Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 982: Reunion Ryoma

"where to live?"

Lin Feng looked at Zhenjun Ziyuan and the others. If it's just Lin Feng himself, he doesn't care, he can just take his time to find a place to live, but with so many people following him, he can't just wander around aimlessly.

Fortunately, Lin Feng still has an acquaintance in Jiutian Holy City, Long Zhenjun!

Therefore, Lin Feng sent a message according to Long Zhenjun's contact information.

Soon, he received a reply from Long Zhenjun, and asked Lin Feng to wait in place. After a while, a familiar figure flew to the distance, it was Long Zhenjun.

"Lin Zhenjun, I didn't expect you to arrive at the Nine Heavens Holy City so soon."

"Long Zhenjun, there are still some things to trouble you this time."

"Haha, easy to say, easy to say. Come with me, Lin Zhenjun, I will give you a good introduction to the Nine Heavens Holy City."

Therefore, Lin Feng followed behind Zhenjun Long and went to an attic. Everyone asked for a private room, and there was even a sense of shielding by a divine array, which opened the eyes of many Zhenjun.

Divine formations can be seen everywhere, and it is simply unimaginable in the Chaos Continent. After all, only true gods can set up a divine formation. There is a divine formation in a mere attic room. It is worthy of being a chaotic holy city.

Everyone sat down, Long Zhenjun smiled slightly: "Lin Zhenjun, you all came to Chaos Holy City, what trouble did you encounter?"

"There is no trouble, but this chaotic holy city is extraordinary."

Lin Feng also sighed.

"Haha, this is natural. The Nine Heavens Holy City is the holy city established by the Nine Heavens Holy Venerable after mastering the supreme rules and becoming a Saint Venerable. Countless practitioners have worked hard to come to the Nine Heavens Holy City. Here, it is true Jun Ruyu, Chaos real people are just ordinary, even true gods can be found everywhere. Not to mention the mere Sacred Beast Continent, even a large Chaos Continent, a thousand or ten thousand large Chaos Continent, is far less than the Holy City. "

Lin Feng nodded, and he realized it too. In the past in Fenyan Continent, he had not even seen a true monarch, but when he arrived in the Sacred Beast Continent, although the true monarch's status was also very high, he was not like Fenyan Continent. There was no true monarch in the entire continent. There are dozens or even hundreds of True Monarchs.

There are also chaotic spirit beasts comparable to True Monarch. There are hundreds of chaotic spirit beasts that died in Lin Feng's hands.

This is just a Sacred Beast Continent. According to the information of the chaotic merchants, although the Sacred Beast Continent is close to the medium-sized Chaos Continent, it is only close.

There are also large chaotic continents and even super-large chaotic continents on top of medium-sized continents.

And now deep in Lin Feng is a chaotic holy city, a holy place for all practitioners in the chaos. And how many Chaos Continents are there in Chaos? I am afraid that even the Holy Venerable is not clear.

With so many chaotic continents and so many creatures, how many true monarchs are gathered in the Nine Heavens Holy City? I'm afraid there are too many, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the true monarch is like rain, and it is even appropriate.

When Lin Feng and others entered the Chaos Holy City just now, most of the practitioners they saw were true monarchs, which showed the grand occasion in the Holy City.

Seeing that everyone was listening carefully, Long Zhenjun nodded secretly and continued: "Actually, the Holy City of Chaos is the same as the Continent of Chaos. Ascetic practitioners, etc., there are countless forces of all kinds. But without exception, only the forces of the true gods can stand in the holy city."

"It is impossible for cultivators to have no desires and no desires. Even the top true gods are not without desires and desires. They also need forces to collect information and resources. Therefore, in the chaotic holy city, except for the holy city, it is not allowed to do anything. Besides, everything else is fine. Every cultivator is working hard for cultivation resources, either joining a force or forming a force on his own. The Holy City of Chaos is a holy place that all living beings yearn for, but it is also very cruel here. Resources, it may not be much faster to cultivate. The reason why they are transported to the Chamber of Commerce, as well as other chambers of commerce, is the purpose of taking risks in the chaos to search for resources?"

Lin Feng nodded, in fact, all the true monarchs can understand. Everyone took one step at a time. They cultivated their true spirits and became true monarchs. Naturally, they knew that there could not be a "paradise" that was truly unfettered and free of any struggles in the chaos.

As long as there is practice, as long as there are highs and lows, and as long as resources are needed, then there will be competition, open and secret battles. Chaos Holy City is no exception.

"The true monarch is only a scrupulous practitioner. What resources do you need to comprehend the rules of chaos? You can practise tens of thousands of years in the holy city until you become a true god."

Lin Feng suddenly said.

"The chaotic rules of the Holy City of Chaos are very clear. For the true monarch, it is a holy place of practice. Have you entered the Holy City of Chaos without any obstruction? This is where the Holy Venerable sits, and the Holy Venerable uses the supreme rules to establish it here. With a supreme holy city, safe and stable practice, and the rules of chaos are still so clear, do you really think there is no cost?"

"Oh? What's the price?"

Lin Feng froze in his heart, listening to Long Zhenjun's tone, it seems that this chaotic holy city is not so simple.

"Of course there is a price. The entire chaotic holy city is shrouded by the supreme rules, and no creature can hide the Holy Venerable. Although the Nine Heavens Holy Venerate is beyond the realm of things and ignores the battles between practitioners, all practitioners, once they enter the chaos, You can only stay in the holy city for a hundred years. Once the hundred years are up, you have to pay a top-quality chaotic crystal before you can stay in the next hundred years."

Long Zhenjun's voice fell, and all the real emperors opened their eyes with disbelief.

"What, you need to pay a top-quality chaotic crystal in a hundred years?"

"This... this is really too expensive, a superb Chaos Primal Crystal."

"I've practiced for tens of thousands of years, and there are quite a few high-grade chaotic crystals, but I haven't gotten any of them."

Many true monarchs shook their heads, this is not ordinary expensive, it is too expensive, even ordinary true monarchs can't afford it. Even though Lin Feng now has thirty-six top-quality chaotic primordial crystals, Zhenjun Ziyuan also has one top-grade chaotic primordial crystal.

But is Lin Feng an ordinary true monarch? Even Zhenjun Long is no match for Lin Feng's strength is so strong that getting the best Chaos Primal Crystal is naturally nothing.

And the true monarch of the purple mandarin duck is also strong enough. He was once the first true monarch of the Holy Beast Continent, and he has been in chaos for tens of thousands of years. But even so, True Monarch Zi Yuan only got a top-quality Chaos Primal Crystal.

This shows how difficult it is to obtain the best Chaos Primal Crystal.

No wonder the chaotic merchants were so happy when Lin Feng took out the top-quality chaotic crystal.

"Sure enough, the Holy City of Chaos is indeed beautiful. It is a holy place for all practitioners, but it is not without cost."

Lin Feng thought to himself, and then he asked again, "What if the 100-year time limit expires and there is no top-quality Chaos Primal Crystal?"

"Expelled from the Holy City of Chaos! Unless you can find the best Chaos Primal Crystal, you will no longer be able to enter the Holy City of Chaos, and under the supervision of the supreme rules, no one can hide it."

For a while, except for a few True Monarchs such as Lin Feng, the other True Monarchs, especially those chaotic real people, fell silent one by one.

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