesterday, but it was too late to deal with official business yesterday, so I forgot for a while. I will leave in the afternoon. I will leave In the end, Xi Zuo will think that no one is making decisions for you, and this is also a good opportunity for you to act."

An Ruochen was taken aback for a moment, unable to nod her head, the general is not there? With the general gone, no one could make up her mind. An Ruochen panicked.

Long Da looked at her and smiled. "Don't panic," he said. "Before you met me, you were a girl with a lot of ideas. You knew what you had to do."

Yeah? But now she listens to the general's orders, and she does what the general says.

"I'm not worried about anything else about you, but I'm worried that you are sometimes too bold. Your courage is boundless."

An Ruochen frowned unconvinced, how could she, she always followed the rules.

"Anyway, I'm not here. Be careful what you do. Remember that there are traitors in the building, so don't act recklessly. If you find anything, deal with it after Xie Gang brings back the clues from Feng'an County. If you have anything to discuss with Jiang Song."

An Ruochen nodded.

"Also, don't trust anyone." Long Da said seriously.

An Ruochen was surprised.

"What I'm saying is that if there are some things that you think are extremely confidential, the fewer people who know about them, the better. It's not that you can't trust them, but everyone is a target. Keeping secrets in many places increases the risk of being discovered .I don’t believe it’s not just referring to the other party, but also including his situation.” Long Da paused, and said: “For example, Jiang Zi, he is a very reliable spy, but it is possible that Xie Gang’s investigation order came from him. It was leaked, and he himself may not know it until his death. Although it is only a possibility, it is also a warning. You must keep it in your heart."

Jiang Zi is indeed a very reliable spy, and he is a highly valued subordinate of Xie Gang, like a brother. At this time, Xie Gang, full of anger and grief, set off from the south gate and galloped towards Feng'an County. What Jiang Zi failed to accomplish, he will accomplish.

Five miles westward from the south gate of Zhonglan City, there is a hill named Xiushan. Xie just ran past that mountain, he didn't know that there was a meditation nunnery on the mountain, a small nunnery, clean and tidy, there was only one nun in the nunnery, named Jingyuan.

Mr. Min bypassed Jingxin Nunnery and turned into the vegetable garden behind the nunnery. There is a path paved with stone slabs beside the vegetable garden, and one of the slabs is loose and the edge is turned up, making it easy to trip. Mr. Min walked there, striding over without looking at it, obviously quite familiar with it.

Mrs. Jingyuan is busy in the vegetable garden. She has just watered the vegetables and is squatting there to weed. Hearing footsteps, he looked up. Seeing someone coming, he didn't speak, bowed his head and continued to busy with the work at hand.

"There aren't many jujubes this year." Mr. Min didn't care about Jing Yuan's attitude, and said to himself. He stood under a jujube tree by the edge of the vegetable garden, looked up at the branches, took a bamboo pole from the side of the tree, and took down the red lantern hanging from the tallest branch. The lantern is hung high, and the wax is lit at night, and the red light can be seen from the bottom of the mountain. Mr. Min put the lantern on the ground, looked at the overripe winter dates that had fallen to the ground, and silently raised his feet to trample the rotten dates into the mud.

"I'm done." Jing Yuan stood up, and what she said didn't match Mr. Min's preface. She looks about thirty or forty years old, with an ordinary appearance, neither beautiful nor ugly, the kind that people won't notice at a glance when thrown in the crowd. At this time, his face was expressionless, cold, indifferent, and serious.

Mr. Min nodded: "Well, the yamen has received the bulletin, and Ziyun Tower has also responded." It means that he has confirmed that she has completed the task.

Mrs. Jingyuan stretched out her hand and spread it out to Mr. Min. Her fingers are slender and strong, with callused knots, the hands of a martial artist.

Mr. Min took out a money bag from his pocket and threw it in her direction. Master Jingyuan took it, weighed it, and put the money bag into her arms.

"Who else is going to kill?" she asked.

Mr. Min laughed, and said: "Master, you are really the most murderous person I have ever seen."

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