Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 123: Strongest 1 hit

broken? Star power is broken?

Captain Xie had sworn to himself just now that he thought he had grasped Lin Feng, and he also pointed out agitatedly, teaching Lin Feng that he had gone the wrong way, but in a blink of an eye his Xingli palm was broken.

And it is purely with ** power, not star power!

"No, there is something in his hand, could it be a weapon?"

Captain Xie was very puzzled. He didn't think there was any weapon that could break his hand of stars. It was made up of star power. In addition to being stronger than his hand, what other way could he break it?

But if it's not a weapon, what is it? Talent ability?

After breaking the genetic lock, some warriors may awaken a variety of innate abilities. Although such warriors are very rare, they are not completely absent.

Captain Xie couldn't figure it out, some doubted it was innate ability, and some were not sure.

However, this scene made Yu Shan heave a sigh of relief.

The huge palm just now grabbed onto Lin Feng overwhelmingly. Even if he was far away, he could clearly feel as if he was about to suffocate. It was a force he could never imagine.

But Lin Feng actually broke the huge star power palm, which is really unbelievable.

Lin Feng soared into the sky, walked in the air, and laughed loudly in the air: "Your means are nothing more than that!"


Captain Xie's face was ashen, it was just a test just now, and he just lost the power of a thousand stars. He still has eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine stars, which is enough to deal with Lin Feng.

Moreover, through the confrontation just now, he probably knew the limit of Lin Feng's strength. Even if he had any special means, he was far from his opponent.

Therefore, when Captain Xie moved, his strongest point was close combat, especially when his star power exploded in close combat, it was unstoppable.

"Good come!"

Seeing Captain Xie rushing over, Lin Feng didn't hesitate, and dashed forward. Hand-to-hand combat is indeed what he is best at, and it is also his strongest method.

After all, whether it is his talent, martial arts, or fighting style, they all belong to melee combat, and only melee combat is his strongest!

"Big Dragon Claw Hand!"

Captain Xie stretched out his hand and grabbed it, the star power exploded in the body, the arm swelled rapidly, the star power flowed on it, and even a striped road in the palm could be seen.

This is the explosion of star power in the body, which can enhance the physical fitness of the physical body, and its power has reached a terrifying level in an instant.

"Spiral Strength, Three Ways!"

Lin Feng was also not polite, and threw a punch straight, without the slightest gimmick. However, Captain Xie's arm swelled like a thick iron rod, but Lin Feng's fist was covered with dense horns.

The two of them showed their means, and showed their melee strength to the fullest.


The two of them punched each other and made a head-to-head blow. This time, Captain Xie didn't keep his hand, and he almost burst out with the strongest strength. Except that the sixty-six star power in his body did not explode, Lin Feng almost did his best.

As for the sixty-six-wire star power, Lin Feng still used it as his trump card, and he came up with a big one for the last time.

However, when Lin Feng felt the strength coming from Captain Xie's fist, his expression changed drastically.

Strong, so strong, unbelievably strong.

Lin Feng's strength is strong enough, over 1,400 tons, but what about Captain Xie? With the explosion of star power in his body, the power that his swollen arm exploded in an instant had far surpassed that of Lin Feng, even more than 2,000 tons!

The power that was almost overwhelming, completely crushed Lin Feng!

Lin Feng couldn't control his body at all, and was directly crushed by Captain Xie's overwhelming force, and fell to the ground ruthlessly.


The smoke filled the air, and a large pit of more than ten meters was smashed into the ground, which was enough to see how strong the captain's punch was.

And Captain Xie wasn't feeling well either. Lin Feng's sharp horns were invincible. No matter how much star power he had, it seemed like he couldn't stop the sharp horns. At the moment of the confrontation, a huge wound appeared in his fist, and even the star power was torn apart, and he was injured all at once.

"Won't you die?"

Captain Xie ignored the injury on his hand. He covered the wound with star power in time, so it was not a big problem. After all, it was also a life transition, and his physical fitness far exceeded that of ordinary warriors. But he was very concerned about Lin Feng's safety.

He was very aware of the weight of Lin Feng's identity, and even the guardian envoy only asked him to arrest people, not to let Lin Feng do any damage. If he missed and killed Lin Feng, it would be troublesome.

It was precisely because he had scruples that he couldn't use his full strength, and even took a little force in the last punch, but Lin Feng had put a certain amount of pressure on him before.

"Lin Feng!"

Yu Shan's figure flashed, hurriedly rushed to the edge of the big pit, and looked into the big pit.

"Cough cough..."

Suddenly, there was a coughing sound from the big pit, Yu Shan was overjoyed, and Lin Feng had already slowly flew out of the big pit.

