Perfect World

Chapter 903 Source

A black ancient ship, stained with blood, was parked inside. It was huge, and the scarlet blood on part of the deck was shocking, floating in the boundless void.

This is a strange sight. There is such a ship in the big crack in the void!

Shi Hao looked ugly, and he never expected to see it. When he left the Yuantian Secret Realm in the Five Elements State, the Demon Blood Ghost Tree once said that there were three things he was most afraid of encountering when crossing the void.

One of them is this black ancient ship!

Since ancient times, only a few of the billions of living beings have been able to see it, but once they encounter it, it means they will die. Even the most powerful old leader is not immune.

It is said that no one who has ever boarded the ship has ever come back alive.

Shi Hao did not expect that after tracing the source of the strangeness and coming to the big crack in the void, he would actually see it. It had never appeared in the world several times in all eternity.

If it were just a glance from a distance, that would be enough, but now I am very close, and I can feel the oppression.

"What happened to Shi Hao? What's wrong with you?" Qingyi called from behind and saw that he was standing there motionless, looking suspicious as if he had turned to stone.

"Don't ask anymore, leave quickly!" Shi Hao sent a message, telling them to leave as quickly as possible and retreat as far as they can.

Several people were shocked and confused, but they did not doubt the seriousness of his words. They could only open their mouths and retreat towards the Three Thousand Ancient Roads.

They stood on the bluestone road, looking at each other from a long distance. The big black crack in the void was like a prehistoric beast with its mouth open. The black hole made people feel heart-stopping.

Shi Hao stood there alone, his body tense, as if he was in a state of high tension.

This ship is too big, tens of thousands of miles long. The black hull shows its antiquity, and it also has a sense of weirdness and desolation. It’s unknown how long it has been there.

The scarlet blood is frightening. No matter how long the river washes it, it never dries up. It is always shiny and stained on the black ancient ship.

Shi Hao wanted to retreat, but found that he could no longer move forward. Like a giant snake sucking water, he was imprisoned by the ancient ship and had a tendency to be sucked in.

There is no way to verify its origins or the age of its origin. No one can tell. All we know is that it is one of the most terrifying ancient artifacts in the world.

Shi Hao fought hard, trying to get rid of that pulling force, but found that compared with this black ancient ship, his own strength was not enough.

"Is this the source of the weirdness?" He was a little frightened.

The huge suction force intensified and came from afar, causing the cracks in the void to twist. Shi Hao couldn't bear it and was pulled over by the most evil black ship in ancient and modern times.

The moment his feet left the ground, the message came again to Qingyi and Cao Yusheng that they were not allowed to come over and must stay away from this place.

Then, like a shooting star, he rushed towards the ancient ship. The force was too great and detained him.

The void is empty and vast.

In the large black crack, the ancient ship has existed forever, without a sound or a trace of life fluctuations. There is only dead silence and mottled marks of time.


There was a loud earthquake, and Shi Hao was pulled and hit on the ship's deck, which made his ears buzz.

In terms of his physical body, he could kill the true god with his bare hands, but the severe pain caused by the impact now would have caused other people to have broken bones and tendons, turning them into meat.

The speed just now was too fast, like a comet flying from outside the territory, hitting the earth, and erupting with a huge impact force.

Shi Hao stood up. There was no real damage to his body, but his energy and blood were churning. He looked around and saw that there was mist filling the entire ancient ship, making it hazy.

The hull is made of someone who knows what kind of material it is. It is like gold, stone, or strange ancient wood. It makes a clanging sound when knocked on it. It is indestructible.

Standing on the ship, the deck is vast, with no end in sight. A living being here is as small as a speck of dust. It is difficult to imagine who built it.

Shi Hao was surprised, but also with a sense of coolness, that he actually boarded this ship. Almost everyone who saw it died in the past.

Now, he had just taken that step, cultivated a line of immortal energy, and had the strength to shake the ancient immortals, but he ended up here, how unfortunate it was.

"Am I going to die here?" he asked himself.

Then, Shi Hao opened his eyes, silver runes formed in his pupils, and then golden veins appeared, shining brightly, and he looked at the entire ship.

Suddenly, his eyes stung, and the red light almost burned his pupils blind.

It was a sheet of blood on the deck of an ancient black ship, hundreds of miles away from here. The bright red blood contained ancient and mysterious runes that could hurt the eye of the sky.

Shi Hao felt a chill. What kind of creature's blood was it? It had never dried up after eternity, and it had that kind of fluctuation that contained vitality and runes.

You can't even stare at it, it has a strange power!

There was a lot of this blood, and it was scattered in patches on the hull of the ship. It was found in many places, and it was surrounded by a layer of mysterious power.

Shi Hao could not leave the ancient ship. As long as he soared into the sky, he would be pulled back, but he could walk on the deck and move freely.

"Even if a leader-level powerhouse comes in, he will never be able to return to the world. Is it also for this reason that he cannot do without the ancient ship and finally sits here?"

Shi Hao's heart moved, and he walked forward, approaching a place with blood. After walking a hundred miles, he saw it. If he didn't use his eyes, it would only be dark red. He could stare at it. Once the runes appeared in his eyes, they would hurt him.

