Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1002: Separated

By the way, the four elements seem to be able to cure the death gas. Ye Shikai suddenly realized that at the beginning of Atlantis's ruins, Ji Qian had lost her life. Everyone persuaded Ye Shikai to give up her, just at this time, The four elements automatically transmitted energy to Ji Qian and resolved the dead gas. If Atlantis and the dead gas in the ruins of Bai Qi are the same, then the four elements can also be cured. At the beginning, the powerful energy contained in the strange stones on the holy mountain Induced Ye Shikai's ecstasy. Although suppressed in time, in order to solve this problem once and for all, Ji Qian went to danger and hoped to obtain the four elements to help Ye Shikai to cure ecstasy. As a result, the first element of the four elements was not Suppressed ecstasy, but saved Ji Qian, who was dead in the middle.

Ye Shikai looked up at the ghost soldiers. No, even if the four elements were used to heal the dead gas, he must find a quiet place to heal slowly. Now the ghost soldiers have been attacked across the board and everyone is retreating. How can there be time to go? treatment.

"Chasing down." The leading sergeant shouted loudly, rushing up with a bronze sword, Ye Shikai also held a metal sword, he was carrying elements of water and fire, not afraid of death, the metal sword cut iron like mud, Ye Shikai moved the internal force and waved hard. The sharp sword cut off the bronze sword, and when he took advantage of it, the sharp sword penetrated into the abbot's abdomen and punctured the pair directly.

Roar roar.

The stabbed Master Sergeant suddenly yelled, his face darkened, and it was scary.

"I'm leaning, give me a roll." Ye Shikai bent his knees, put his foot against the sergeant's abdomen, clenched the sword with one hand, and then kicked it, directly flying the ghost soldiers out.

"Come on." Ye Shikai took out the element of fire in one hand and operated the internal force. A large group of flames spewed out instantly and burned on those ghost soldiers. The fire element is different from ordinary flames, and its flames can cause damage to the ghost soldiers.

The crowds evacuated to the left, but the ghost army formation moved a step faster, "interspersed" directly towards the middle of the crowd, the shield formation framed, divided the crowd into left and right sides, and could not look at each other.

"Xiao Kai, let's go." Chen Yuxin took Ye Shikai's arm, Chun Jun sword drawn a strong sword spirit, forcing several ghost soldiers back, Ye Shikai looked around, Ji Qian and Serena took a small number of people The shield of the ghost soldiers blocked the right side, and most of the three families had already withdrawn to the left. The right side was basically the people of the Ji family, and the guard of the luna temple.

"My Qianer, quickly save her." At this time, Ye Shikai shouted from behind Ji Tao, what, how did these old guys in the Ji family separate from her, even Chen Ligong and Bai Wujun were with him? Ji Tao's side.

"Brother, it's dangerous there, step back." Ji Feng quickly grabbed Ji Tao. "Elder Chen, protect the owner quickly."

"Xiao Xin, you take someone first, and I'm going to save Ji Qian." Ye Shikai looked anxious, Ji Qian took more than thirty people there, what to do if such a person is in danger.

"No, I will never let you do this." Chen Yuxin suddenly rushed to Ye Shikai, holding him tightly.

"You let me go." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, but was pulled to death by Chen Yuxin.

"If Ruoya, take your aunt quickly withdraw." Chen Yuxin turned around and ordered, "Ghost, take the underworld guard to protect him and not let him pass."

"This ..." The ghost was so scolded by Chen Yuxin, it was a little bit embarrassing. Ye Shikai obviously wanted to save Ji Qian, but the shield formation of the ghost soldiers over there was unbreakable, and the storm would only lose more lives, and even Even Ye Shikai would be in danger.

"Hesitate, Jayton, you take someone to protect him." Chen Yuxin yelled, and in a hurry, her anger suddenly came up.

"Yes." Jayton and the dark guard immediately protected Ye Shikai behind him, and withdrew toward the back.

"Homeowner, you can withdraw quickly. There are a few of our elders here, and there is no problem in blocking them." Several elders of the Chen family said that they were all Chen Yuxin's confidants and the mainstay of the Chen family. The strength of the tricks period, and proficient in the Chen family's law formation, three or five people are enough to block a dozen people.

"Okay, stand up."



Ye Shikai dropped the sharp sword in his hand to the ground.

"You bastard, why stop me." Ye Shikai shouted at the members of the Hades, everyone ran along the road on the left for two or three kilometers, and finally got rid of the pursuit of the ghost soldiers. Qian was lost, and Ye Shikai's heart collapsed in half.

"The safety of grown-ups is the most important thing in the Hades. I have to do this in order to ensure the safety of grown-ups." Jayton knelt on one knee and pleaded guilty to Ye Shikai.


"Xiao Kai, this is all my order." At this time, Chen Yuxin also came over. Although Hukou was out of danger, her mood was very heavy. Ye Shikai's actions made her jealous ~ ~ But nothing was said.

"Huh." Ye Shikai snorted coldly, turned his head and lost his thoughts, hitting Shibi vigorously from time to time to vent.

"The situation was urgent just now. If you rush up and you can't save anyone, just put yourself in, what do you want me to do?" Chen Yuxin rushed to Ye Shikai and slaps him slap.

"What do you want my child and me to do?" Chen Yuxin's voice choked and Ye Shikai choked abruptly. Yeah, Chen Yuxin is now pregnant. If he had an accident, wouldn't the child be a posthumous child.

"You will rescue Miss Ji, I will definitely help you, but not now." Chen Yuxin said loudly.

"Yeah." Ye Shikai sat on the ground with his buttocks, there was no communication number in the ruins, he couldn't call at all, and he didn't know if Ji Qian was safe.

"Mr. Ye." At this time, a somewhat tired voice sounded behind the crowd. Turning around, Ji Tao came.

"Ji's owner."

"Mr. Ye, I need your help to rescue my daughter." Ji Tao sincerely said, "No matter how much I pay, I will."

"Master Ji, I don't want money, but I must save her." Ye Shikai said firmly.

"Brother, don't worry, Miss Jie Tianxiang, nothing will happen." Ji Feng persuaded.

"Huh, it's really touching." At this time, a cold voice sounded. It turned out that Li Yueying was talking next to him.

"Li Yueying, what do you want to do?"

"If you want, I ... can consider helping you," Li Yueying said lightly.

"What, really?"

"We were attacked by ghost soldiers just now. Although there were losses, we were just a dozen people. We were not hurt. So ... we have the opportunity and the ability to save people."

[End of Chapter] 5

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