Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 443: capture black hole


The spaceship began to vibrate, and then a small spaceship flew out, there were probably thousands of them, and they all flew towards the black hole in the distance.

There is "elemental matter" in these spaceships, which is a peculiar material newly discovered by the Academy of Matrix Civilizations. They found that this elemental material can effectively resist the engulfment of black holes.

Using this property of meta-matter, the matrix civilization plans to capture black holes.

Of course, only some experiments have been done in the laboratory before, and they have all been successful. But to practice, it is the first time to capture such a huge black hole.

It was also the first time that Lin Feng saw a black hole, and he even quietly extended a trace of spiritual power to attach to those spaceships.

But as the spaceship approaches the black hole, there is no need to fly at all. The powerful phagocytic force of the black hole directly swallows thousands of spaceships into it.

Even Lin Feng's mental power attached to the spaceship wanted to recover it, but he couldn't recover it, and was devoured by the black hole frantically.

For the first time, Lin Feng felt the terror of the black hole. It was vast and deep, as if it could devour everything.

Fortunately, Lin Feng cut off that trace of spiritual power immediately, otherwise all his spiritual power would be swallowed by the black hole. Even the mental power can be swallowed, and Lin Feng is even more cautious in his heart.

With his current strength, once captured and swallowed by a black hole, it would be a disaster. After all, even life on a higher planet could not escape death when faced with a black hole.

"Boom boom boom".

As thousands of small spacecraft were swallowed by the black hole, the established programs in these spacecraft began to explode violently as they approached the black hole. The flame of the explosion disappeared almost in a flash, and was swallowed by the huge black hole phagocytosis.

But then, there was actually a layer of white matter that slowly floated up in the pitch-black black hole.


Everyone was taken aback, even the scientists were excited. These white substances were meta-substances, a very strange substance.

The ability to resist the engulfment of black holes was originally only shown in the laboratory before, but now, just in front of this huge black hole, these elements can actually resist the engulfment of black holes.

"The release of the elemental matter is successful, immediately enter the next stage, condense the net of elemental matter, and capture the black hole!"

So, according to the previous plan, the Academy of Sciences began to release a large amount of elemental matter. There were thousands of spaceships before, just a part, and a large number of small spaceships carrying more elemental matter into the black hole.

As the spaceships flew into the black hole, the elemental matter became more and more. In the end, a white light curtain gradually appeared in the black hole. If we say that at the beginning, this light curtain is only a small part, just like Palm size.

However, as the amount of elemental matter increased, the light curtain became larger and larger, and finally covered a part of the black hole faintly, and it was still expanding rapidly.

Even those spaceships did not seem to have suffered too much phagocytosis.

"It's done, it's done, the black hole must be captured!"

Many researchers in the matrix civilization are staring at the light curtain. It is not a day or two to capture the black hole plan. Hundreds of years have passed since the discovery of meta-matter.

Even for many ordinary people with advanced technology and extended life expectancy, it is a long time, and they have paid a lot of effort for this.

Now, as the elemental matter slowly condenses into a "big net", shrouding the black hole, the realization of their dream is getting closer and closer.

Once the black hole was captured, they made history and they will always be remembered by the Matrix!

A little bit of time has passed, with the release of batches of meta-matter, the light curtain formed by meta-matter has become larger and larger, and from a distance, it looks like a big net, surrounding black holes.

Of course, to completely "block" the black hole, the required meta-matter will be an astronomical number. But the elemental matter itself is very strange. The energy that can be released by one gram of elemental matter is amazingly strong, and it can cover a large black hole.

Lin Feng is also always paying attention to the situation in the crowd. He knows that the more critical the moment, the sooner the moment of success, the more likely those demons will be unable to hold back their hands.

One day, two days, three days...

The spacecraft released batches of meta-matter, which continued continuously for more than a month. Finally, the black hole was almost invisible, and only a little bit remained.

The last batch of meta-matter was released, and once this batch of meta-matter was condensed and formed, it could completely block the black hole. Since then, this black hole has become the possession of the matrix civilization, the most precious celestial body. The value of scientific research is unimaginable.

However, black holes are important to matrix civilization, but also important to demons.

With the release of the last batch of elemental matter, it exploded, forming a large "net". After the black hole was completely blocked, the entire spacecraft exploded.

Yes, the explosion, it exploded easily, and three terrifying bodies that were huge and unimaginable rushed out of the firelight.

Demon, three demons have appeared!

"Haha, black hole, really black hole, matrix civilization actually captured the black hole."

One of the demons looked up to the sky and laughed.

"For this day, we have been waiting for hundreds of years. Since we knew that the matrix civilization actually discovered the meta-matter, we pushed the matrix civilization to start the plan to capture the black hole. I didn't expect it to be successful."

"Once the black hole is swallowed, we are all likely to transform. At that time, the universe is so big, where can't we go?"

The three demons took great pains to hide in the matrix civilization for hundreds of years.

Lin Feng volleyed into the void, and he didn't make any movement. The moment the spaceship exploded, he used the law of space to directly move out of the spaceship, hiding aside and watching the three demons closely.

He has seen the detailed information of the researchers in this project, so he recognized the three demons at a glance, and they are the founders of this black hole capture project.

The three of them are all founders, and the plan to capture the black hole was simply promoted by them, so it was possible to make rapid progress in just a hundred years.

Even Lin Feng admires for being able to endure for a hundred years, and even promote a scientific research project, all for their ambitions. Now they used the matrix civilization to finally achieve their goal and successfully capture the black hole.

This scheming is simply much stronger than the Queen of the Blue River Empire back then.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that these three demons are actually high-level planetary beings! The battle bodies they display are comparable to stars. From a distance, they look like three giant beasts that can devour the stars at any time.

This is also the reason why Lin Feng has been waiting quietly, the three high-level planetary beings, this is no longer something he can intervene in.

He immediately sent all the pictures here to the temple. As for the powerful beings in the temple, whether they can arrive in time is not something that Lin Feng can control.


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