This was not only reflected in the Heavenly Eye, but when he tried to use his power, a bone inscription appeared on his fingertips, which was like a knife cutting, causing severe pain.

He had seen immortal blood before, which was holy and sacred. It was not like this. It was absolutely different from the blood now. It was so overbearing that it was hard to get close to it.

"What terrible blood!" He wanted to get some and study it to see what it was and what kind of runes it contained, but he gave up in the end.

He felt that this kind of blood could kill creatures stronger than him, and he would probably die if he acted rashly.

Sure enough, after circling around the pool of blood, he saw a withered skeleton, which was in disgrace. Half of the body had been melted and turned into ashes, while the other half was still intact.

He took a breath of air. The bone was pale golden in color and was definitely an extremely powerful creature. It was suspected that he died while trying to collect the ancient blood.

"Sure enough, other people have been here and entered this place by mistake."

This pool of blood was several miles in radius, and could only be considered a small patch on the ship. He hurriedly used his eyes to see many areas where the blood stains were larger, even as large as a hundred miles.

"Why haven't the strange and ominous things appeared yet?" Shi Hao was confused. He had already boarded the ship, so why was there no movement yet?

He continued to move forward, cautiously exploring with his eyes, and finally saw a damaged area in front of the ancient ship. He walked quickly and felt an even more amazing aura here.

In this area, the deck was pitted with holes, as if it had been hit hard, with ax marks, sword holes, and battles.

In just a moment, Shi Hao's hair stood on end. Through those holes and traces, it seemed as if a terrifying murderous aura was coming, making him feel a sense of domineering and fighting spirit.

That must have been left by the masters of Gedai. The traces of their battles are still immortal, and they are still conveying unimaginable auras, appearing across time and space.

Silently, the fire in Shi Hao's body appeared, and the symbol shone like a mirror, flickering here and reflecting all traces.

Shi Hao was surprised, but kept silent and watched quietly.

Not long after, the mysterious fire returned to his body and disappeared.

Shi Hao hit the road again and walked forward. He couldn't leave anyway, and when he came to the black ancient ship, he was completely willing to risk everything, but he wanted to see what happened.

After walking out for hundreds of miles, he saw an ancient artifact, which was made of the same material as the ship's hull, like gold and stone, or strange ancient wood, and was as black as ink.

And it was carved into a water tank-like object, standing there as tall as a mountain, with golden light erupting from the inside, and the life fluctuations were astonishing.

What is this?

Shi Hao walked around it and felt that it really looked like a water tank. It was like some large ships going out to sea with vessels to catch the rain on the deck. This tank looked very similar!

He became more and more puzzled. What was the use of this "water tank"? Where was this ancient ship heading? It’s so powerful and impressive, do you still need a water tank to “catch the rain”?

Shi Hao did his best to use his spiritual consciousness to explore what was in the water tank.

His physical body cannot lift off the ground or fly, but his spiritual consciousness can. However, when the distance is too far, it is also very painful, like being cut by a knife.

He endured the severe pain, and his consciousness climbed to the top of the water tank as high as a mountain. When he looked inside, he was instantly shocked!

A jar full of blood is just golden and contains runes. If the lake is undulating, it will be amazing.

"Oh my God!" Shi Hao couldn't help but exclaimed. What kind of creature's blood was this? It was so amazing that it was carried in such a large "water tank".

Of course, the most important thing is that the golden blood is so terrifying that as soon as the spiritual consciousness comes close to it, it will be burned completely and cannot be truly penetrated.

The golden blood contained bone inscriptions, which was even worse than the red blood seen on the deck earlier. It was too tyrannical and terrifying.

Shi Hao was horrified. He withdrew his consciousness and remained silent for a long time, thinking silently. This was unbelievable.

"Isn't it worse than fairy blood?"

He set off again, only to see some large vats on the way, all filled with blood, in different colors, some silvery white, some crimson, and some black...

Each one is shocking and terrifying, and the fluctuations in the runes contained within are so terrifying that they can easily obliterate gods.

And this is just... the blood of dead creatures!

Shi Hao was in a daze for a while, turned back silently, and looked at these "big tanks" in disbelief. He couldn't understand it.

If compared with mortal ships going out to sea, what exactly is the "sea" that this ancient ship wants to cross, and where is it?

In particular, the vessel that catches the rain contains such blood. Where can such "rain" fall in the sky?

For a while, Shi Hao was thinking wildly, making himself restless.

If you compare the short answer with the association, it is really terrible.

After walking thousands of miles, he saw too many terrible things on this deck. Not long after, he even found a broken horn, as huge as a hill, and the whole thing was crystal clear.

However, it was stuck with blood and lay there.

The shape of this horn is amazing, like a deer antler or a severed horn of a real dragon!

"Where exactly have I come?" Shi Hao asked himself. The things he saw along the way were so amazing. Although he couldn't confirm what they were, he felt extremely extraordinary.

Did anyone think of this ship at the end of the last chapter? I didn't expect it. Please vote for it.

What, if you guessed it, then you should vote even more.

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