Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 154: Changes in Innate Ability (Part 1)

Chen Xue came, and the atmosphere seemed a little dignified. Lin Feng pointed to the densely packed armor-piercing beasts outside the base, and said coldly: "Captain Chen Xue, there are already forty-six armor-piercing beasts, that's what you said they were hit hard, we just need to do our best to get rid of them completely. beat them?"

Chen Xue's eyes were a little complicated. The dense armor-piercing beasts outside the base looked very "spectacular", but the more "spectacular", the more dangerous it was for Shannan Base.

What's more, there are forty-six monsters, who knows how many monsters there are in the underground lair of the armor-piercing beast? She was carried away by her own thoughts of revenge and almost ruined the entire Shannan base.

"Count me in."

Chen Xue said suddenly.

Seeing Lin Feng's expressionless face, Chen Xue said again: "At least before I go to the martial artist court, count me in!"

It seems that Chen Xue also knows how bad she has done before. It is almost a certainty that she will go to the martial artist court, and no one can change it.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng, he was the commander-in-chief, and in such a critical situation, only Lin Feng could make a decision!

"Okay, including you, according to what I said just now, twenty-one of you, hold the forty-two monsters, and leave the remaining four to me!"

Every word of Lin Feng seemed to strike the hearts of all the warriors. All the warriors were silent. They were not afraid of death, but had unforgettable tragic memories.

Last time, it seemed that the commander-in-chief Zhou Yun also said the same thing, but in the end, Zhou Yun died in battle, and the Shannan base suffered heavy losses and was almost destroyed.

"No, I'm against it! Commander, we can't repeat the same mistakes. The last time Commander Zhou Yun took the initiative to attack. What happened? Our Shannan base was almost destroyed. Once the Shannan base was destroyed, the Shannan city behind would be in danger!"

Lu Wei was the first to stand up. He had to object. The last time he didn't object, he made him regret it for the rest of his life. This time, he will stand up and object no matter what.

Many warriors nodded their heads. The last time they planted it was too ruthless. Thinking about the last time, it was almost an escape from death. They didn't want to repeat the same mistake again.

Moreover, the last time the loss was so heavy, did Lin Feng not learn his lesson?

Lin Feng glanced at the many armor-piercing beasts below and said calmly: "Do we still have a choice? This time is different from last time. Last time, Commander-in-Chief Zhou Yun took the initiative to attack and even entered the lair of the armor-piercing beasts. , and this time, we just want to repel these armor-piercing beasts. If you don't take the initiative to repel them, what can you do to make them retreat?"

"We can ask for the assistance of the guarding envoy Shangguan Zhennan."

"The guards need to sit in Shannan City. If the armor-piercing beasts attack from the east and west, will they attack Shannan? It's not impossible. The guards won't leave Shannan easily."

Lin Feng's words silenced Lu Wei. This is indeed the truth. The guard will never leave Shannan City easily. In a Shannan base, it would be difficult to completely block the armor-piercing beasts from the base. If the armor-piercing beasts bypassed the base, the armor-piercing beasts opened up the underground passage, and the soldiers were under the city of Shannan City. At that time, there were no guards in charge. How dangerous would Shannan City be? ?

Even if this possibility is only one in 10,000, the guardian will never take the risk.

The Shannan Base is just a nail. They originally wanted to keep entangling the armor-piercing beasts and weakening the armor-piercing beasts. However, in the last fiasco, the Shannan Base had no such ability, and could only hide in the base, unable to leave the base. , to block those armor-piercing beasts.

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Lin Feng continued: "Just do as I said, this time we have no choice but to fight hard! Fortunately, we are backed by the base here, we have enough advantages, Remember, as long as you repel these armor-piercing beasts, you can't pursue them!"

"Commander-in-chief, this is really too risky. It's too dangerous for you to deal with four armor-piercing beasts alone. Moreover, those armor-piercing beasts are not so easy to hold back. If everyone didn't hold back two armor-piercing beasts. Demon, that would be troublesome."

Lin Feng's tone gradually became colder: "If you don't hold back, then let's fight to the death. Since you are on the front line and on the battlefield, you must be willing to sacrifice at any time! I have already experienced a life-and-death battle in Longpan City. Now, there is nothing to fear, either fight or die! But even if they die, these armor-piercing beasts cannot be allowed to enter the base."

"Also, you don't have to worry about my safety. You must know a little about my talent. Resilience, we are tougher than any of you. It's not that easy to kill me! Look at it. , I'll go down first to buy you some time, haha!"

After speaking, Lin Feng actually jumped off the tower and flew to the middle of the armor-piercing beasts outside the base.

"Commander in Chief!"

Lu Wei and the others were shocked, and even Chen Xue's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Lin Feng, at the critical moment, was not afraid at all!

Lin Feng jumped down from the tower, and the armor-piercing beasts also seemed to see Lin Feng, so they stared at him. There are thousands of armor-piercing beasts here.

As soon as Lin Feng fell, countless armor-piercing beasts rushed forward.

Although they are just ordinary armor-piercing beasts, they can't hold enough numbers. Even non-human powerhouses need to use star power to protect themselves. Once star power is exhausted, it will be a dead end.

There are not a few non-human powerhouses surrounded and killed by ordinary armor-piercing beasts. Last time, many non-human powerhouses who entered the old lair of armor-piercing beasts with Zhou Yun were killed by ordinary armor-piercing beasts in this way.

Lin Feng took a deep breath. Since the battle in Longpan City, he has never fought fiercely with beasts. Even in Shicheng, there is no life-and-death battle.

And now?

Facing thousands of fierce beasts, these armor-piercing beasts could not wait to tear Lin Feng to pieces. This is the real battle.


Lin Feng didn't plan to use star power to protect himself. He didn't need star power to protect himself at all. He has defensive and has the characteristics of immortality. Where does he need star power to protect himself?

Immediately, Lin Feng's body was immediately covered with a layer of stratum corneum, which was densely packed, gradually forming a powerful and extraordinary armor, which was worn on Lin Feng's body.

At the same time, there were pitch-black and hard bone spurs on Lin Feng's shoulders, wrists, ankles, and joints, which looked particularly ferocious and terrifying.

Moreover, the changes did not end. At some point in time, strange "sarcomas" appeared on Lin Feng's back. They were soft, and there seemed to be something squirming inside.

Lin Feng was very surprised. He remembered that the last time he used the defensive armor, there seemed to be no such change. Now, why does it feel like the talent of the armor has changed a lot.

"Could it be that with the transformation of the body recently, the physical quality has continued to increase, and the natural ability has also changed?"

Lin Feng didn't know if this was the reason, but the "sarcoma" on his back was bulging, numb, and itchy.

It seems that Lin Feng has a feeling that as long as he is willing, the "sarcoma" behind him will burst open!

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