Qi Zheng hurried over: "Boss Liu. I, I'm not a bad guy, and I didn't come to fight. I was afraid they would find me, so I hid under the table, and then there was a fight, and they went out..." Qi Zheng wanted to explain, but It suddenly occurred to him that he couldn't explain how he came to Liu's residence.

But no one cared how he got here.

Seeing that Liu Ze was able to speak, Zhao Jiahua called out, "Master." She clenched Liu Ze's hand tightly, crying out of breath.

An Ruochen shouted from the side: "Qi Zheng? Are you Father Yang's adopted son Qi Zheng?"

Qi Zheng was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at her: "Do you know Dad?"

An Ruochen said: "I don't know him, but I know about him. What he wants to report in detail is what we need to investigate."

Qi Zheng was immediately refreshed.

There was fierce fighting and shouting outside, An Ruochen looked towards the door and called Qi Zheng to block the door together.

The two worked together to push the table behind the door, and Qi Zheng ran to the window to check the situation. An Ruochen hurried to see Liu Ze's injury. Liu Ze's face was pale, and it was obvious that he was dying. An Ruochen shouted: "Don't die, tell me the name, who else is the spy!"

Liu Ze ignored her, he only looked at Zhao Jiahua.

Zhao Jiahua couldn't tell whether she hated or resented her, she just felt extremely sad.

"Tell me quickly." An Ruochen held Liu Ze's shoulder: "You can't just die like this, you are an important witness!"

Liu Ze looked at Zhao Jiahua and said with difficulty: "I..."

An Ruochen didn't dare to touch him, holding her breath and waiting for him to speak.

"Don't... blame you, and you... don't... blame me..."

An Ruochen stared at him, what?

"Okay." She heard Zhao Jiahua say that.

Then Liu Ze seemed relieved, suddenly relaxed and closed his eyes.

Zhao Jiahua lay on top of Liu Ze and burst into tears.

An Ruochen was dumbfounded, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

died? he died?

She couldn't believe it. She touched Liu Ze's breath with her hand, and she was really out of breath.

An Ruochen stared at him, hearing Zhao Jiahua's cry, wanted to cry too. She failed, she did something wrong, she messed up such an important thing. She shouldn't be greedy and want to arrest Mr. Xie. If Liu Ze was arrested first, would things be different? The other spies ran away, at least she caught Liu Ze.

But now...

An Ruochen found that she was really crying. She tried so hard to do well, but in the end it turned out like this. She is such a waste, she can't explain to the general.

Qi Zheng also wants to cry, why are you crying, do you want to run for your life?

The thugs outside were already banging on the door, Qi Zheng hurriedly fumbled for the switch on the bookcase, and shouted while searching: "Can we cry when we are free? Let's save our lives now!"

An Ruochen watched his actions and realized, secret room?

There is also a secret room in Liu's mansion?

Qi Zheng found the switch, and the bookcase slowly and automatically moved away, revealing the secret passage. Qi Zheng turned around and shouted: "Go!"

An Ruochen gritted his teeth, quickly rummaged through the desk drawers, stuffed a few booklets such as ledgers, registers, and notes into his arms without looking at them, dragged Zhao Jiahua who was still crying, and put her arms on his shoulders: "Stay Fate, you still want to see your daughter."

Zhao Jiahua came to his senses and strode his legs vigorously. "You found her?"

"No. I guessed it. Ping'er and Mrs. Chen took her away, didn't they? You asked them to hide her in the carriage and take her out of the city."

"Liu Ze..."

"He probably doesn't know. I said last night that your daughter is in my hands. He was surprised. Your daughter is safe."

Zhao Jiahua cried and laughed at the same time, using An Ruochen's strength to run forward. In the dark secret passage, she saw hope for the future. She bet her hope on An Ruochen, and she was right.

Qi Zheng led them to run, and told them that the secret passage leads to the gambling house. Brother Niu from the gambling shop just sent people to rush back and brought a lot of people to Liu's house. It is estimated that there are no people there. Escaping from there should have a better chance.

As he ran to the gambling house, Qi Zheng went out to look, but there was no one in the private room, so he came out and waved to An Ruochen. An Ruochen carried Zhao Jiahua out with him. As a result, he was discovered by a big man not far after he came out.


An Ruochen carried Zhao Jiahua for such a long distance, and had already run out of strength, so he pushed Qi Zheng and shouted: "Run."

"No." Qi Zheng is young, but he is loyal. He looked left and right, picked up a bamboo pole by the wall and placed it in front of the two girls, looking like a little man.

The big man saw Qi Zheng's posture, shouted and raised his knife to slash at Qi Zheng. Qi Zheng gritted his teeth and prepared to fight with the bamboo pole. As a result, before the big man could be killed, a dart flew out from behind Qi Zheng, and hit the big man's front door, hitting the big man's left eye. The big man screamed, the sword fell to the ground, and he knelt on the ground, covering his eyes with his hands, bleeding profusely.

Qi Zheng was dumbfounded, and when he looked back, An Ruochen took the dart back with a shake of his hand.

