Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1480: 1 enemy 3, strong beheading!

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Although Lin Feng suddenly spoke, the three tens of billions of emperors were slightly startled, but they felt relieved when they were sure that there were no other ambush controllers around Lin Feng.

Even if Lin Feng is a tens of billions of supreme beings, how can he make a comeback in the face of the three tens of billions of heavenly demon emperors?


The three great Heavenly Demon Emperor Venerables, even if Shen Yu Emperor Venerable had a faint ominous premonition in his heart, but at this time, he had no way out, and he had to "suppress" Lin Feng in one go.


The three Heavenly Demon Emperor Venerables, without any unnecessary nonsense, started directly. Each of the Heavenly Demon Emperor Venerables is a famous tens of billions of Emperor Venerables. The three Emperor Venerables shot together, and the power of the invisible Heavenly Demon Force Field instantly increased sharply.

Even Lin Feng was suppressed by the Heavenly Magic Field.

At this time, Lin Feng didn't dare to neglect, even if he "uses his body as a bait" to deliberately draw out these three emperors, but he doesn't have absolute certainty.

If you are a little careless, you may even capsize in the gutter and sink yourself into the pit. Of course, Lin Feng would never let such a thing happen. What he wanted was to completely defeat the Three Great Heavenly Demon Emperors, and what he wanted was a large number of world origins transformed by the tens of billions of Heavenly Demons of the three Great Heavenly Demon Emperors.

"Time stands still!"

It was the first time that Lin Feng showed the time rule against the three tens of billions of emperors. The three tens of billions of emperors shot together just now. Even if they were far apart, Lin Feng felt the terrifying pressure. Therefore, the first time, Lin Feng displayed the time rule.

As the most mysterious and strange time rule, Lin Feng has always been invincible. Even if it is the power of the realm master, Lin Feng can use the rules of time to "still" it.

The difference is whether Lin Feng can bear it or not.


The three Heavenly Demon Emperor Venerables, with their mighty powers, seemed to "solidify" all of a sudden after the time rule came. Their expressions were lifelike and completely "still".

This is the rule of time, no matter what power, no matter what means, under the rule of time, everything is still.

However, the three tens of billions of Emperor Venerables, such a load, is simply unimaginable. Lin Feng only felt that the boundaries within his body seemed to collapse at any time.

The load is too great, let alone one breath, even half a breath can't hold it.

Fortunately, Lin Feng had already made adequate preparations. The moment the time rules were applied, he had already started.

The worlds above Lin Feng's head were suspended, and there was even a huge lotus flower lying on the top of his head. The rays of light shone one after another, setting off Lin Feng like a god.

Now Lin Feng's internal body boundary is not 12 billion world battle power, but 15 billion!

The reason for the increase of 3 billion is because Lin Feng obtained 100,000 one-star delimiting stones from Xuanmeng, which is almost two billion, and then hundreds of millions of ordinary delimiting stones.

Add up, almost an additional 3 billion world combat power!

This was also an important reason why Lin Feng dared to use one against three, and even tried to kill all three of the three Heavenly Demon Emperors. His strength has surpassed that of the three Heavenly Demon Emperor Venerables.

These three Heavenly Demon Emperor Venerables, although they are all tens of billions of Emperor Venerables, are only very common 10 billion Emperor Venerables. The strongest is Emperor Shen Yu, but there are only 11 billion heavy demons.

As for the other two Emperor Venerables, there are only tens of billions of demon real bodies, which is far from Lin Feng's 15 billion world battle power.


Lin Feng slammed into the body of Emperor Shen Yu with a severe blow. This time, Lin Feng did not attack the three of them together, but only aimed at Emperor Shen Yu, and only attacked Emperor Shen Yu alone.

Lin Feng knew very well how important Emperor Shen Yu was, and he was a key figure in Shen Yu's world of demons. In any case, Emperor Shen Yu had to be beheaded first.

In this way, Lin Feng has the opportunity to completely break through the world of Shenyu Tianmo, and thus obtain a large number of world origins.

"Boom boom boom".

With only half a breath of time, Lin Feng frantically attacked Emperor Shen Yu. Due to his 15 billion world battle power, Emperor Shen Yu was stopped by time again, and there was no effective defense at all. , just a living target.

Three attacks, each time, Emperor Shen Yu would lose a large amount of the demon body, and Lin Feng would almost defeat the 200 million-level demon body each time.

In a blink of an eye, after the time stopped, the three emperors had come back to their senses, and the emperor Shenyu had only a mere four billion layers of demons left.

"Do not……"

Emperor Shen Yu was terrified. He never imagined that in the blink of an eye, he had already lost more than half of it, and the loss was extremely heavy.

Even Emperor Shen Yu felt the threat of death.


At the same time, the previous joint strike of the three emperors also fell on Lin Feng. In order to defeat Emperor Shen Yu as soon as possible, he was almost at all costs, and he had to buy time to defeat Emperor Shen Yu first. Therefore, there is no way to avoid the attack of the three of them, and now it is completely hard to resist.

But how terrifying is the joint strike of the three tens of billions of emperors?

Even Lin Feng, the boundary wall is very thick, and his strength is much stronger than those of the three emperors. But now, after suffering the joint blow of the three emperors, Lin Feng was also shocked, and hundreds of millions of worlds collapsed in his body.

This is still under various comprehensive conditions, and Lin Feng has already minimized his losses. Otherwise, if he was forced to join forces with the three great emperors, it would not be as simple as losing hundreds of millions of worlds.

But even if he lost hundreds of millions of worlds, Lin Feng did not hesitate to chase after Emperor Shen Yu. At this time, even if he didn't use the time rule, there was only Emperor Shen Yu in the four billion world of demons, and he was far from being Lin Feng's opponent.


Lin Feng punched the Emperor Shen Yu fiercely.

The other two emperors hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

They couldn't just watch Lin Feng take action on Emperor Shen Yu, so the two emperors took another shot and attacked Lin Feng together. But Lin Feng didn't care at all, and kept attacking Emperor Shen Yu madly.

"Bang bang bang".

With every heavy blow, Emperor Shen Yu suffered heavy losses. Although he was not stopped by the rules of time, he even went all out every time and tried his best to resist the defense. But in the end, he lost his first chance. The real body of the 4 billion Heavenly Demon was too far away from Lin Feng.

After three attacks, Emperor Shen Yu was completely defeated, and the demon body exploded instantly.


Lin Feng breathed a sigh of In a short period of time, he lost almost 300 million worlds, and the realm in his body is now less than 15 billion.

But he was very happy that Emperor Shen Yu alone provided Lin Feng with almost eight billion copies of the world origin.

That's eight billion copies of the world origin. If it wasn't for the fierce battle, Lin Feng couldn't safely transform the true body of the demon into the world origin, and many of the true body of the demon was wasted. I'm afraid it's not as simple as eight billion copies.

Seeing that the Emperor Shen Yu was completely defeated, and the real body of the demon was beheaded, at this time, the remaining two emperors of the demon were also afraid, and they had the idea of ​​retreating.

"Escape! Escape back to the Demon World, and with the help of the Demon World's defense, Lin Feng is helpless!"

The two emperors were frightened and wanted to escape back to the world of demons immediately. Moreover, they were indeed very close to the world of demons in Shenyu. At the speed of tens of billions of emperors, they could quickly escape back to the world of demons.

"I want to escape now, don't you think it's too late?"

Lin Feng's voice sounded like ten thousand years of ice, ringing in the ears of the two tens of billions of emperors.

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