Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 449: 6 life jumps

"Originally, I thought he was fast enough, and we all stood on the same starting line with us, but now..."

Montari shook his head with a wry smile. Is this the same starting line?

Lin Feng didn't know where he dumped them for a long time, the two sides were not on the same level at all. Looking at the huge battle body, it must be more than a thousand kilometers. In five life transitions, they can condense more than a thousand kilometers of battle bodies. They are almost unheard of.

In the history of the Beamon Temple, there have never been five life transitions to have such a huge battle body. Based on this alone, Lin Feng has already created the record of the temple and the history of the temple.

Montari and Ontes were only slightly absent-minded, but how strong is their will to be able to cultivate to the point where they are now? Just lost for a while, and then adjusted his mood.

No matter how strong Lin Feng is, their current opponent is only themselves, six life transitions and becoming a planet-level life, this is their ultimate goal.

As a result, Montari and Ontes also started life transitions at the same time.


The battle bodies of the two were inflated wildly. At this moment, they gathered the strongest beliefs, and they firmly believed that they would be able to make a successful life transition.

Unlike Lin Feng, it is good to have three achievements in their grasp of life transition. Therefore, they rely more on firm will and some luck.

Today, the two of them were stimulated a bit, and their wills became stronger. As they burst into battle, every cell in the body seemed to be cheering.

And the next moment, the cells in the two people split wildly, and the fighting body swelled wildly.


Seeing that the battle bodies of the two were rapidly expanding, everyone knew that the two had succeeded, and there were two more planet-level beings all at once, and this kind of grand occasion could only be seen in the Beamon Temple.

You must know that there are countless planets in the Behemoth Galaxy, countless civilization races, and how many planets and civilizations can give birth to planet-level life? Only a handful!

Every planetary life is great! Once planetary life is born in a civilization, then this civilization, whether it is a cultivator civilization or a technological civilization, is destined to become a cosmic civilization!

The battle bodies of the two are still expanding, and they are absorbing a lot of star power, but there is not much difference. Basically, no one can suppress each other.


Lin Feng also opened his eyes. His 1,200-kilometer battle body had already been brewed to the extreme. In the next moment, it was almost a matter of time without Lin Feng's outburst of strong will, and his battle body began to swell.


Lin Feng's battle body also began to swell, and it was even crazier than Montari and Ontes. Almost every second, the cells would split into countless cells.

The speed of this split is so fast that it makes people feel that the body is torn apart, and there is a faint pain from the depths of the soul.

Lin Feng knew that this was a necessary experience for the life transition. Even if it is a perfect battle body, the same is true for the natural life transition, especially the six life transitions. This is a very big improvement, an improvement in the essence of life, and a qualitative leap. .

From five life transitions to six life transitions, it is basically a hundredfold improvement!

For example, Montari and Ontes, both of whom belong to the top talents in the middle-level area, are not much inferior to Raymond in talent. Therefore, in the end, their battle bodies will definitely be able to expand to more than 20,000 kilometers.

As for Lin Feng, Lin Feng himself didn't know how much he could expand his battle body in the end. Because he has no previous experience to refer to.

Five life jumps can have a combat body of 1,200 kilometers, which is unheard of.

Montari and Ontes had to take a life leap ahead of Lin Feng, but with Lin Feng's life leap, after the battle body expanded wildly, the power of the stars in the transformation zone was swept by Lin Feng at least 80%!

That is to say, the power of the stars left to Montari and Ontes is only about 20%. This can't help but make them regret a little. Why do they have to jump in life at the same time as Lin Feng?

The two had already put out their thoughts of competing with Lin Feng, but they couldn't stop. They could only absorb about 20% of the power of the stars, which actually had a certain impact on their cohesion of planet-level combat bodies.

They have never been prepared, after all, such a situation is rare. Often, even if three or four cultivators are promoted to planet-level life, there will not be a situation where the power of the stars is not enough.

But it happened to meet Lin Feng. In fact, this is not bad, because Lin Feng finally restrained and left 20% of the power of the stars to Montari and Ontes, otherwise he could devour all the power of the stars in the transformation zone. .

His battle body was expanding too fast, and it had already surpassed 20,000 kilometers in a blink of an eye, far surpassing Montari and Ontes. From a distance, Lin Feng's battle body is like a black hole, madly swallowing a large amount of star power.

Even so, Lin Feng alone enjoys 80% of the power of the stars in the transformation zone, but he still feels that every cell in his body seems to be "**", and the power of the stars is completely insufficient.

If it continues, it will also affect Lin Feng's fighting body.

Fortunately, Lin Feng made preparations, or in other words, God King Beamon had already anticipated all this.

Lin Feng flipped his palm over, and a small bottle appeared in his palm, with a drop of crystal clear water in it. It was the reward Lin Feng received, the cosmic source fluid!


The porcelain bottle was broken, and this drop of cosmic source liquid was floating in the void. Lin Feng grabbed it with a big hand, and the cosmic source fluid was wrapped in countless cells, and then merged into the body.


When the cosmic source liquid entered the body, it was as if an energy ball exploded, and Lin Feng's whole body was shaking. Countless cells seem to have been destroyed for hundreds of millions of years, frantically swallowing the terrifying power that erupted in the source fluid of the universe.

Even Lin Feng was shocked. This small drop of cosmic source liquid looked like a drop of water, inconspicuous, but it contained terrifying energy that made him tremble.

The energy that burst out at this moment shocked Lin Feng.

However, as the energy continued to be integrated into the Lin Feng's body expansion speed was further accelerated, and the dividing cells were also swallowing a large amount of energy in the shortest time, filling the cells.

At this moment, Lin Feng had a special feeling, as if he had never been stronger than before, and he was improving at an indescribable speed every moment.

20,000 kilometers, 30,000 kilometers, 40,000 kilometers, 50,000 kilometers...

With the expansion of Lin Feng's fighting body, everyone in the transformation zone, including Montari and Ontes, was shocked at the beginning, gradually numb, and now silent.

They can no longer describe the shock in their hearts in words. They can only raise their heads and look up at the incomparably huge body, which seems to be transforming towards an unimaginable level.


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