Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1018: 0 star true god, who is the ant?

"First True Monarch, Lin Feng?"

True God Qianxing narrowed his eyes slightly, and his expression was a little stunned. Of course he knew about Lin Feng. Recently, Lin Feng's name has spread all over Chaos. Even if he didn't go out much, he also heard about Lin Feng's name.

The First True Monarch of Chaos, the True God of Destroying Heaven and Fate, has completed the feat of slaughtering the gods!

One by one, for those practitioners below the true god, it is simply exciting. But to the true god, it is the most unwilling to hear news, and even the most hated person.

No true **** "appreciated" Lin Feng's talk, some only had plans and disgust.

True God Qianxing was very disgusted and disgusted with Lin Feng. I even felt that the **** of luck was a stupid pig, and he was thrown into the face of the true god. The dignified **** was actually beheaded by a mere true monarch.

Even if True God Tianyun is reincarnated and rebuilt to the peak, he will probably be ridiculed endlessly, a humiliation that cannot be washed away in a lifetime.

"Is that so? With a mere true monarch's junior, dare to come to press this seat? Since you are all reluctant to part with this Chaos Continent, then stay here forever!"

True God Qianxing flashed a stern look in his eyes, and then he stretched out a hand.

Countless chaotic rules are shaking, and a huge palm has condensed in the void, overwhelming the sky. This is a magical power, and it is a magical power of refining.

How terrifying is it for a true **** to display supernatural powers? Now look at the solemn expressions of Yuan Zhenggang and other seventeen top true monarchs. All of them are top true monarchs, and all of them have cultivated supernatural powers, but at this moment, facing the true **** Qianxing, they actually feel a huge pressure.


Yuan Zhenggang also had no way out, and all other True Monarchs had no way out. From the moment the Mutual Aid Alliance was established, they knew there would be such a day.

However, the moment has come early.

"We are also top true monarchs, or a dozen top true monarchs, why can't we fight against true gods?"

"Yes, Lin Zhenjun can defeat the true **** in one battle. How can our dozen top true monarchs not compete with the true god?"

"Haha, today we will also join hands to slaughter God!"

Thinking that Lin Feng can also slaughter gods, is it still worse than Lin Feng when these dozen top true monarchs join forces? As a result, all of them were fighting to the sky, and there was no fear in their eyes.

Practitioners who can cultivate to the level of a top true monarch can be called a half-step true monarch. However, this half-step is a world and a place, a world of difference.


True God Qianxing saw the group of True Monarchs below, fighting intent soaring to the sky, shouting to slaughter the gods, his eyes were full of coldness and disdain. When did the real monarch dare to slaughter the gods?


True God Qianxing slammed it down with one palm, just like countless stars fell, and the surrounding space became extremely "viscous" and "heavy".

This is the supernatural power of Qianxing Zhenshen, Qianxing supernatural power!

It can restrain the enemy in an instant, even with heavy gravity.

This type of supernatural power is also the supernatural power that Qianxing Zhenshen became famous. Relying on this type of supernatural power, Qianxing Zhenzhen is chaotic and undefeated. Even in the face of a true **** of the same rank, it is not inferior.

Yuan Zhenggang and other seventeen true monarchs also displayed their own magical powers, which was dazzling.

If it weren't for the face of the true god, their seventeen top true monarchs joined forces, enough to push all forces horizontally.

But they are facing the true God, and they are facing the invincible true God!


Qianxing Divine Ability and seventeen kinds of Divine Ability collided fiercely. This is nothing fancy, it's head-to-head, and the seventeen true monarchs are fighting to the sky, and they are even full of pride, and they want to join forces to slaughter the gods.

However, with the supernatural power of Qianxing True God blasting out, the supernatural powers of the seventeen true monarchs were defeated as if they were destroyed, and the terrifying pressure instantly caused the seventeen top true monarchs to be hit hard.


With just one magical power, I don't know how many true monarchs have been hit hard. If it wasn't for the cooperation of seventeen true monarchs, I am afraid that this magical power would be enough to kill countless true monarchs.

