It was the bar where Ding Zhe met Murong Annie for the first time.

the difference is.

Last time, Murong Anne had a guard by her side.

But this time, Murong Annie was just a person.

Xiao Nizi is wearing a fairy-like purple lace dress.

The snow-white skin and the purple long skirt contrast with each other.

In conjunction with her long fluffy curly hair.

And a beautiful white flower on it.

At the moment, Murong Annie is definitely the leading beauty in the entire nightclub.

Countless men and women looked at her with jealous and cunning eyes.

But Xiao Nizi sat comfortably on the corner seat.

At the same time, he fiddled with a white rose in his hand.

The corner of his mouth is even more smiling.

As if thoughtful.

When Ding Zhe came, Murong Anni just raised her head and looked at him with gentle eyes: "I asked Sister Li for leave. You won't be punished when you go back, my brother Zhe?"

Xiao Nizi looked at Ding Zhe with a flirtatious look.

"Punishment and impunity are here for me."

Ding Zhe sat opposite Murong Anni, took a look at her expression, and then took possession of her and asked: "Fairy, I think your brows are filled with joy, is there something happy coming?"

"Brother Zhe still understands me!"

Murong Anne smiled softly: "Just now, my father received news that it was because of the changing situation in the province and city that he wanted me to divorce the nasty ghost from Ou's family!"


Ding Zhe nodded when he heard it.

You know, arrogant he and Murong Annie have met since they met in the imperial capital.

The marriage of Murong Anne and Ou Shiming has always been a thorn in her heart.

In order to get rid of this marriage, she even escaped from the house and lived outside.

Counting it up, it has been months since I went home.

And for a long time, the Murong family's tone has been quite strict.

That is, even if Murong Anne is dead.

Her body is also Ou's.

But now, the Murong family has agreed to Murong Anne's resignation?

Why is this again?

You know, according to Ding Zhe's understanding, the Murong family is a wealthy family in the provincial capital.

It is the mind of the chamber of commerce that is in charge of the entire Jiang Nan province’s business community.

And Oujia is also the brains of Jiang Nan Chamber of Commerce.

The combination of the two can be said to be a strong alliance.

But now, the Murong family suddenly wanted to divorce.

Isn't this a trivial matter?

What happened in the provincial capital.

"Leave him alone!"

Murong Anni picked up the wine glass and toasted Ding Zhe: "Brother Zhe, after I retired, I can stay in Ninghai for a long time."

"Fairy, I have someone I love." Ding Zhe reluctantly raised his glass.

"I know."

Murong Annie shook her head: "But aren't you still unmarried? If you are not married, I have a chance."

"Come on, have a drink!"

Murong Annie got up and made a toast to Ding Zhe with court etiquette.

Such appearance and posture are really very sultry.

As a last resort, Ding Zhe had to take a drink with him again!

At the same time, he asked, "Fairy, what if one day, Lin Aolei and I get married?"

Not waiting for Ding Zhe to finish.

A snow-white finger pressed on Ding Zhe's lips: "First, when you are with me, you are not allowed to mention Lin Aolei."

"Second, don't talk about marriage."

"Please, Brother Zhe!"

After finishing talking, Murong Anni grabbed Ding Zhe's hand again and shook her coquettishly: "Okay, Brother Zhe, okay, please, please."

"All right!"

Ding Zhe shook his head helplessly.

"Hehe, I knew you were soft-hearted." Murong Annie smiled sweetly.

Had another drink.

It can be seen that Murong Anne is really happy.

She pours Ding Zhe a cup after a cup, but she is not idle.

In less than ten minutes, her little face looked a little red.

The whole person looks a little half drunk.

And Murong Anne, who was slightly drunk, was even more sultry.

In the entire nightclub, everyone's eyes couldn't help but look towards this side.

"You drank too much, fairy, I will take you home!"

Ding Zhe got up and said:

"I don't have much, I still want to drink!"

Murong Anni shook her body vigorously while pulling and pulling with Ding Zhe.

But he still refused to leave.

No way, Ding Zhe had to sit down.

His plan was to accompany the Murong Fairy for a while, and then send her home alive and well.

It's just that Ding Zhe couldn't even think of it in his dreams.

The two had just sat down again.

Just heard the boom!

A loud noise!