"It's amazing." Qi Zheng couldn't help but praise.

Is it great? An Ruochen swallowed, she clearly aimed at her chest.

Before I could say anything, I heard a lot of yelling from all around. The screams of the injured man attracted the attention of others, and many thugs suddenly appeared from nowhere. People with knives, sticks and swords all rushed in this direction when they saw Qi Zheng and An Ruochen hurt their own people, and some people shouted: "Kill them."

An Ruochen was dumbfounded: "Didn't you say that there are few people here?"

Qi Zheng was also dumbfounded: "I clearly heard Brother Niu yelling to call all the people, could it be that they haven't had time to rush over?"

So the current situation is that as soon as the manpower is assembled, the three of them are sent over for others to practice?

An Ruochen shouted loudly: "Whoever is in charge, speak up!"

negotiation? The thugs are not interested. Someone shouted: "Tie it up first." Then he rushed forward.

But just as the man finished speaking, he was shot by an arrow that fell from the sky.

Plop, fall to the ground.

The thugs suddenly became a mess, some shouted and some ran away, and some rushed towards An Ruochen and the others, there was a way out to catch the hostages.

Several soldiers in military uniforms jumped down from the roof and entered the battle circle. Someone stood on the roof guarding with a bow and arrow. An Ruochen was overjoyed: "The officers and soldiers are here, we are saved."

Qi Zheng waved his bamboo pole and repelled one person. At this moment, the sound of horseshoes sounded, An Ruochen turned his head to look, and almost cried out of joy.


It was Long Da who came.

The hooves of the black horse were as fast as the wind, and all the minions gave way one after another. Long Da seemed to step out of the crowd and ran to An Ruochen.

The horse stopped, Long Da looked down at An Ruochen.

Some thugs and soldiers in the crowd were red-eyed and shouted: "They are few, kill them all."

Long Da didn't wear an official uniform, so no one knew his identity. Seeing him stop, the thugs swung their knives and chopped at his horse and legs.

Long shouted loudly, and the black horse turned and kicked. Long Da jumped up on the horse's back, swung his sword with his backhand, and the two heads fell to the ground.

People around screamed and backed away. It was the first time An Ruochen saw such a murderous person, she was completely stunned. Qi Zheng almost spit it out.

Long Da landed on the ground and stood firm. Seeing An Ruochen's expression, he pulled her over and threw her on the horseback: "You go first."

An Ruochen hasn't reacted yet. The people around are still fighting, but the general is here, so she is not afraid. The point is, she can't ride a horse.

Seeing her dumbfounded appearance, Long Da seemed a little angry, and told her, "Let's go!"

How to go? An Ruochen looked at Long Da blankly.

Long Da got angry, swiped his horizontal knife, knocked down the two thugs who were beating his soldiers, and then whistled. The black horse ran away after hearing the order. An Ruochen was completely unprepared, and even if he was prepared, he couldn't sit still. He screamed, bumped twice on the horse's back, and fell off.

Successfully fell into a faint.

When An Ruochen woke up, she found herself lying in her bedroom.

Ziyun Tower, she actually came back?

Memories flooded my mind in an instant.

Liu Ze, Zhao Jiahua, Lou Zhi, Qi Zheng...and the general!

An Ruochen sat up abruptly, then screamed in pain, and found that all the bones in his body were falling apart, as if he had fallen.

By the way, she fell, and fell off the horse in front of the general.

An Ruochen wailed and lay back down again, pulled the quilt over and buried herself.

The general didn't see her roundabout kick when she was beautiful, and the general didn't see her dart when she was playing smartly. The general only saw her fall off the horse in embarrassment.

An Ruochen remembered more things. The street burned, Liu Ze died, and many others died. She was useless, she didn't catch Mr. Xie, and she didn't catch the spies in the army. She encouraged the prefect, and the yamen went to war, but judging from the situation of Liu's residence, Guanliuting must have been in vain. She didn't get anything done, she was useless.

The more An Ruochen thought about it, the sadder she became, and she couldn't help crying.

Tired of crying and crying, she actually fell asleep again. When she became dazed and conscious, she felt that she was about to suffocate to death. She lifted the quilt and gasped for air, and suddenly woke up. Open your eyes, the room is lit with candles, is it night?

Grinning his teeth and enduring the pain, he got up, and if he slept again, he would be disabled.

Chun Xiao came into the room upon hearing the movement, and exclaimed happily, "Young lady, are you awake? Are you hungry? The food and soup are all warmed up for you."

That being said, I'm really hungry. An Ruochen honestly ate a big bowl of rice, three dishes and a bowl of soup, and felt himself alive again.

When he was full, he felt that his face could hold up, so he asked Chunxiao how he came back.

"The general brought it back."

An Ruochen was so ashamed that she wanted to bang her head against the wall, but she still asked the general to bring her back.

"The doctor came to see the girl and said that she doesn't seem to be in any serious trouble. If she doesn't feel uncomfortable when she gets up, she will be fine." Chunxiao cleaned up the dishes. From the perspective of food intake, Manager An is really doing well, so don't worry.