A fiasco, an unprecedented fiasco!

"But ants!"

True God Qianxing is aloof, looking at the seventeen top true monarchs with pity and indifference. Perhaps these seventeen top true monarchs, among the true monarchs, are illustrious and dominant.

But in the eyes of True God Qianxing, it is not worth mentioning at all, it is still an ant.

Below the true god, all are ants!

"how so……"

True God Qianxing's indifferent gaze, like a needle pierced into the depths of the hearts of the seventeen top true monarchs. All of them are top true monarchs, all of them are dominating one side, and they have been able to achieve the ultimate in true monarchs.

I thought that the seventeen true monarchs could wipe out everything, even if they lost to the true gods, they should be able to compete. After all, Lin Feng can behead the true **** alone, why can't they?

The seventeen top true monarchs, who were full of confidence, had a head-to-head encounter with the true **** Qianxing, and their hearts immediately felt like falling into an ice cellar. Invincible, really invincible, not to mention their seventeen true monarchs, even if they are twenty-seven and thirty-seven top true monarchs, they are far from being the opponents of true gods.

True God is invincible, that's not just talking.

Even, they were a little desperate. Since the true **** is invincible and the true **** is so terrifying, how did Lin Feng go against the true **** and complete the feat of slaughtering the god?

Not to mention that these seventeen top true monarchs don’t know, neither does Qianxing True God, it is difficult for him to imagine, how can a true monarch who is vulnerable to a single blow behead a true god?

He even felt that it was an exaggeration, and he didn't know how unlucky the True God of Heavenly Fate was, and even a True Monarch was beheaded, and he was simply thrown into the face of the True God.

"Do you still dare to fight against this seat? What kind of mutual aid alliance, what is the first true monarch, a mere true monarch, and you dare to call yourself a true **** of reverse beheading? But it's just ants!"

True God Qianxing's words made all the true monarchs feel as if they were mourning their concubine, and their faces were gloomy and watery. He bowed his head, but no one refuted, nor could he refute.

They lost, and they lost so thoroughly that they couldn't compete with True God Qianxing at all.

All seventeen of their true monarchs have been defeated, so what is the use of a true monarch Lin Feng?

"Really? Who said that the true monarch is an ant?"

Suddenly, a stream of light flew over from a distance in an instant.

The streamer stopped in the void, manifested a figure, stood with his hands behind his back, his body exuded a powerful breath, and even the surrounding chaos rules were distorted.

"The leader, the leader!"

"Lord, you are finally here!"

"True monarch, Lin Zhenjun, Lin Zhenjun, who beheads the true god, I have already lost, the true **** is invincible!"

Many true monarchs are already desperate, looking at Lin Feng's figure in the void, it is very complicated.

Before, they were arrogant towards Lin Feng, and they even felt that Lin Feng was nothing more than that. But now, they have to rely on Lin Feng, and even hope that Lin Feng can turn the tide.

But the power of Qianxing True God was deeply engraved in his mind.

That is simply invincible destroyed all their confidence, can Lin Feng compete with the true **** Qianxing? Even True Monarch Long and True Monarch Yuan Zhenggang, who believed in Lin Feng the most, felt uneasy in their hearts.


True God Qianxing narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was a dignified look in his eyes. He could clearly feel that the chaotic rules around Lin Feng were all twisted, making it impossible to get close.

What this means, he, the true god, can't be more clear.

Although he "disdain" Lin Feng as the first true monarch, he even believes that Lin Feng can kill the true god. But Lin Feng's reputation was definitely not out of nothing, so the expression of Qianxing Zhenshen also became solemn.

Lin Feng stood with his hands behind his back, and when he saw many of the seriously injured True Monarchs below, he naturally knew what was going on.

"True God Qianxing, you said that the true monarchs are all ants? But in my eyes, you are nothing more than ants!"


As soon as Lin Feng's voice fell, everyone's mind was like a thunderbolt, blank.

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