Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1004: Threatening Li Yueying

Since ancient times, righteousness and evil do not stand against each other. Where there is "righteousness", there is naturally "evil". Although righteousness and evil are opposed, they are one. There is no absolute justice or absolute evil. Controversially, some witchcraft are too fierce and vicious, so they are defined as "evil" by "decent", but this witchcraft that manipulates the dead is not only unethical but also appalling.

How the ghost soldiers are formed is not the most critical at the moment. Ji Qian's preliminary judgment is that these two roads go in two directions, which also means that the two roads do not end up in the same direction. Convergence.

"Sir, why don't we stay where we are, maybe Lord Pluto is bringing someone back." Selina looked at the people behind her, twentieth and thirty. If you encounter ghost soldiers again, it would be really bad, And there is no Titan around, it is difficult to resist in case of danger.

"No, the road behind has been blocked by ghost soldiers. If you come, you may not be able to save us, but nine lives." Ji Qian pointed to the front "We can only move on."

"All right, I swear to follow the Lord."

"Everyone come with me." Ji Qian shouted, in fact, she did not know, the biggest fear comes from the unknown, the biggest loophole comes from within the team, when the atmosphere of fear is in an unreliable team It spreads, so there is no need to wait for the ghost soldiers to come, they have collapsed into a ball, and even killed each other, for the team and for herself, they can only bite the bullet and hard.

"What people." Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps from the road on one side. There were about a dozen people. There were not many visitors. Could it be other families who entered the ruins, most likely, there were still many. Families come in from other entrances, and it is normal to "encounter" in the middle.

The crowd set up their posture, and they didn't know who was coming. In case they started, they would fight hard.

Hey, hey, hey.

The footsteps approached little by little, and everyone was still breathing.

"Yo, Miss Ji, let's meet again." A cold voice sounded.

"It turned out to be you."


"Abominable, how can you get past it?" Ye Shikai slammed the stone wall hard. It seems that Ji Qian's loss of contact has dealt a great deal to him. In fact, although he is usually very sensible, once he involves his people, Then he can do everything, even a very irrational and ridiculous decision.

The directions of the left and right roads are opposite and cannot be merged. Ye Shikai must have also noticed this phenomenon, so he complained frequently.

However, all this was seen by Chen Yuxin.

"Xiao Kai, since it is a mausoleum, the arrangement must be regular. I think as long as it can lead to the final main tomb room, it will be able to meet there." Chen Yuxin stepped forward to comfort, now Ye Shikai is angry, even the ghost is not It is only Chen Yuxin who dares to easily find someone who can comfort him.

"Thank you, Xiaoxin, which surprised you just now." Ye Shikai leaned weakly against the stone wall and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"How can there be, those people dare to see the fortune of wealth, not to mention that you have to do it, I can't tolerate them as well. Those people dare to fight my man's idea, let them be buried here with Bai Qi." Chen Yuxin The voice became gloomy. If it wasn't for Ye Shikai's quick move just now, she would have already prepared for the killing ring. In fact, Chen Yuxin is very similar to Ye Shikai in this regard.

Whenever the person around her is involved, even if the other person is just a "malicious person who has not yet taken action," she also wants the other person's life.

"These people have to defend. After all, they are temporary alliances. The four elements have already been stabbed. I think there will still be someone who will do it again." Ye Shikai nodded. The matter just now was given to Li Yueying's dismissal. The elder who didn't know how to live and die dared to be so arrogant, largely because of Li Yueying's acquiescence, but now it seems that Li Yueying is more at ease, and now she can't find the trace of other people in Li Fu, in other words, Let's do it now, kill all the people in Li Fu, and let the two people in Chen Ji shut up. Even if the owner of Li Fu investigates, there is no one who can do it.

It's a very evil idea.

Ye Shikai thought for a while, now that he has basically torn his face with Li Fu, it might as well make good use of it.

"Li Yueying, the person who took you, go look in front." Ye Shikai turned around and shouted.

"What, I'm not mistaken, he asked Miss to come forward."

"Too much bullying."

"Mr. Ye, what do you say." This kind of statement, even Li Yueying, who has always been calm and calm, also has a frown on his face. He just met the ghost soldiers as soon as he entered. Isn't that the cannon fodder for the road.

"I said, let you and your people go ahead. Is there anything you don't understand?" Ye Shikai said coldly.

"I'm Miss Li Fu, why should I listen to you ~ ~ Li Yueying gritted her teeth and shouted fiercely.

"You are Miss Li Fu, yes, naturally you don't need to listen to me, but ... you can't listen to what it says." Ye Shikai slammed his sword sharply, and the speed was so high that everyone was unaware of it. The sharp sword has been inserted into the stone wall, and it is only twenty centimeters away from Li Yueying's head.

"Hey, smelly boy, you throw your sword with all your internal strength and you are sick." Sword soul's voice sounded. Indeed, the reason why Ye Shikai was able to throw such a "thunderous" sword was because of condensation. The internal force of the whole body is just one point to deter the people in Li Fu and make them afraid to act lightly.

Of course, Ye Shikai was desperately trying to play a look of indifference. Thanks to the help of "Inner Nerve", he quickly restored his internal strength.

"Don't make a lot of noise, help me recover my strength and let me finish."

"Well, I can't stand you."

"Li Yueying, if you don't want to obey, then don't blame me for being fragrant and precious." Ye Shikai said coldly, waved his hand, and Hades and others immediately put on a fighting posture. This set of "acts" frightened Li Yueying, she began to doubt that in case Ye Shikai really dared to take action, the guards and elders around him now were by no means Chen Ji's opponents.

"Anyway, I have already started the killing ring just now, and I don't care if I kill a few more." Ye Shikai turned around, took out the fire element, and gathered into a big fireball in the air.

"Brother, this ... I'm afraid it's not good, even if we don't intervene, if Li Fu knows, we'll probably get revenge." Ji Feng stepped forward to persuade.

"No, wait and see before deciding." Ji Tao looked dignified, keeping an eye on the situation in front of him.

"Okay, I'll kill one first." Ye Shikai sighed, and the ball of fire fell from the sky and hurled towards everyone.

.. m.

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