Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1005: Li Yueying

Recommendation: Witch Doctor Awakens https: //


Chapter 1005 of the Personal Wife's President's Wife Vol. 1005 Li Yueying "This time you are not the main force, don't be too rash." Ye Shikai persuades, this is also to remind everyone in the Hades, not to be too public, so as not to be criticized.

Some elders of the Chen family did not express their opinion on the existence of the members of the Hades. They knew the relationship between Chen Yuxin and Ye Shikai, where the husband and wife are, and where to divide you and me. This Hades war would be Ye Shikai ’s cronies. Without giving Chen Yuxin the owner's face, then the bitter fruit can only be swallowed by himself.

"Yes, sir, I understand." Nightmare took a step back and put away her murderous spirit, and the atmosphere eased.

"Master Chen, I heard there was an attack on the station yesterday. There should be no accidents today." Ji Tao's face changed slightly, and he did not know where he obtained the information, but he knew what happened last night.

"Ji Jiazhu rest assured, the warning whistle is placed three kilometers away, and once someone approaches, she will warn." Chen Yuxin said faintly, this morning she prepared for the emergency, so as not to depopulate. Although it is an alliance, facing Ji Jia From time to time, he must be "critical", and Chen Yuxin must know how to respond.

"It's still thoughtful of Mr. Chen."

As soon as the voice fell, a sharp whistle came from the distance. This was the sound of a warning whistle. Everyone suddenly became nervous. Who was approaching here? Judging by the sound of the warning whistle, the group of people There were hundreds of people, and it wasn't long before a group of people appeared in Ye Shikai's field of vision.

"Haha, I thought it was here, it turned out to be the Chen family and the Ji family of Yanjing." Hundreds of people slowly walked from a distance, and the leader turned out to be a good-looking girl ... of course, this It was only Ye Shikai's first impression. The woman wore a ponytail. The most important thing was that she walked with a "king style", followed by several elder-like people, and several others. Ten guards, majestic.

Ye Shikai doesn't know anyone from the Huaxia family. This woman does not look like she is about 25 years old. She speaks at all. She can also hear from her words that this woman has recognized their identity and knows clearly Facing the heads of the two large families, Ye Shikai was curious as to who the woman was.

"It was the young lady of Li Fu." Chen Yuxin said lightly.

"Xiao Xin, who is this Miss Li Fu?" Ye Shikai asked softly, waving his hand at the same time, to signal the members of the Hades to step back and stay behind the guards of the Chen family to avoid being seen.

"Li Fu, or the Li family, is one of the three major families in Chang'an and the most powerful one. This is the young lady of the Li family, Li Yueying."

"Since it's a family, why do you call Li Fu?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"The Li family was a large family in Chang'an a thousand years ago. At that time, the house of the dignitaries was called" fu ", so this oral name has been passed down." Chen Yuxin explained.

"This is the case." Ye Shikai nodded. It turned out that the Li family has such a long history. After thousands of years of enduring life, it is no wonder that Li Yueying has a kind of king and nobility as soon as he comes out.

"It was Miss Li Fu." Ji Tao did not smile, after all, the elders were there, and the elders must look like the elders.

"Li Yueying, a little girl, salutes several elders." Li Yueying walked in front of the crowd, bowing slightly, and it seemed that this lady Li Fu was not arrogant.

"I didn't expect to meet the people of Lifu House so soon." Chen Yuxin stepped forward. "I don't know what Miss Li is doing here."

"Why, Miss Chen, this is Chang'an, I'm the master. You ... are guests. Speaking of them, I should ask you what you are doing here." Li Yueying is not timid, perhaps the same age as Chen Yuxin The reason is that although one is a young lady and the other is already the owner, Li Yueying does not give Chen Yuxin any face at all.

"Naturally came for the ruins." Ji Tao spoke out first and relieved Chen Yuxin.

"Since this relic is in the land of Chang'an, it should belong to my Chang'an family."

"Miss Li's remarks are erroneous. If this is the case, then the people in Li's house should never take half a step from Chang'an." A cold voice sounded, and the speaker was actually Ji Qian.

"Oh, I heard that the young lady Ji Jiaxin is a peerless beauty, we are the first time to meet." Li Yueying smiled slightly, the two women met, the gas field is an "invisible war."

"Meeting for the first time, Miss Li, I hope ... get along well," Ji Qian said coldly.

"Ahem, Miss Li, let's open the skylight and talk brightly."

"Stop." Before Ye Shikai finished speaking, Li Yueying interrupted him and stopped him.

"Really funny man." Li Yueying's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Ye Shikai, said lightly.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Shikai was at a loss. If he remembered correctly, he and Li Yueying would also be meeting for the first time. How could he come up with this "posture ~ ~ Your identity is very mysterious, you This person is also unpredictable, and I'm interested in you. "Li Yueying's eyes turned to the faintly angry Chen Yuxin, and she looked at Ji Qian again. This move was obvious, it seemed ... to let everyone see it, After all, everyone is staring at Li Yueying, so wherever she looks now, someone will look in the same direction.

"I can't think of the magnificent Miss Li Fu, but she is also a frivolous woman." Ye Shikai said coldly. Sure enough, Li Yueying's face changed instantly. A noble woman was so "insulted", naturally a little angry.

"Well, it's not that easy to intentionally irritate me. I'm more interested in you now." Li Yueying said faintly, turning his head to glance at the crowd. "Since I've all come here to explore the ruins, I have an idea. Join together and go in together. "

Li Yueying's words are amazing. Although she is not the head of Li Fu, the young lady is also a status symbol. Her words and deeds can represent Li Fu. Now she says this kind of words, and it is more like a joke. .

"Brother, I think it's good. Li Fu is the big family of Chang'an, and Li Yueying is the young lady of Li Fu. If we cooperate, we can not only go to such a powerful competitor as Li Fu, but also use Li Fu The momentum can also deter others, killing two birds with one stone. "Ji Feng whispered to Ji Tao, and Chen Ji's men also whispered. On the contrary, the women Chen Yuxin and Ji Qian became extremely dignified. Want to talk with more like-minded people "Personal King's President Wife", WeChat pay attention to "Hot Web Article or rdww444" and talk with more book friends about favorite books

Recommendation: Witch Doctor Awakens https: // mobile read.

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