Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1038: Terrible killing intent!


Lin Feng immediately shouted: "The Cosmic Alliance is the largest force in the universe. The gods in the alliance are like rain, there are countless **** kings, and there are even many **** emperors sitting in the seat, and there are even those left by the supreme supreme being before he left. Arrangement, who can destroy the Cosmic Alliance in the universe? Let alone turn the Cosmic Alliance headquarters into ashes. Say, what is going on?"

The breath on Lin Feng's body was only emitting a little, but it was like the sun, moon and stars, carrying endless pressure, making the young man breathe so fast that he was almost suffocated, and he couldn't say anything.

"Your Majesty the God-king, please calm your anger. Xiaoxuan, hurry up and apologize to His Majesty the God-king!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly shouted, and he had already seen that the mysterious "God King" in front of him might have something to do with the original Cosmic Alliance. Xiaoxuan didn't know the glory of the Cosmic Alliance at the beginning, but the middle-aged man knew very well that he was a dignified Venerable, and there were too many venerables and emperors who wanted to join the Cosmic Alliance.

Even if it is the king of gods, I don't know how many.

If the mysterious "God King" in front of him had been in retreat for thousands of years and had only recently left, he might not know what happened to the Cosmic Alliance.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

After all, Lin Feng was a top true monarch, and he recovered quickly. He said coldly, staring at the pair of master and apprentice, making the middle-aged man sweat on his forehead.

He knew that if the mysterious God King could not be satisfied, their master and apprentice would be in danger today.

"Senior, calm down. Although Xiaoxuan collided with the senior, Xiaoxuan was right. The Cosmic Alliance was indeed destroyed, and the headquarters was directly wiped out and turned into cosmic dust. If the seniors had been in seclusion for thousands of years, there would have been May not be aware of recent changes in the universe."

"Actually, it didn't take too long. Just ten years ago, a group of chaotic beings suddenly appeared in the chaos outside our universe. They acted domineeringly and their strength was tyrannical. Since they entered the source universe, they have been slaughtering. The **** emperors joined forces to resist, and with just one blow, dozens of **** emperors turned to dust and fell completely."

"Later, those chaotic beings found the Supreme Family, which is the Lin Family. I want to find the secret of the Supreme Family's detachment, but unfortunately, the Patriarch of the Supreme Family, the Son of the Supreme, Emperor Lin Sheng, has already been transferred. Family, but he stayed behind. Chaos life did not find the secret of detachment, and angered the guardian star where the supreme family was located, and destroyed the guardian star. I heard that even the supreme son, Lin Shengda, was arrested."

"Later, one of the chaotic beings went to the headquarters of the Cosmic Alliance, wiped the headquarters of the Cosmic Alliance, turned it into cosmic dust, and the Cosmic Alliance naturally collapsed and completely collapsed. In today's universe, all people are those chaotic beings. Slaves, everyone is in danger."

Hearing the middle-aged man's explanation, Lin Feng's face became even more gloomy. He didn't expect that this kind of thing happened only ten years ago. He wished he couldn't return to the Origin Universe earlier. If he could come back earlier, this tragedy would not have happened.

"Where's Lin Sheng? And what about the members of the Supreme Family?"

Lin Feng's voice was low, and every word seemed to reveal killing intent, which made the pair of master and apprentice in front of Lin Feng tremble.

The middle-aged man said cautiously: "Is His Majesty the God King once in the Cosmic Alliance? Hey, in fact, those chaotic beings simply don't take the creatures in our universe as human beings, they all call us slaves. In order to collect resources Treasures, I don’t know how many killings have been made. Some **** emperors of the Cosmic Alliance even hide their names incognito. For **** kings like you, hurry up and hide, don’t be discovered by those chaotic beings, otherwise…”

"How about otherwise?"

Lin Feng sneered: "Tell me, what about Lin Sheng and the Lin family?"


The middle-aged man hesitated. He suspected that Lin Feng was not only the God King in the Cosmic Alliance, but he might even have a deep relationship with the Supreme Family. Otherwise, why would he care so much about the situation of the Supreme Family?

"Senior, according to the younger generation, Emperor Lin Sheng was taken away by those chaotic beings. Now, ten years later, I am afraid he has already been tortured and died. As for the supreme family, being hunted and killed by those chaotic beings, I am afraid that it is also very auspicious. Little, there were rumors not long ago that the place where the Supreme Family was hiding was found, and then they were wiped out by those chaotic beings, and they all fell..."


As soon as the words fell, the master and the apprentice felt a blast behind them, and then they looked back abruptly, and saw the countless spaces around them, shattering one after another, forming a huge black hole.

The pitch-black black hole was so heart-wrenching, the two felt uneasy in their hearts, as if the next moment, they would be torn to pieces by the furious Lin Feng. No matter how dull the two of them are now, they know that the mysterious powerhouse in front of them must have a deep relationship with the cosmos alliance, especially the Supreme Family.

It may even be a member of the Supreme Family!

"Impossible, impossible, Chenchen won't die, Sheng'er won't die..."

Lin Feng's killing intent was overwhelming, and the surrounding space had been distorted. Not only the space, but even the laws of the universe had collapsed. The most fundamental laws were completely shattered in Lin Feng's hateful and angry attack.

If this attack in the past, it can even hurt the origin of the universe. With Lin Feng's current strength, even the power he exudes might even destroy the entire universe.

Lin Feng was insane, resentful, and murderous. He couldn't believe that his wife, son, daughter, and even the entire Lin family were reduced to ashes and killed.

He doesn't believe it!

Communication, crazy communication, Lin Feng had the contact information of many people in the universe. Whether it is Qu Chen or his son, or his daughter, or even some old friends of the Cosmic Alliance.

It's a pity that has not been heard from, all the communications have been silent, and there is no response.

Lin Feng's heart gradually sank to the bottom.

If what these two people said is true, then... Lin Feng is likely to set off a supreme killing. No matter who the opponent is, even if Lin Feng chases the entire chaos, even if the opponent is a true monarch, and the true spirit can be reincarnated, Lin Feng will chase and kill him forever and ever, and perish forever!

This hatred and hatred, no matter how big the slaughter is, no amount of blood will be able to resolve it.

"Pre... Senior..."

The middle-aged man almost felt suffocated, he was a dignified venerable man, but he couldn't bear even a breath. In this case, he couldn't even display his combat body, as if he would be torn to shreds by the terrifying aura once he made any changes.

"Follow me to the guardian star, if you say a half-sentence, kill without mercy!"

Let's just say, Lin Feng didn't care about the reaction of the master and apprentice at all, he directly grabbed the master and apprentice, and instantly got into the space channel and shuttled in the direction of the guardian star.

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