Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 338: Demon removal action!

"Remove the emperor-level demon?"

Lin Feng looked at the expectant eyes of all the saints, and then said firmly: "I am the saint of mankind, why not?"

The emperor-level monster is a big problem for all human beings. Every time an emperor-level monster appears, it will bring catastrophic consequences to human beings. For this reason, the nine saints have been guarding the Outer Territory all the year round, just to deter those emperor-level monsters.

However, this also restrained the saints of human beings, so that they did not have too much time for cultivation, or to support the younger generation of human beings.

But things are different now. Lin Feng has the strength to sweep the Quartet, and the emperor-level monster is no longer so unattainable for human beings, and it is no longer so difficult to kill.

If the emperor-level monster can be removed, then the saints of mankind can also free up their hands to help Lin Feng collect the core of life, or deal with the threat of the world-destroying beast together.

"There are many emperor-level monsters, where should we start?"

"I've already thought about it, let's start with the three forbidden places! I once got the life core in the Longtou Eighteen Grottoes, and maybe there are life cores in other forbidden places, and also get rid of those emperor-level monsters by the way."

The saints also nodded in agreement.

"That being the case, we will set off at an agreed time. For such an important action, I suggest that all the saints take action together."

Sage Kang strikes with the heat, and he has been waiting for this day for a long time.

"The time is tomorrow. As for the location, last time I went to the Tashku Desert, I just killed Bate, but I didn't explore the Tashku Desert well, so I started from the Tashku Desert."

Lin Feng thought about it and determined the time and place.

"Then this operation is called the demon removal operation! Tomorrow, everyone will gather at the headquarters of the Guardian Alliance!"

Kang Shengzhe made the final decision, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

After so many years, he finally waited until today, and was able to take the initiative to attack the emperor-level monster. Lin Feng did not guard the outer domain. He did not know the pain of guarding the outer domain for dozens or hundreds of years.

For a long time, although human beings have been on the offensive against other beasts, they are actually on the defensive against the emperor-level monsters. If the defense lines are broken through by the beasts, the saints will not even be able to support them.

The last Longpan City crisis was also due to good luck. The Invincible Boxer could arrive in a very short time, and even if an emperor-level monster appeared, he could rush back in time. Otherwise, the Invincible Fist Saint would not be able to support Longpan City.

The saints made an agreement, and then they left one after another, leaving only Kang and Lin Feng.

"Sage Lin Feng."

Lin Feng was also about to leave, but was stopped by Kang Shengzhe.

"Sage Kang, is there anything else?"

Sage Kang took a deep breath and said hesitantly, "Sage Lin Feng, I was wrong about Batai."

Sage Kang actually took the initiative to apologize, which surprised Lin Feng.

A dignified saint, and also known as the forerunner of mankind, the first saint in the past, how high is his prestige? Now he took the initiative to apologize to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't think it was because of his strength that he could make Sage Kang apologize.

"Sage Kang, what are you doing?"

"Lin Feng, I couldn't stop the matter of Bate in time, and I even let it go. For the sake of the overall situation, I have unknowingly deviate from the original intention."

"No, Sage Kang, you are not wrong! Our ideas are different, but no one is wrong. When human beings were weak when they were young, it was only because of Sage Kang's firm belief that human beings were able to grow slowly and become prosperous today. One scene! It's just that things in the world can't be perfect, we are all for human beings now, and the concept is the same again, isn't it?"

After speaking, Lin Feng withdrew the projection, leaving Sage Kang's thoughtful expression.


The next day, at the headquarters of the Guardian Alliance, one spacecraft after another descended.

The person who walked out of the spaceship shocked every warrior of the Guardian Alliance.

"Is that the Invincible Fist Saint? I saw it last time."

"And Bingyu Saint, the dean of the Polar Academy, she rarely shows up."

"Sage Kang, the first saint of mankind."

"The saints of the military have also come... Eight, a full eight, except for the dead saint of Batai, almost all the saints have arrived. What happened?"

The Guardian Alliance has only more than 100 official members in total, but they were fortunate enough to witness the largest lineup in the history of mankind!

A full eight saints have arrived at the Guardian Alliance.

Looking at the magnificent buildings below, all the saints nodded secretly. Lin Feng's Guardian Alliance was completely different from their forces, and it was very technological.

After all, it is a headquarters built with robots left over from the third civilization. It completely follows some of the characteristics of the third civilization, and it has many differences from the current human buildings.

"Sage Bingyu, is this your first time to the Guardian Alliance headquarters? Haha, Saint Lin Feng has a lot of good things."

Invincible Boxing Saint has been to the Guardian Alliance several times, and he has actually acted as a "guide".

"Invincible, I think Saint Lin Feng's Guardian Alliance is pretty good. Isn't your Wan Guo Academy going to rebuild? Just let Saint Lin Feng's robot rebuild it for you."

Sage Cass said with a smile.

"You still need to say it? I have already borrowed 3,000 robots from Lin Feng, and I will be able to rebuild the Wanguo Academy in a few days!"

The Invincible Fist Saint seems to be in high spirits. Once his Wan Guo Academy is rebuilt, it will definitely overwhelm the other two academies, which will make him excited for a while.

"Sage Kang, all the saints are here. How long ago was the last time we all gathered together?"

"One hundred and thirty-eight years ago, there were only seven saints at that time, and they once got together because they dealt with the three emperor-level monsters together."

Sage Kang is also very emotional, because of the emperor-level demon, it is very difficult for human saints to gather together.

At this time, Lin Feng also came out. He glanced at it, the eight saints had already arrived, and it was time to leave.

"Chenchen, don't worry, this time with eight saints together, the demon removal operation will be successful!"

Before leaving, Lin Feng also explained to Qu Chen.

Qu Chen is also very supportive of the demon removal operation. She is just a little worried about Lin Feng, but she also knows that Lin Feng is a saint, so he must shoulder the heavy responsibility of human beings!

"Set off!"

A total of nine spaceships lifted off directly from the Guardian Alliance headquarters and quickly flew towards the Tashku Desert.


In the depths of Outland, countless Zerg crawled on the ground trembling all over, as if they were afraid of something.

In the valley in front of them, a giant worm with blood-colored rays of light all over its body seemed to be transforming with difficulty. A layer of skin was faintly sloughed off its body, and its huge body, which was two kilometers long, almost occupied the entire valley.

The giant worm looked very painful. In its mouth, there was a strange blood-colored crystal, which it desperately wanted to swallow.


Finally, the giant worm slammed a mouthful, and then the huge blood-colored crystal was swallowed into the giant worm's mouth like a delicious meal.

Suddenly, the giant worm made a shrill roar, and when countless zerg heard the roar, they all crawl to the ground and shivered.


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