It was the door of this nightclub that was kicked open directly from the outside.

Immediately afterwards, a dozen people from Xiliao came in.

how to say!

Although the people of Xiliao and Longguo belong to the same yellow race.

But the people of Xiliao are very distinctive.

Therefore, as long as a person from the West Liao Kingdom appears in the Dragon Kingdom, he will be immediately distinguished.

At this moment, a dozen people from Xiliao were present in the nightclub.

What makes everyone a little horrified is.

These people from Xiliao were all wearing black taekwondo clothes.

All of them were bare-chested, and their walking posture was full of arrogance.

The headed guy with a slashed face, single eyelids and thin lips yelled in the half-baked Longguo dialect as he walked: "The warriors of the Dragon Kingdom are too bad. We are from the Jiang Nan province. The provincial capital Chuncheng challenged all the way to Ninghai, but did not meet a single opponent."


The guy next to him who also wore Taekwondo costumes and an elderly single eyelid also laughed wildly: "Not only the warriors of the Dragon Kingdom are inserted, but the men of the Dragon Kingdom are also bad, you know, the Dragon Kingdom has always been the West Liao Kingdom in history. The vassals of the Long Kingdom belong to our men from the West Liao Kingdom."


The words of the second man from Xiliao immediately caused laughter from a group of Xiliao people around him.

Everyone smiled presumptuously.

Everyone has teasing and exaggeration on their faces.

All the men in the nightclub were a little unwilling to hear it.

During the period, a gangster patted the table directly, pointed at the head of the Xiliao countryman and said, "Boy, what are you fart, don't you know how big your Xiliao country is."

"The place where the fart is bigger, I want to dare to say that it is the sovereign state of our Dragon Kingdom."

"Did you not dream?"

On the other side, the other gangster stood up and yelled: "The facts are just the opposite. In history, the West Liao Kingdom has always been a vassal of our Long Country. The women of the West Liao Kingdom belonged to our Long Country nobles in the first night. There is history to check. !"


Two gangsters.

It immediately caused a burst of laughter in the nightclub.

Following that, the drum band was percussing frantically.

All of a sudden, the group of demons danced wildly, unexpectedly reached a small climax.

The head of the Xiliao countryman was a little bit irritated. He stretched out his finger and pointed at the bastard who started talking and cursed: "Baga, you dare to insult our Xiliao people, fuck him!"


The remaining Xiliao people showed their arms and rolled their sleeves.

Rushed over.

And those gangsters did not show any weakness, raising the wine bottles one after another, looking at each other tit-for-tat.

The gangster headed by it even yelled: "Brothers, don't shame the Dragon Man, do it!"


Follow it!

The two parties clash together!

It's just that gangsters are gangsters!

Their combat effectiveness is far worse than those of the warriors in Taekwondo costumes in Xiliao.

Only heard boom boom boom!


Accompanied by a series of explosions.

All the gangsters were knocked to the ground.

They either broke their arms or their legs.

There was screams and groans in the bar.

And the warriors of the West Liao Kingdom stepped on one with their feet.

The warrior headed by him stepped on the bastard just now, and slapped his cheek with his hand: "I ask you, who is the suzerain country, and which country does women have no right to the first night?"

"It's the Dragon Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom is a subject of the West Liao Kingdom. The women of the Dragon Kingdom have no right to the first night, so it hurts, so let me go!"

The bastard was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and his arms were broken twice. Wherever he dared to make a mistake, he had no choice but to persuade him.

"Have you heard, hahaha!"

The people of Xiliao, headed by the people of Xiliao, looked up to the sky and screamed.



"This is the pustule man of the Long Kingdom, see it, we Xiliao Kingdom wants to restore its former glory!"

"Hung up!"

"Hung up!"

All the warriors of the West Liao Kingdom raised their fists and shouted.

And no one of the remaining Longguo people in the bar dared to look up.

For a moment, Wan Ma qi, all the Long Guo people's expressions are unnatural, but they dare not speak, and even dare not look at these Xiliao people.

But there are only two tables that can still drink on their own.

One table is Ding Zhe and Murong Annie's table.

The other table is the table in the corner of the bar. Next to that table, sits a man wearing white clothes and white gloves.

He lowered his head, holding a glass of wine, drinking it to himself, turning a deaf ear to the things around him...

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