However, Lin Feng looked a little embarrassed at the moment. His right arm had been fractured, and the flesh and blood on his arm had been shaken off a layer, and bones could be seen deep.

And there are wounds on both legs and face. In short, although such an injury is not dead, the general mortal mortal martial artist has already lost his combat effectiveness.

"Lin Feng, how are you?"

Yu Shan looked at Lin Feng worriedly, he really didn't want to see Lin Feng like this, and he didn't want Lin Feng to risk his life for him.

However, Lin Feng showed a smile. He suddenly raised his head to look at Captain Know, and said with a sneer, "That's just the case."


When Captain Xie saw that Lin Feng was injured so badly, why did he still speak madly?

But he immediately understood that Lin Feng's arm was rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, his arm was already intact, and he couldn't even find a single scar.

The same goes for the other wounds on his body. Although Captain Xie's punch was strong, with a strength of more than 2,000 tons, Lin Feng is indeed no opponent, but he has the characteristics of immortality.

This is also Lin Feng's biggest advantage!

"What an amazing resilience, if I guessed correctly, you should have awakened three innate abilities."

Captain Xie looked at Lin Feng with a hint of envy in his eyes. Awakening three innate abilities, let alone the first two, just because of this recovery ability, I don't know how many warriors are envied.

As expected of a genius!

"You are still surprised, come again!"

Lin Feng didn't seem to be afraid of Captain Xie at all. He also saw it. Captain Xie didn't dare to kill. Although Captain Xie's strength was strong just now, he didn't have all his star power, so what else could he be afraid of?

As a result, Lin Feng completely turned into an unloaded cannonball, smashing at Captain Knowing frantically again and again. But every time he was smashed into the ground by Captain Xie, he was alive again in the blink of an eye.

"It's useless, Lin Feng, you are not my opponent."

Captain Xie shook his head. Lin Feng was indeed very tough. He was smashed into the ground again and again.

For example, broken hands and feet, etc., but Lin Feng's resilience is really amazing. He can always recover from the injury in the shortest time, which makes Captain Xie very headache.

It's just that he doesn't understand Lin Feng's "stupid" way. Besides making himself embarrassed every time, what else can he do?


Captain Xie stretched out his hand again, star power exploded, Lin Feng was slapped to the ground, and his whole body almost fell apart.

However, when he stood up again, he just shook his head and rushed towards Captain Xie without hesitation.

"Captain Xie, thirteen times."

"What's the meaning?"

This time, Lin Feng suddenly spoke, which surprised Captain Xie, but also felt inexplicable.

"I'm talking about Captain Xie, you've already exploded star power thirteen times, how much star power do you have left?"


Captain Xie's face changed greatly, but it was too late.

A smile appeared on Lin Feng's face, and he even wanted to laugh up to the sky.

Thirteen times, he was slapped by Captain Xie like a fly thirteen times.

He recovered by virtue of his immortality. Although his injuries could be recovered, he would still be in pain. The pain was simply overwhelming, but Lin Feng persevered. His purpose was to wait for such an opportunity.

But now the opportunity has come, there is not much star power left in Captain Xie's body, maybe even Captain Xie didn't realize that Lin Feng was consuming his star power.

Although Captain Xie can add some star power in the battle, Lin Feng is not weak, and the two sides are fighting with high intensity every time. In such a high-intensity battle, how much star power can Captain Xie recover?

"Even if there is not much star power left, how can you break through my star power defense with your power?"

Captain Xie still had a smile on his face. He already knew Lin Feng's strength very well.

But immediately, the smile on Captain Xie's face froze. What did he feel? Star power, Lin Feng has star power fluctuations.

"How is it possible, you..."

Captain Xie was stunned. Lin Feng had just broken the genetic lock for a few days. How could he condense star power? And looking at the star power fluctuations in Lin Feng's body at this time, there are still quite a few, at least dozens of star power.

Normally a mere dozens of star power bursts would not pose a threat to him at all, but now, the star power in his body is running out, and he is at the weakest time!

Of course Lin Feng didn't miss this golden opportunity, he endured it thirteen times, and now it's finally his turn!

Suddenly, the spiral force! break out!

Sharp corners! break out!

Sixty-six star power! break out!

Lin Feng's eyes were red, and the cuticle armor on his body was tattered, but the blood in his body had begun to boil, and a blood-colored light was formed on the surface of the cuticle armor.

All the power is accompanied by the explosion of his full power, and with his punching power, it is blasted out, this is his strongest blow now!


Lin Feng's whole body turned into a blood-colored light, like a falling meteorite, dragging a long blood-colored light, piercing the sky, and slammed into Captain Know.

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