Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 441: adventure

A black hole is a special kind of celestial body. Even light cannot escape. Even many civilizations with advanced technology cannot approach a black hole.

The same is true for practitioners. There are three realms of planetary life, which are divided into elementary planetary life, advanced planetary life, and ultimate planetary life.

Ordinary elementary planetary life and higher planetary life can't even get close to a black hole. Only the ultimate planetary life can compete with black holes.

Therefore, black holes are mysterious and dangerous to both technological civilization and spiritual civilization.

This time, the Academy of Matrix Civilization actually wants to capture the black hole. Once it succeeds, this is a great achievement! Even for the matrix civilization, it can complete a qualitative leap in technology.

Therefore, this piece of news has appeared almost repeatedly recently, and ordinary people in the matrix civilization can know this important news.

Originally, Lin Feng didn't pay attention to this news, but he found some magazines in the room, including some astronomy magazines, telling the knowledge about stars and black holes.

Especially the description of black holes is very detailed. It is introduced that the energy of some black holes is even equivalent to more than a thousand stars!

The energy of a thousand stars, how terrifying is that? You must know that the annihilation force in the Spear of Destruction is only the annihilation force when the star collapses, and it only occupies a small part of the star's energy.

If a thousand stars, I am afraid it is equivalent to more than ten thousand spears of destruction, or even more.

"Wait, energy, there is such a huge amount of energy in the black hole, is it possible to be swallowed by the devil?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Lin Feng's mind. He seemed to have thought of something, and a bold thought came into his mind.

"Master, that's impossible. How terrifying is the black hole? How can the devil dare to approach? Even if it is a high-level planetary life, once it dares to approach the black hole, it is not the devil that devours the black hole, but the black hole that devours the devil. According to the information, There used to be five high-level planetary beings who wanted to explore a small black hole. As a result, all four high-level planetary beings were swallowed by the black hole, and only one high-level planetary life survived."

Lombertin immediately spread "common sense" to Lin Feng. The horror of black holes has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Whether it is a technological civilization or a practitioner, there is nothing that can be done about black holes.

Lin Feng shook his head and said solemnly, "Of course the devil dare not approach the black hole, but what if the black hole is captured?"

Lombertin was stunned for a moment. It looked at the news again and said in shock: "Master, you mean that those demons are hidden in the matrix civilization to capture black holes. This...this is crazy!"

Yeah, nothing like this has ever happened.

Will the devil lurk and devour the black hole with the help of technology? Thinking about it is unbelievable, but thinking about it carefully, it seems not impossible.

If the Academy of Sciences of the Matrix Civilization can really successfully capture the black hole this time, once the black hole is swallowed, those demons are likely to transform with the help of the huge energy in the black hole.

If it is a higher planetary life, it is likely to be transformed into the ultimate planetary life. At that time, it will be a huge disaster for the entire Beamon galaxy.

You know, the devil is the public enemy of the universe, and wherever he goes, he devours everything. Once the devil of the ultimate planetary life is born, it is simply terrifying.

I am afraid that even the thousands of leading stars of the matrix civilization will be swallowed up, and there is nothing to do. Unless it is the Beamon God King of Beamon Temple who personally takes action, no one can compete with the devil of the ultimate planetary life.

"Lombetin, immediately invade the Academy of Matrix Civilizations and check the progress of the Academy's plan to capture black holes. Are they really sure of capturing black holes?"

Lombertin took action immediately, but it failed to hack the Academy's systems.

"Master, the matrix civilization is closely guarded by the Academy of Sciences and cannot invade its system."

Lin Feng frowned, it seems that the Matrix Civilization protects the Academy of Sciences quite closely. Although Lombertin is the mechanical life of mechanical civilization, the technology of matrix civilization is not inferior to mechanical civilization.

If the matrix civilization made great efforts to protect the Academy of Sciences, then Lombertin would not be able to invade.

"Can you find out the specific list of the Academy of Sciences' participation in the black hole capture program this time?"

"Master, do you want to check the list of people who can take a spacecraft to capture black holes?"

"Yes, if there are really demons, I believe they will be on the list."

Lin Feng is now more and more certain that Domila "disappeared" because he found some clues, and Domila is now mostly miserable.

If those demons are really trying to capture black holes, they are at least life on higher planets. After all, if it is a primary planetary life, even if it captures a black hole, I am afraid that it will not be able to start, and it will not be able to swallow it. The gap is really too big.

It would be much easier for the demon of life on a higher planet to deal with Domira quietly.

This time, Lombertin did not disappoint Lin Feng. Although the Matrix Civilization is very strict with the Academy of Sciences, it is only aimed at capturing the black hole plan.

For the researchers who participated in the black hole capture program, although some protection was also done, it was hard for Lombertin, who was found by Lombertin in various ways.

"Master, I found 13,896 people, and I'm sure they are going to participate in the black hole capture program. Among them, there are 3,600 scientific researchers, and the rest are logistics, combatants, and so on."

"So many people, it's a little troublesome."

It may be difficult for Lin Feng to eliminate so many people in a short period of time and find the "demon" hidden in them. After all, all this is just his guess, what if there is no magic?

If it was in the Blue River Empire, Lin Feng would not have any concerns, he would just arrest them all for questioning. But this cannot be done in the matrix civilization. The matrix civilization is a powerful civilization that can kill life on higher planets. Even the disciples of the upper level of the temple have no right to act recklessly in the matrix civilization.

In the universe, the strong prey on the weak, and strength is the eternal truth. The fact that the matrix civilization has not launched a war does not mean that the matrix civilization is weak, and no practitioner dares to underestimate the matrix civilization.

It is not possible to directly arrest people for interrogation, and now the time is pressing. The Academy of Sciences has announced that it will start the black hole capture plan in three days. When the devil's conspiracy succeeds, even if Lin Feng knows about it, it will be useless.

"It seems that I can only take one Mixed in with the people who captured the black hole this time, pay close attention to the black hole capture plan. If the devil appears, then destroy the devil's conspiracy, and then the temple will judge me. mission completed."

Lin Feng thought very clearly that this mission was just to find His Highness Domila and investigate the demon's traces. Once there was solid evidence, he would be considered to have completed the mission.

But the point is that he has no evidence now and must obtain evidence.

"Lombetin, immediately send the information I have obtained and my speculations to the temple, so that the temple can be ready at any time."

Lin Feng has already decided to risk infiltrating the people involved in the black hole capture plan, as long as he finds conclusive evidence of the devil. Even if he is discovered by the devil, he can use the laws of space to escape directly.


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