"The general also came to see the girl." Chun Xiao said again.


"It's when the girl is covering the quilt and crying."

An Ruochen wanted to dig a hole for herself.

"The general said, let her cry." Chun Xiao imitated Long Da's tone.

An Ruochen was speechless.

"Later the girl seemed to fall asleep, and the general came again. He didn't let me take off the quilt, he said that he would wake up naturally if he was suffocated to death, don't worry about her."

An Ruochen: "..." The general is really a kind and considerate guy.

An Ruochen sat for a long time, sorted out his thoughts, and hesitated whether to report to Long Da what happened during this period, and also asked about the result of today's matter. It's a bit late, is the general asleep? But when we met today, I didn't have time to see clearly, and I didn't even say a few words. She really wanted to see him.

An Ruochen struggled, and finally decided to take a look at the general's yard.

When she got there, the guard at the gate waved her in, which meant that the general was not asleep. An Ruochen was a little happy. Just as he entered, Li Mingyu, the chief shi, came out of Long Da's house, and he must have rushed to report the incident overnight. An Ruochen heard Li Mingyu standing at the door and still saying: "Guan An is reckless, has no rules, and often brings family affairs to the government office to get entangled. This is not the backyard of the family mansion. He is watched by the soldiers. What should we do?" Thoughts. The leakage of the military order is also due to lax military discipline, and someone took advantage of the loophole."

The implication is that she broke military discipline? An Ruochen hurriedly hid in the corner of the house wall, she was being sued, how embarrassing to meet her.

He just hid himself, so he couldn't hear what was going on behind him. I don't know how the general answered.

An Ruochen backed off, feeling that now is really not a good time to discuss matters with the general. After waiting for a while, Changshi Li Mingyu left. An Ruochen watched his back disappear, sighed several times in his heart, and still went to knock on Longda's door.

Long Da responded, and An Ruochen pushed the door in. Before he could speak, Long Da said, "I'm still wondering if you plan to go back and have a rest before coming back."

So the general knew she was coming. An Ruochen blushed: "It's not because the general is busy and is considering whether to disturb him."

"Then why did you decide to bother in the end?"

An Ruochen pursed her lips: "The guards saw me coming. If I ran away without even entering the door, and the general knew that I was really a bad guy who came to spy on the military plane, then what should I do."

"Hmm." Long Da spoke with his nasal cavity, and looked at her with frown, "Are you playing with your temper? It's justifiable to eavesdrop on other people's conversations."

An Ruochen bit her lip, not daring to refute, but she thought in her heart that she hadn't eavesdropped and came here aboveboard.

Long Da said again: "Seeing that you are alive and kicking, you must have never been injured."

"I didn't jump around alive, I walked away dignifiedly." This An Ruochen felt that it was time to refute.

Long laughed. When he smiled, An Ruochen felt that the flowers were blooming in the room and the warm wind was blowing on his face again. He hurriedly coughed lightly and dignifiedly, saying that the business is important. "General, what happened to those people today? Did Lou Zhi get caught? Is Zhao Jiahua okay? Is Qi Zheng injured? Is Liu Ze dead? Where is Mr. Min, are you caught?"

Long Da pointed to the chair and waited for her to sit down before he began to speak.

As An Ruochen expected, Mr. Min did not show up. The prefect Yao Kun arranged for the lurking people to wait empty-handed. Liu Ze died, and Lou Zhi also died in the fight. Zhao Jiahua had been poisoned, and she had asked the doctor to see it. She said she had something to say to An Ruochen, and she hoped to see An Ruochen.

Qi Zheng was fine, but when he heard the soldiers calling General Long, he hugged Long Da's thigh on the spot and shouted that there was something important to report. When Long Da asked him what was the matter, he was in a daze, as if he realized that he didn't need to report it, but since he had opened his mouth, he still said that there were secret operations in the city. Long Da replied to him: "Understood."

An Ruochen laughed out loud upon hearing this. The general's thighs are really huggable, everyone loves hugging.

"He also said that his adoptive father was poisoned for this matter. But he found no evidence." Long Dao: "I promise him, the autopsy will investigate the case."

An Ruochen nodded vigorously.

Long Da continued to talk, and Qi Zheng told him about the secret way and the usual activities of the gambling house. Zhao Jiahua said that she noticed that Liu Ze was behaving strangely, so she had conflicts with him, which led to the previous incidents. She also told how Liu Ze was killed. The servant girl of the Liu Mansion reported the boss's orders and arrangements today, and the thug nurse of the gambling house confessed Lou Zhi's plans and orders. Prefect Yao Kun also explained in detail how An Ruochen asked him to send officials to arrest the suspect.

The more An Ruochen heard it, the more his face became more and more depressed, and he couldn't hide his grievance even if he wanted to hide it.

"Why?" Long raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

An Ruochen hesitated for a long time, "If only, if only I didn't fall over." Then she can report all these, she obviously infers all of them, and it's not because she wants to claim credit, but because she has so many words to share with her. What the general said, turned out to be that he wanted to know the news from the general. The general spoke concisely and finished in a few words.

The dragon has a big face.

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